G2GAWAY’s Posts

on 7/4/16 8:10 pm
Topic: RE: What is on your 4th of July Menu RNYers?

I have been on it since surgery, but the surgeon has suggested I try to stop taking it. That is the only thing I am doing differently that could be causing the pain. I will check with him at my next visit. I just wondered what the reason was for wanting me to stop taking it. I am sure he told me, but I don't remember.  I am going to start taking it again.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 7/4/16 8:06 pm
Topic: RE: Thyroidectomy (or Hypothyroidism) = weight gain = more struggles with success in RNY??

I have been on thyroid medicine for 34 years, most of them on synthroid. It is monitored regularly and I have had it adjusted once in the past 10 years (downward-much to my chagrin, but it is not good for your body to take too much).  I had my RNY a year ago and so far the levels have stayed the same as in the past. I will continue to have it monitored and change if needed. So far I have lost 146 pounds, with only a bit more to go. Having the surgery was the best thing I have done. I would never have lost this weight (certainly not in a little over a year) otherwise. Good luck.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 7/4/16 1:55 pm
Topic: RE: What is on your 4th of July Menu RNYers?

I am enjoying the day off.  One of my daughters brought the new boyfriend home on Friday for us to meet and the other daughter came home to visit too, so the weekend was super busy.  The daughter and boyfriend left a couple of hours ago, so the three of us are watching a movie and resting. My stomach has been hurting this weekend and I don't know why. My stomach feels empty, but having a hard time eating. I've been sticking with proteins, so not sure what the problem is. We went to Lazy Dog on Saturday and I had chicken lettuce wraps, which was good. Went to the beach on Saturday, which was lovely.  We took sandwich stuff, but I skipped the bread and just ate meat and cheese, followed by steak for dinner. We hosted BBQ yesterday and we made ribs and hamburgers.  Instead, I had shrimp for appetizers and then grilled a few for dinner.  So, I am baffled by the stomach pain. Any ideas?  

I have a question about Prilosec.  How long after surgery did you take it?  What are the long-term affects of continuing it indefinitely?  Enjoy the rest of the day.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 7/2/16 6:14 pm
Topic: RE: What's on your Saturday Menu, RNYers?

Thanks for the update on Stacy. I had sent a couple of messages through here, but figure she isn't on the computer yet.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 7/1/16 12:14 pm
Topic: RE: What's on Your (photo) Friday Menu, RNYers?

Just popping in for a quick moment. Read a few posts, but will read more later.  I guess I would have to say the Eagles. I could sing along with every song.  Not sure why I never went. Maybe because they were such big venues when they came around.  But reading a few of the posts reminds me that I saw Elton John (a couple of times-Dodger Stadium and Vegas), the Ramones (UCLA Royce Hall) and Neil Young (Greek Theatre). Concerts are always so much fun.

BTW.  I met Barry Manilow and have a picture with him.  It was a fundraising event in Palm Springs and a friend's Dad had bought a table. Barry sang with Suzanne Somers and we got to meet them.  I'll have to dig that up for a future photo Friday.  He writes the songs that make the whole world sing.

B: Premier Protein 

L: No idea, but I am leaving as soon as I post this.  I better have a plan.

D: Out with daughter and the new boyfriend. Lazy Dog or BJ's-but it will be late. Hopefully they will have shrimp on the menu at Lazy Dog, because we may end up there because they want beer. Good thing that doesn't interest me in the slightest.

S:  Cheese and crackers

Hoping all is going well for Stacy today and this helps alleviate her concerns.

Pictures below are from our LA excursions at the Space Shuttle Endeavour/Science Center and The Broad Museum. We got super lucky and were able to get into the Infinity Room at the end of the day without reservations.  We lurked about and waited. You only get 45 seconds inside the room, but it was pretty cool.



5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 6/30/16 11:34 pm

Pickle sickles sound like the most awful thing I have ever heard of.  Whatever floats your boat.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 6/30/16 11:07 pm
Topic: RE: What's On Your Thursday Menu, RNYers?

I would love to see what you end up doing for wine storage. I've been saving lots of ideas on Pinterest. We have a couple of places we could add a room, but not sure if the expense is worth it.  The other option  is upstairs in our bonus room, but we rarely go upstairs (it's the only room up there.)  Have fun at the concert.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 6/30/16 11:48 am
Topic: RE: What's On Your Thursday Menu, RNYers?

