G2GAWAY’s Posts

on 11/1/17 10:34 pm
Topic: RE: What?s on your Wednesday menu RNYers?

I haven't been on here much these days, but just saw your message. I will be thinking of you and hoping all goes well and that you have a very successful surgery and speedy recovery. And, No I CANNOT believe it is November 1st. Time jut seems to go faster and faster. Which patches are you on? Patch MD? I have been on them for several months now and just got labs back and my ferritin has plummeted again to an 8 (was 293 after my infusion 2 months ago-hemoglobin and iron are good). Ugh. I may have to take another supplement. The doctor is going to call me tomorrow to discuss.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/18/17 10:09 pm
Topic: RE: Iron Infusion Update

Thank goodness insurance covered mine. I have no idea what the cost would have been.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/18/17 10:09 pm
Topic: RE: Iron Infusion Update

I had asked about shots since my Dad gets those with his dialysis, but my doctor didn't recommend that for me. I also tried Vitron C which is iron and C together, but it didn't help. Maybe over time it would have done it, but I needed to get my levels up quick. I am currently trying the Iron patch, along with a multi vitamin patch, and Calcium/Vitamin D. I will be anxious to see the results of my next labs that includes vitamins, etc.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/18/17 10:06 pm
Topic: RE: Iron Infusion Update

Since you exclusively eat red meat, I doubt you will ever get to be one of the cool kids. I think you are better off though, so don't go changing to try to fit in.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/18/17 10:04 pm
Topic: RE: Iron Infusion Update

Hope everything went well and you have great results from it.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 9/14/17 9:38 pm
Topic: RE: Iron Infusion Update

So I wanted to post the results of my iron infusion I opted for the all day version of the infusion vs. several visits over several weeks. I had 1,000 mg of iron dextran and it took about 6-1/2 hours. The doctor wanted to give me 1,200, but the hospital policy limited it to 1,000. I ended up working from home the next day, but not because I felt bad from the infusion. There were delays in the procedure and I didn't end up getting home until 1 am. If I hadn't been so desperate to feel better, I would have left and done it another time, but I wasn't leaving until it was done. No side effects, no complications. I had labs done 2 weeks later and my results were great. The doctor is very pleased with them and I feel a gazillion times better (took a week or so to really feel like I was back to "normal"). My Ferritin was 3, Iron was 11 and Hemoglobin was 8.0.Ferritin is now 239 (actually a tad high), Iron is 57, and Hemoglobin is 10.4. I have a standing order with the lab now to get everything checked every 2 months and will get another infusion when the numbers decline or I start to feel how I did before. If you are struggling with low levels and low energy, push the doctor to get an infusion sooner rather than later.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 8/29/17 11:59 pm
Topic: RE: Iron supplement making me nauseous (at least that is what I think is causing it) any advice?

I took Vitron C for months and it didn't help my iron numbers. (I think I just read what your husband bought wrong-maybe you are just taking iron with vitamin C in addition-can't go back and check without risking losing my post). In fact they continued to decline. I did have an infusion a couple of weeks ago and have had new labs run. Will get the results on Thursday. I am anxiously awaiting them, but can tell you I feel much better already. I'm hopeful this will keep me going for a year and I am going to do try the patch iron after I talk to the hematologist. The oral iron (65 mg stuff like you were taking) just killed my stomach. I was having all kinds of issues with that this past month or two. I will report back on the infusion results. How long are they going to make you wait before they will proceed with an infusion? It was a lengthy process since I opted to do it in a one-shot deal and it took 6-1/2 hours to infuse the dose, but I am glad I did it and pushed to get it done sooner than later. I had waited long enough. Hope this new stuff works for you and stops the stomach problems.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 8/19/17 2:14 pm
Topic: RE: Hematologist

Thanks. We were trying most of everything on your list already. Taking it 2-3 times a day. I had not heard about the tea thing, but I typically was taking it with water. I get new labs run next Thursday, so I am anxious to see what they show. I am considering trying the iron patch instead of the pills because they do tear up my stomach. I will see the doctor in 2 weeks and ask her about that. They also had me trying Vitron C for my iron which combines Vitamin C with the iron (65 mg). They also suggested taking Emergen-C at the same time (to add the Vitamin C). I am definitely feeling better since the infusion.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 8/10/17 8:44 pm
Topic: RE: Hematologist

Would you want to share the other recommendations from your hematologist? I am looking for things that I can do to keep my levels up.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 8/9/17 7:53 pm
Topic: RE: Hematologist

You have to aggressively push the issue. I have been dealing with plummeting numbers for months now. Bariatric surgeon kept wanting me to try different things, like different iron tablets, patches, etc. When the levels didn't improve (and instead went down again), I made an appointment with my primary care and we discussed things that had been done thus far. He wanted to rule out other issues like ulcers, review prior colonoscopy results, etc. He then referred me to a hematologist. She too took a conservative approach as she had a patient recently have a bad reaction to the infusion and she felt she needed to exhaust other options and she put me on more oral iron (different kind, strength). She gave me lab slips for one that day to get a baseline, and one 4 weeks out, and another one 8 weeks out.

