G2GAWAY’s Posts

on 8/13/16 3:30 pm
Topic: RE: What's on your Saturday Menu, RNYers?

I am in the desert at a nice 113 degrees, but it is lovely in the pool. This is about an hour or so from my house, but it always feels like vacation. Happy to spend time with a friend and relax. B protein shake, L just ate my leftover Butterfish from dinner, which was delcious, heading to a steakhouse tonight. We are planning to share a mixed grill plate if they have it, so steak, shrimp, and scallops.  Heading back to the pool now. Late afternoon into evening is the best time. Dinner reservations aren't until 8, so I can enjoy my favorite time of day outside. Have a great weekend.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 8/13/16 3:25 pm
Topic: RE: What's on your Saturday Menu, RNYers?

What fun! Glad you are up to a Target outing. Pics of the two of you!!!


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 8/12/16 10:46 am
Topic: RE: What's on Your (photo) Friday Menu, RNYers?

Congrats on the AC.  We couldn't live without it. For years we have had the device on it where the electric company can turn it off if they want to due to excessive usage/need for electricity. It is supposed to give you a discount. Of course they always turn it off when you need it most. So last month we deactivated that thing. The maximum savings we were receiving was $200 a year and we decided that our comfort is worth $200.  So now we can run the air whenever we want. I still am a bit of an electricity nazi, but my husband goes behind me and changes the thermostat a degree or two all the time. I have to let him have some victories. Hah.

I have never eaten liverwurst and don't think I will. My grandma used to eat and it always looked gross to me. Different strokes for different folks and all that.

Eli Young Band concert was great last night. We had a bottle of wine and were in the 5th row. My husband is officially old because he thought the music was too loud up close. I need a new country concert buddy. We were very short on time and choices for food so we stopped at a McDonald's. THIS McDonald's did not have grilled chicken wraps...ugh. I ended up with a 4 piece kids McNugget meal. Nasty and not satisfying. I had to have the kids meal in order to get apples instead of fries. But I needed something on my stomach before I had the wine!  

I took today off and am leaving for Palm Desert with a friend for the weekend. The high tomorrow is 112, with a low of 83. So it will be hot! But I have my waterproof kindle cover, my pool raft, and lots of sunscreen. We are leaving in an hour and I haven't packed a thing, so I best get crackin.

B:  Premier Protein

L:  Not sure-we are eating when we get there. I'm packing some food just in case.

D:  Seafood at Roy's. So excited. I have a $25 off $50 purchase email coupon, so fancy food on a budget.

Here's a picture from last night. I am terrible at taking selfies. Can't master holding the phone, getting the right angle, and pushing the button.  

Stay cool everyone.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 8/12/16 10:10 am
Topic: RE: What's on Your (photo) Friday Menu, RNYers?

That is a funny play. Enjoy!


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 8/12/16 10:04 am
Topic: RE: What's on Your (photo) Friday Menu, RNYers?

That note is the BEST!  I'm all teary eyed.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 8/11/16 10:11 am
Topic: RE: What's On Your Thursday Menu, RNYers?

I didn't have a chance to post yesterday, but was wondering about the shower situation.  When our power is out, I can still shower (by candlelight).  But I have a gas water heater and city water.  So, I am trying to understand what prevented the showering.  I don't like my flying squirrel arms, but don't think I will have surgery for them, even though Cynthia's arms look AHHMAZING.  It's weird, but I will go sleeveless in my personal life, but NEVER at work.

I will have to try the Buddig pouches. I made a Costco run last night because Premier Protein is on coupon and also picked up some Balanced Breaks.  Haven't had those in a while, and you all have been talking about them. It was a 12 pack of two different kinds for $8.99.  That is 75 cents each.  Bargain!  It's funny, but I am always trying to get my husband to eat my leftovers and food because I don't like leftovers, and your husband is always eating your food.  I guess I would be mad if my husband ate "my" food too.  Fortunately, he doesn't like most of what I like.