Thank goodness tomorrow is Friday and it is a 3 day weekend, but I hate that the holiday is on Monday. We were hoping for an invite, because I hate to host too. But the one person who has a pool and usually has the party is going out of town to see her son.  Boo.  So, I sent a message to a few people to invite them to my house on Sunday because my daughter is coming down with her new boyfriend for a meet the parents and neighbors weekend, but they have to return on Monday so he can work that night (graveyard shift).  Not sure if my other daughter is coming or not (sibling disagreements).  I would just as soon have peace and harmony, so whatever happens happens. Either way, an exciting weekend is ahead for us.  

I hate to cook, but make great appetizers. People always ask for my spinach artichoke dip and cheese ball.  I will probably make both.  My go to now is to always bring a shrimp platter.  Good protein for me.

I am doing the opposite and skipping the gym tonight to meet up with a friend.  We just couldn't make a non-gym day work for her. Sometimes you just need a break.

Have a great day.

B:  Premier protein shake

L:  Grilled shrimp, salad, vegies

D:  Chicken fajitas

S:  Laughing cow cheese wedge and 6 saltines.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 6/30/16 11:41 am
Topic: RE: What's On Your Thursday Menu, RNYers?

Envious that I am on the West Coast.  Hope you all have fun! 


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 6/30/16 11:40 am
Topic: RE: What's On Your Thursday Menu, RNYers?

Sounds like an awesome time. We are trying to figure out a new wine rack/chiller situation.  Such a project.  For now, I moved my daughter's shoe rack and shoes (she hasn't lived here in 5 years) out of her closet and we moved a bunch of wine into her closet.  She is driving down tomorrow with all of the wines I bought in Napa at the beginning of the month and some more she picked up for me at her wine store, so I have lots of organizing to do. 

We saw Motown the Musical last year and part of it included the Diana Ross character coming out into the audience and performing as if she was in concert.  I was so into it, it seemed real!!! The audience was all holding hands and swaying together (yes, I was even holding hands with the random stranger next to me).  I can't imagine what this will be like!  So awesome!


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 6/28/16 11:30 pm
Topic: RE: What's On Your Tuesday Menu, RNYers?

It does take a long time for sizes to change at the higher weights, but it does change dramatically as you get closer to your goal. Now may be the time to go get a new hairdo.  Hairdressers can help come up with a style that will make the loss less noticeable. I used Nioxin shampoo and conditioner and took (still do) Hair, Skin, and Nails.  I lost hair, but not by the handful, although I felt it was that much sometimes. I am sure your weight loss is noticeable to all who see you and not solely hair related. The oly thing I wish is that I had done this years ago. I hope it all gets better for you.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 6/28/16 11:25 pm
Topic: RE: What's On Your Tuesday Menu, RNYers?

I've been thinking about you, but haven't had much time to get on the computer. If I recall correctly, your surgery is very soon. What is the date again?  I will be thinking of you and I hope that this brings you much needed relief and all of the results you desire.  Good luck. Keep us all posted.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 6/28/16 11:18 pm
Topic: RE: Oh my aching eyes!!!

My advice for eating out is to just order the protein.  Tell the server what you want and ask if you can get it on the side or on its own. That eliminates this problem. You aren't really at the point of eating meals, especially if you want to keep the focus on protein. I have been able to just order a scallop or shrimp skewer just about anywhere that serves them. Just ask. 


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 6/28/16 11:14 pm
Topic: RE: Weight loss with RNY

I have lost 146 pounds in 13 months, which puts me at the very top of the "normal" range. My doctor had said I would lose about 80% of my excess weight and I told him that I didn't plan to go through this surgery and not reach my personal goal. He said it was possible to lose more, this was just what typically happened. Ideally, I would like to lose 10-15 more, and I am still losing, just very slowly at this point.  Don't be discouraged.  Follow the plan, do the work. Change your eating habits and add some exercise.  You will get there.  This surgery is a tool that will help you achieve your results.  The rest is up to you.  You can do it.  Good luck.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 6/28/16 4:03 pm
Topic: RE: What's On Your Tuesday Menu, RNYers?

How do you manage to come up with such great QOTD every day (food or non-food related)?