After I got the baseline results, I immediately called her and told her I did not want to wait any longer as the levels had gone down again. I am typing this from the hospital while I am getting a mega dose of iron. It takes 6 hours to get the whole dose in. It's been a long day with issues on the dosing amount (got here at 9 am, it is now 8 pm-but I am supposed to be done at 11 pm and am getting out tonight). There was an option to go multiple times over multiple weeks or months, but I was done with dragging this out. So, make the appointment. Be insistent.

They had never measured my ferritin before this last time (just iron and hemoglobin-among other things). My ferritin is 3, so I would start the process now so you don't end up like me.

My hemoglobin was 13.7 in January 2015, 12.9 December 2015, 10.5 December 2016, 9.4 March, April, May 2017, 9.1 June 19th, 8.0 July 17th.

Iron was 63 May 2016, 22 April 2017, 16 in May and June, 11 on July 17th. Ferritin of 3 on July 17th. I had my RNY May 2015.

Even with all of these results, I would still have had the surgery. Definitely the risks of not having it far outweighed this issue that I am now working to resolve.

I agree with the other posts, Urgent Care won't likely solve the issue. Be insistent with your PCP. Good luck.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 8/9/17 8:03 am
Topic: RE: Iron Infusion-Received approval from insurance

Thanks everyone for all of the info. I am going in by 9 am today. Hopefully, I will not have any reactions and will feel the results quickly. I will keep you all posted.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 8/7/17 11:13 pm
Topic: RE: Iron Infusion-Received approval from insurance

I had posted about this topic recently and people replied and gave me good information. i have been my own advocate and after getting the last "baseline" labs that the hematologist sent me for (prior to adding additional oral iron), the numbers had continued to decline. I received the results while out of the country, and on my first day home I called the doctor and told her that I did not think I should wait until the next labs came back before proceeding. She immediately submitted the request to insurance last week Tuesday. The insurance has approved it; now I am waiting for the hospital to have a bed for me. I opted for the overnight stay to get it all done in one shot vs. multiple visits. They approved Iron Dextran. I know there are other options out there, but this was the doctor's recommendation and what insurance approved. Does anyone have any experience with this? Is there anything I need to know prior to the infusion? What can I expect? What should I be doing on my own to help with the process? I know they give me a small dose with an antihistamine to see if I have a reaction, then they administer the full dose. What else should I be asking the doctor? Many people recommended that they test my ferritin levels. Not sure why that wasn't done in the many tests up until recently, but I just had it done and my Ferritin is a 3. Not sure what it was before, but it is definitely in the tank now. My other levels are Hemoglobin 8 and Iron of 11. The hemoglobin and iron have gone down to these levels even since my test one month before.

How long after the infusion will I start to feel more energy? I have definitely hit the wall and am anxious to get the infusion. I am a high energy person, so this is really bothering me to not be able to do all the things I want to do. Thanks for any tips and advice.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 7/9/17 11:43 am
Topic: RE: Need advice-Question re: Iron and Hemoglobin lab results

Thanks everyone for the info. My primary doctor agreed that we had tried the necessary things and it was time to get an iron infusion so he is working on a referral to a hematologist. It's an HMO, but they are usually pretty quick when they refer to a physician in the network. He figures she will run some additional lab work before proceeding, but hopefully things will progress quickly. I'm going on vacation in less than two weeks, so I don't know if anything will happen before that or if I should wait until I return.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 7/5/17 11:32 pm
Topic: RE: Need advice-Question re: Iron and Hemoglobin lab results

Thanks for the info. I had seen a previous post you had made about injectafer, so I will mention it to the doctor. I know he won't do any of this himself, but will refer me. I had asked about infusions before, so I'm definitely ready for them. I just need to get a doctor to do it if they think it is the right thing. I will ask about testing ferratin. It is odd that my bariatric surgeon has never run that test, although they take about a dozen vials when I go in for labs. I do eat shrimp just about every day, and of course chicken, steak, and green leafy vegies. Since I'm using the patch now, I'm not sure what to do about adding vitamin C to help with them.

Thanks again.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 7/5/17 10:43 pm
Topic: RE: Need advice-Question re: Iron and Hemoglobin lab results

Hi everyone. I haven't posted in a while. I still read when I can, but with the West Coast time zone and time difference, I feel that I get on too late to dialogue and I started a new job so have had less free time. I am doing well in maintenance, eating protein forward, and continuing to work out with a trainer.