My menu is up in the air tonight because hubby and I are going to a winery to see the Eli Young Band and it is a bit of a drive in traffic, so no telling how much time we will have to eat, even with leaving work about an hour early.  We may just be picking something up along the way, but I will make the best choice possible.  So, yesterday's menu was:

Premier Protein, Grilled Chicken Wrap (minus half the tortilla-I kind of miss tortillas even more than bread), Laughing Cow Cheese wedge and crackers, chicken lettuce wraps for dinner (I pretend they are tortillas, but I am oddly satisfied with that).

Oh yeah QOTD:  Shoulders and butt I guess.  My hubby is losing his butt in his older age, haha, but it's still cute.

Have an awesome day everyone.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 8/11/16 10:10 am
Topic: RE: What's On Your Thursday Menu, RNYers?

Congratulations on the two year surgiversary. You are so good with your exercise. I hope I can stick with the exercise for life.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 8/9/16 9:57 pm

Any update?  Hope all went well and they were able to help get things back on track.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 8/9/16 11:06 am
Topic: RE: What's On Your Tuesday Menu, RNYers?

Well, now that I have read this, I may be able to friend people on facebook.  I love facebook, but have hesitated adding people because I have kept silent about my surgery with most people.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 8/9/16 11:05 am
Topic: RE: What's On Your Tuesday Menu, RNYers?

Initially, I was not eating enough fat and my skin was getting horribly dry.  The doctor told me I had to have more fat in my diet.  My coat is shinier now.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 8/9/16 11:04 am
Topic: RE: What's On Your Tuesday Menu, RNYers?

Someone has to be the last one to post!  I always read at night, so a late post will typically still be read by at least one person


I hate commercials.  I was watching it live last night, and it DROVE ME CRAZY!


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 8/9/16 11:03 am
Topic: RE: What's On Your Tuesday Menu, RNYers?

Quick post before it gets too late. 

QOTD:  I was gone all weekend and came home hoping to catch up on some Olympics, but the AT & T Uverse was completely dead. No internet, no TV.  System wide issues that have since been fixed, so I watched a bit of Men's Team Gymnastics last night.  I would have to say I am more of a Winter Olympics fan (all of it).  In fact, I tell the story to my much younger co-workers who laugh at me, but when my husband and I got married in late 1983, we moved into our condo with a small black and white TV.  Color TVs existed, we just didn't have one.  So, in preparation for the 1984 Winter Olympics, we bought a color TV.  We were so excited.  So, I will catch some of the Olympics in the evenings, but I have a busy couple of weeks and will be out of town this weekend too.  If I have to choose a summer event, it would probably be Women's Gymnastics, of course.

Menu is up in the air today.  Premier Protein for breakfast, going to lunch with friends at work and they have not chosen a place yet.  There is always a good protein choice available.  Dinner will be shrimp.  Snack will be Laughing Cow cheese wedge and a few crackers.

Have a great day, y'all.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 8/9/16 10:50 am
Topic: RE: What's On Your Tuesday Menu, RNYers?

Love the jewelry box and the fabulous hat.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 8/8/16 11:53 am
Topic: RE: What's On Your Monday Menu, RNYers?

I couldn't agree more.  Weekends need to be longer and I need time to recover. We were busy all weekend and arrived home at 10 pm last night.  Busy week ahead too, but I kind of like to stay busy.  There is a restaurant that serves an appetizer called "Heavenly Biscuits," and they are served with butter and honey.   I haven't been there since my RNY, but boy I could eat a couple of those biscuits with honey. I was going to post a picture here, but you can just google them Gulf Stream Heavenly Biscuits. They are delicious. Maybe one day I can have one again. Thank goodness I don't go here very often.

I too hate exercise.  However, I have been working out with a personal trainer since last October.  I have told him that I will likely have to continue with him forever, because having an appointment is what keeps me from skipping it.  I work out with him twice a week, followed by the treadmill or on the rare occasion, the stair climber (I hate that because I have big feet and those steps are small).   It has helped me in so many ways, so while I say I hate exercise, I actually kind of miss it if I have to skip for some reason (planned in advance).  I prefer to be active through hiking or doing something fun.  This weekend we parked in LA (both days) and then walked to the different places we were going. My husband complained when we got home last night and asked if I was sore from it, and I wasn't, so that means that setting the treadmill with a steep incline has helped me tremendously.