I had time to read a few and am looking forward to reading the rest later tonight.  It is HOT HOT HOT here in the Inland Empire and I had to wear a suit today for the Board meeting, but I look great in my new Kaspar bargain-priced jacket (size 8) that was originally $100, on clearance for $34.99, then discounted another 30% at Macy's, making it $25, plus tax.  Woo hoo. 

I have one real brother who is 4 years younger than me (5 in school, so we never attended high school together).  He served in the Coast Guard and has been a Deputy Sheriff for 25 years or so. He lives about an hour away, and I only see him occasionally, but talk to his wife and kids frequently. Weird.  I also have 3 stepbrothers (my Mom remarried when I was 13).  The one I was closest to, my partner in crime, was killed by a drunk driver on New Year's Eve 1999.  I miss him a lot. One lives in Iowa and who knows what he is up to.  I hear some from his kids on facebook.  The other is in San Diego and stopped talking to me when my Mom died because I had respected her wishes and didn't invite him to the funeral.  Oh well. Family drama.  Both my stepdad and Mom have passed, so the connection that bound us all together is gone now.

I was rushed yesterday for lunch between meetings and had an apple pecan chicken salad from Wendy's, followed by chicken for dinner after the gym. I have decided that I am not liking chicken so much anymore.  I really do like seafood and shrimp the best.  So, here is today's plan.

Breakfast:  Premier Protein

Lunch:  Salmon, vegies, a little quinoa

Dinner:  Shrimp Skewers

Snack:  Chobani tube

Have a good rest of the day.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 6/25/16 7:23 pm
Topic: RE: What's on your (Photo) Friday Menu, RNYers?

Thanks!  I don't have the pain I used to have, but I have ugly toes now and also am very self conscious in sandals.  


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 6/24/16 11:36 am
Topic: RE: What's on your (Photo) Friday Menu, RNYers?

Thanks so much!!!  I love purple.  I had an awesome wardrobe that included many purple suit jackets, but sadly/happily none of them fit any more and I am working to replenish in smaller sizes.  Unfortunately, the only colors that seem to be out right now do NOT include purple. Hopefully they will come with the new fall stuff.  I am in Southern Cal about halfway between Disneyland and Palm Springs. Heading out to my other local shrimp place (near work) called Shrimp House for a skewer, salad and vegies.  I found it about 6 months after my surgery and it has been life changing to stay on track.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 6/24/16 11:33 am
Topic: RE: What's on your (Photo) Friday Menu, RNYers?

This makes me think I should go through all of the jewelry I had that no longer fit before surgery (bracelets too small, necklaces too short).  It will be just like shopping, only cheaper.  Your menu looks delicious.  I am heading out to go get some grilled shrimp for lunch at the local place near work. I need to find some moon cheese so I can add some crunch to my menu.  I had some before, but bought it in Northern Cal.  Where do you get it in So Cal?  What is the brand name>


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 6/24/16 9:54 am
Topic: RE: What's on your (Photo) Friday Menu, RNYers?

So much happening on these threads that I want to respond to, but sadly, by the time I get on them it is way too late. Today I am taking a  work break.  Anyway, I was excited to hear about all of the makeup finds yesterday.  I have always been a die hard Estee Lauder person and while I continue it for skincare, one of my daughters took me to MAC a few years back and I finally mastered eye liner (upper lid only) and I have stuck with their products for makeup. But I have never been able to find a mascara that I really like, so I am going to try some of these options when I can get out and buy them.  I haven't found anything new and exciting to share.

Envious of those that are going camping. I have a 5th Wheel and quads, but nobody wants to go any more.  Sad to hear about injuries and health issues. Hope everyone recovers.  Good news about RNY Elizabeth's clean bill of health. Can totally relate to the drama that goes with daughters.  Uggh.

Today's QOTD: SHRIMP SHRIMP SHRIMP  I especially love it grilled and there is a place near my house that sells a skewer of 4 shrimp with vegies (good sized shrimp) for $4.  And if I happen to get there on a day/time that is happy hour, it is only $2 a skewer.

This picture was from the weekend. I have worn a dress 2 times in the last 10 years or so (same dress-to a black tie wedding, and a work "gala"), but I got brave and bought 2 dresses last week and wore one out to dinner at a fancy place for Father's Day. I have to say I felt great and received a lot of compliments, so I am going to branch out and try to find some more. Of course, that involves new shoes too and I struggle with that because I have worn flats for so long. I ordered some shoes online (size 11s are hard to find in the store), but they both gave me toe cleavage and I cannot handle that, so they must be returned. I also have weird pinkie toes from hammertoe surgery many years ago, so my feet are a hot mess for shoes. Although I will wear flip flops away from work (my toes show), I will not wear open toed shoes that don't cover my baby toes (they must have a wide strap or be a peep toe) to work. Definitely a challenge, but it is my new quest.