Anyway, I need some advice. My hemoglobin and iron levels have been declining. I am starting to get a bit worried about them. My primary doctor had me return to my bariatric surgeon to check things (which I was doing anyway) and he changed my iron a couple of months ago. That wasn't making a difference, so he had me start on the patches. I am very diligent about taking the vitamins and using the patches. I do eat red meat even though it is not my favorite. I think it is simply due to the RNY and malabsorption. The surgeon doesn't seem to be a fan of iron transfusions or getting more aggressive. I had lab work done a couple of weeks ago to see how the first month of the patch had changed things. It had not. I have an appointment with my primary doctor tomorrow (Thursday). I have to see him to get "notes" in the file so he can refer me elsewhere. What should I push for? I have seen some posts about ferritin levels. This is not something they have ever tested me for, even in regular physicals. Should I be asking about this? Below are the levels that I have tracked. My RNY was in May 2015. Any advice is appreciated. Thank you. Cory

Hemoglobin (normal 11.7-15.5)

13.7 January 2015

13.8 May 2015

12.9 December 2015

10.5 December 2016

9.4 March 2017

9.4 April 2017

9.4 May 2017

9.1 June 2017

Iron (normal 45-160)

63 May 2016

22 April 2017

16 May 2017

16 June 2017


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 3/26/17 12:27 pm
Topic: RE: What's on your Sunday Menu RNYer?

I liked it alot. My husband, daughter, and her boyfriend went and all liked it too I thought the effects were great..I have seen the musical three times in the last 20 years. Two at the big LA theatres, one local. I love the story every time. And I love Lumiere.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 3/26/17 10:43 am
Topic: RE: What's on your Sunday Menu RNYer?

I can totally relate to not missing trailers. (My husband doesn't care). I just have to be in my seat before they start. Went with friends a year or so ago and we were late. It bothered me the whole time. Yesterday we went to an iPic theatre to see Beauty and the Beast and it is an hour away from our house. Add in traffic and accidents and we barely made it on time. But when we got there they said I oh it's fine there are 10 minutes of previews. I would have been so mad. We were in our luxury reclining seats in time for previews, so all was good with the world.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 3/16/17 10:09 pm
Topic: RE: How Can I eat so much, so quick at week 9?

Wanted to add that one day you can have crackers again. Today (at nearly 2 years out), I had 4 crackers with a Laughing Cow cheese wedge as a snack in the afternoon.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 3/16/17 10:05 pm
Topic: RE: How Can I eat so much, so quick at week 9?

My doctor's advice early on was to eat until I was satisifed-NOT full. That helped change my whole perspective on eating.

Someone posted once, that if you are hungry and want a snack, ask yourself if you would eat protein. If you wouldn't, then you aren't really hungry. Focus on dense protein and give up the crackers and carbs.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 3/16/17 10:00 pm
Topic: RE: What's on Your Thursday Menu, RNYers?

That is great news about your Mom and hubby. So happy for you and your family.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 3/16/17 9:59 pm
Topic: RE: What's on Your Thursday Menu, RNYers?

I wish I had that problem. My Hemoglobin levels are declining....Quite normal (normal range is 11.7-15.5) back in January 2015 at 13.7, 13.8 in May 2015, (had RNY in May 2015), 12.9 in December 2015, 10.5 in December 2016 (preop for plastics so I started adding even more iron), and then just had a test for my annual physical and it is 9.4. WTH? I know some people have had iron infusions. What were your levels when you had them? Were there rough side effects from the infusion? I went and saw my bariatric surgeon right after my physical and he wants me to try some different iron for a month and see how the levels work. He has me taking Vitron-C. Any thoughts from those who have gone through it?


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 3/16/17 9:54 pm
Topic: RE: What's on Your Thursday Menu, RNYers?

I know it is super late, but had to say I have purchased my tickets at the fancy reclining seat theater to see Beauty and the Beast next weekend. I tried to get opening weekend tickets (a few weeks ago) and they were already sold out. I love all Disney movies. My kids loved Lion King, so I guess that was one of my favorites too.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 3/14/17 11:37 pm
Topic: RE: Twas the Night Before Surgery

Good luck. Walk and sip...Walk and sip.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 3/6/17 10:02 pm
Topic: RE: I've been wondering...

If I recall correctly, I was on liquids for a week (but didn't do protein drinks for quite a while). Then I had soft foods for a week or so, whi*****luded refried beans with cheese, eggs, mashed potatoes with cheese (this was only during this time-potatoes were off limits for quite some time after that), greek yogurt. I was able to eat cheese and deli lunch meat, soft fish and scallops by the 4th week. Follow your surgeon's plan and listen to your body. I was also able to eat beef jerky during week 3, but had to chew it to smithereens. It really helped with protein because I eat it throughout the day in little bits and pieces.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



on 2/21/17 9:09 pm
Topic: RE: What's on your Menu Today (Tuesday) RNYers?

That is so awesome that you sold everything you put up. I would love to see some pictures.


5'7" Starting Weight: 305

Current Weight: 145



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