Have a great day.

B: Premier Protein

L:  Shrimp, salad, vegies

D: Chickfila grilled nuggets, fruit cup

S:  Cheese Wedge and crackers, maybe yogurt tonight if needed


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 8/6/16 10:12 am
Topic: RE: What's on your Saturday Menu, RNYers?

Have a great day celebrating  today. QOTD: I remember my friend had a surprise party for me in my 18th birthday and that was fun. And for my 50th, I planned a trip to Cabo with my husband and one daughter (the other one was stidying abroad in Argentina) and went fishing for marlin. No marlin, but caught a big Dorado (mahi mahi), so that was pretty memorable. I like to enjoy life, so I live every day like it's my birthday or as the song says, "live like you are dying." Heading to dinner and the Hollywood Bowl tonight, so menu is unknown, but it will involve seafood and wine.

Carpe diem my friends.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 8/5/16 12:03 pm, edited 8/5/16 5:03 am
Topic: RE: What's on Your (photo) Friday Menu, RNYers?

So late to the party today. I have been trying to get on early and post.  Somehow I overslept completely today. Cannot recall when that last happened.  Strolled in to work a little before 9 (vs. 8-8:30 so it wasn't terrible).  Had to take an exam due today from the 2 months of training I had related to stuff I don't actually do, but need to know from a general perspective. OMG. So fricking stressful. Finally, I said, I DGAF what I get, it's not like I would get a bad grade or be fired or something, so I just took it. Terribly detailed information for the technical experts and that is not me. I am the big picture overseer. Ha. Anyway, it is done, just in the nick of time. Uggh.  

Busy weekend ahead, my No Cal daughter is driving down tonight and then we are all heading to the Hollywood Bowl (with my other daughter) for the LA Philharmonic conducted by Dudahmel, complete with the USC Marching Band and Fireworks.  My daughter has always wanted to see him since she learned about him in college and then studied abroad in Argentina (where he is from).  Then we are spending the night and heading to the LA Skyspace https://www.skyspace-la.com/ which is a tall building in LA with views and riding the Skyslide down the side of the building, followed by dinner (just hubby and I) and a magic show/play at the Geffen Playhouse (never been there, but the guys that sit behind me at the Pantages every show highly recommended this show). http://www.geffenplayhouse.org/in-and-of-itself  We will have to figure out what to do with ourselves for a few hours in the afternoon.  Maybe go to a museum or something. 

 So, we are making a local mini vacation out of the weekend, even though I should be at home doing laundry or paying bills or something.

QOTD:  I don't usually cut my legs, but I oftentimes will stare down and see one random hair around my ankles that I must miss every time I shave.

Menu for yesterday:

Premier Protein, Grilled shrimp, green beans, salad, went to Subway for the first time and got a chicken breast that they heated and cut up for me with some provolone cheese on top of salad and went to a free concert in the park  It was delicious, greek yogurt for a snack. 

I am a terrible selfie taker, but my husband took this for me last weekend because I was trying to send a picture of the shoes to my daughter.  Have a great weekend everyone!!!


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 8/5/16 11:51 am
Topic: RE: What's on Your (photo) Friday Menu, RNYers?

Chicken lettuce wraps at PF Changs are a good choice.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 8/5/16 11:46 am
Topic: RE: What's on Your (photo) Friday Menu, RNYers?

Adorable pic. Adorable shirt.  Adorable you.  Have an awesome birthday palooza.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 8/4/16 11:02 pm

Daisy is right on target. I struggled with liquids at first and I tried all sorts of things.  Crystal light, 5 calorie cranberry juice, hot tea, cold tea, carnation instant breakfast, warm water, cool water, cold water, among other things (all approved by the doctor). I also used those little plastic cups and struggled to drink each one of them, but I forced it because I had heard and read that dehydration is one of the leading causes of going back to the hospital.  Vitamins were tough, but they are the least of your worries right now. Like she said, do what you can. 