I am going to play Bunco on Saturday with a group of ladies I have known since I was 18 (53 now). It was my Mom's group and many of the ladies are now in their 70s. I sub from time to time and they are trying to draft me in as a regular again, but I just can't add more on my plate. I prefer to be called to sub and be the "guest of honor." My husband and I are meeting our sort of local daughter on Sunday and going to see the Space Shuttle Endeavour, have lunch, and visit The Broad. So, it should be a fun weekend. Hope you all have fun doing whatever is on your agenda for the weekend.



5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 6/24/16 9:40 am
Topic: RE: What's on your (Photo) Friday Menu, RNYers?

Oh I hear you on size 11.  It is such torture to find shoes!!!


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 6/24/16 12:06 am
Topic: RE: What's On Your Thursday Menu, RNYers?

AWESOME!  So happy to hear the news.  I have been thinking of you. I had a benign lump removed in my early 20s. But it was definitely scary until I knew it was benign. 


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 6/21/16 9:52 am
Topic: RE: What's On Your Tuesday Menu, RNYers?

quick driveby on a break from training

In the absence of a sorting hat, I took a quiz on Buzzfeed to find out which Hogwart's house I would be in.  The results say Gryffindor (which was Harry Potter's house, so I am good with that).  I think I have "strength, courge, passion, and will."  Honestly, I would say I have a few characteristics from each of the houses shown in the graphic (some good, some not so much).  I would probably lean towards Slytherin as choice #2 because it says "triumph, determination, ambition, and charisma."  But I do like the lion symbol over the snake, so I will go with that.

Survived the day of training and cut off a one inch square of a cookie.   We left our airport hotel after the class and went to Jack London Square and walked along the harbor before dinner.  I managed to convince my coworker to go to Scott's Seafood (the best choice there for me), so I had sea bass and was very happy. He is vegetarian, so that is a bit of a challenge when reading the menus, but he made it work.  One more day of training and then airport food for dinner.

Other question of the day:  We currently have 2 cats.  One who is older and one who is about 5 years old.  Had to have one of our older kitties put to sleep this summer.  It was a long time coming and she was not moving too well, but it was still tough. We have run the gamut of pets through our lives....snakes, pheasants, chickens, horses-although not sure they are quite the same.  My kids think I am an unfit mother because I never let them have a dog.  However, my husband and I had dogs for a brief time and we found we are just not around enough for them (work and travel) and it isn't fair to the animal.  Fortunately, my Dad took them and kept them until they both died many years later. 

Have a great day.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 6/20/16 9:41 pm, edited 6/20/16 2:42 pm
Topic: RE: What's On Your Monday Menu, RNYers?

Now I feel there are two things I have to try one day, just to say I have...Turkish delight (although it doesn't sound like I am missing much) and Naan.  Where would I find these things?


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 6/20/16 9:09 pm
Topic: RE: How much longer will I lose?

My surgiversary was last month.  I have lost 146 pounds and just now am hitting the top of the normal BMI range.  My weight loss has definitely slowed down and when I start to complain (to myself) about not losing much, I look back and I have lost another 4 or 5 pounds (similar to you). My doctor says the honeymoon phase is 18 months as well, but people can continue to lose.  I have read about many on these boards who still lose after that time.  I think the secret is to take advantage of this period.  I am also going to the gym and trying to increase the percentage of muscle vs. fat  It sounds like you are doing great.  I would like to lose 10-15 more pounds, but am going to play it by ear and see if that even works for me now.  It has been 23 years or more since I was this weight and now I have lots of excess skin so not sure if that changes the realm of possibility for a goal weight.

Keep it up. You will reach your goal if you keep focused on your new habits.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 6/20/16 9:04 pm

Be patient.  You just had major surgery and are going through a complete lifestyle change.  It will get better every day.  Just focus on drinking water and following the rules for food progression. I am just over 1 year out and it has been a great journey. I feel better and look better than I have in years.  Wish I had done it years ago!  Good luck on your journey.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



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