I was exhausted for the first 6 weeks. My doctor gave me some little one ounce containers for food and I couldn't even eat half of one at a time. You learn to eat cold food because nothing stays warm or hot by the time you can eat it. Just eat a little at a time. Be patient with yourself. Things get sooooooo much better. I am almost 1 year 3 months out now and wouldn't change it for the world. I never really got depressed after having the surgery. I knew it was just something I had to endure until things changed. It is a means to an end. Focus on the long term result, which is improved health.

You will get through this. Be patient with yourself, you just had major surgery and are going through a lot of physical and emotional change.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 8/4/16 10:48 pm
Topic: RE: What's On Your Thursday Menu, RNYers?

They have an option to make any sandwich into a salad, so I made a chicken and provolone sandwich and had them heat the chicken.  It was delicious.  They didn't have a pork option.  I guess all stores offer different things.  It was $1 less than a regular sandwich and included more lettuce.  You can get a 6 inch size or 12 inch size, which basically just doubles the protein.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 8/4/16 10:46 pm
Topic: RE: What's On Your Thursday Menu, RNYers?

Wasn't it all about guilty pleasures? Haha.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 8/4/16 10:45 pm
Topic: RE: What's On Your Thursday Menu, RNYers?

Oh I guess I must have missed that you fell. Hope things are going better. I think I live too far away to consider him. I don't know that I would want to fly after surgery(ies).  Hopefully there is a good one out here.  My doctor recommended one, but I will have to start researching.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 8/4/16 9:05 am
Topic: RE: What's On Your Thursday Menu, RNYers?

Glad to hear you slept better.  I started wearing a new fitbit and don't like to see what it tells me about my sleep.  Got home super late last night because I went to see Cabaret at the Pantages Theater, so according to fitbit, I slept 6 hours and 15 minutes, was awake 2 times, restless 18 times, and spent 32 minutes awake.  I think I preferred not knowing.  Oh, and I saw the actress Emma Stone there with her mother and had to talk to her (but didn't let on that I knew who she was because she was clearly trying to avoid people) when she left her ticket in the bathroom stall.  I didn't get to post yesterday because work got in the way, but I had a premier protein shake, chicken fajita meat with half a tortilla (L), salad, pulled pork from a pulled pork sandwich (no bread), a little salad (D).

Plans today include premier protein shake, shrimp and vegies for lunch, and picking up something at Subway for dinner (haven't eaten there since surgery over a year ago-so any suggestions? I hear you can get things chopped up in a salad instead of the bread) as I am going to see an Eagles tribute band at a City Concert in the Park event.  I will throw a snack in there this afternoon, probably cheese and crackers.

Guilty pleasure music....I love musical theater and show tunes.  No guilt here.  I listen to lots of music, but always surprise my husband when I sing the words to electronic dance type or hip hop music.  It comes from years of driving teenagers in the car.  And I do love a lot of Justin Bieber's music.  Don't judge.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 8/4/16 9:03 am
Topic: RE: What's On Your Thursday Menu, RNYers?

I have been thinking of you and hoping things were improving quickly and that was just the random low point of it all.  It seems that overall you have had a pretty positive experience with 3 major surgeries (in addition to RNY).  Anxious to see your results.  I am really considering doing plastic surgery sooner than later, but I got nervous this week after your difficulties. I just don't know when the right time is to do it in the process, and then to try and take all that time off of work is a challenge too.  

Keep getting better!!!  Can't wait to see pics.  I will have to log on to this stuff from home though, so later tonight.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 8/4/16 9:01 am
Topic: RE: What's On Your Thursday Menu, RNYers?

Oh I remember that song.  Loved it.  We listened to it alot when the kids were young.  It was always on the compilation party music CDs that we had.  Enjoy the meetup!


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



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