Happy Sunday-funday! What are you eating today?

on 10/20/24 4:58 am
RNY on 11/21/16

Good morning ~ How's your weekend going so far? Yesterday turned into the best rest/lazy day. We hustled all morning and got a million things done around the house, ran all the errands and chilled most of the afternoon. I think I got a couple of naps in for about 3 hours total, very nice! Dinner was fab, the old Salem's Lot was not as interesting we hoped and cut that a 1/4 of the way through and moved on. My obsession comes from the fear of that movie when I was a kid - oh the nightmares! No nightmares now except for work ones. Today we are going on the hike for sure w/Chloe, finish the patio clean up and the kids are coming over. Rob is smoking a tri-tip and of course we are watching football.

QOTD - Are you a meal prepper, or do you wing it? Something in-between? I've been all of those things. From the all day Sunday cooking, chopping, bagging and packing to 100% winging it - looking in the fridge on a Monday morning before work and praying I got this. These days I don't meal prep, but I do shop well so I have plenty of options to grab and go, or simply put together for meals, especially on work days.

Accountability - I called a last minute rest day - no regrets - 5 active min and 4,943 steps. Today I am 168.0 and have a a mini outdoor hike and a longer hike on the treadmill planned.

B- coffee, leftover filet and an egg

l- ham and cheese on protein bread

d - tritip and potato salad

s- rootbeer protein float, apple, watermelon

Have a great day!

RNY 11/21/16 - HW/SW 309 LW 150

REVISION 4/10/23 - HW 240 SW 225 CW 164 GW 155

on 10/20/24 7:58 am
RNY on 10/29/19

Good morning! I'm fresh out of the shower and having my coffee in the sunshine. We are having an unexpected third? summer and it's pretty perfect outside.

I also to a rest day yesterday. I ate well, but no intentional movement. Had a great time out at the Softball trick or treat event and only ate 1 mini butterfinger. I mean, come on. Candy everywhere. That's a huge win. I also ate 1.5 street carne tacos. Really could not have asked for anything more on plan. All water, all day. 264 move calories, 11 minutes of exercise minutes, 5,593 steps, 90 grams of protein.

Today is softball again and then a list of chores I'd like to accomplish. I have no exercise planned and I am not dressed for it. Maybe I'll surprise myself with a walk this afternoon.

QoTD: I buy about a weeks worth of meals and have all the stuff in the fridge. When I shop, I plan out each of the meals and decide what sides I need with the proteins. Then I usually create a menu for the week on my phone so I remember what I bought everything for. I rarely pre-make stuff, but I'm saying I'm a half prepper for all the good choices I load into the fridge once a week or so.

Bites today

B: chicken, hb egg, cottage cheese, EBTB

L: Quest cheese crackers and single size serving of jerky at the game

D: carne asada and grilled veggies

3 ish: greek yogurt and Jello chocolate pudding mix

9 ish: jerky if I am hungry and need more protein.


Height 5'3"

HW 200

surgery date 10/29/19 177.9

CW 121.4

goal weight 125

White Dove
on 10/20/24 8:42 am - Warren, OH

For many years I have used an app called Paprika. It stores my recipes, keeps track of what is in the pantry, lets me create a menu and then generate a grocery list of everything I will need. I do the planning on the PC and then sync to my phone. At the store I bring up the grocery list and check off each item as I put it in my cart. When I had other people to cook for I hung the week's menu on the bulletin board in the kitchen.

Since it is just me now, I am a lot more flexible. I use a lot of frozen foods because I only use a small amount at a time. I never did meal prep, but looked for things I could fix in a hurry. The things I really like, stews, pot roasts, soups, chili require a large amount that I end up freezing in single serving containers and freezing.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 10/20/24 9:31 am
RNY on 11/21/16

I love simple recipes that produce good leftovers like the ones you mentioned!

RNY 11/21/16 - HW/SW 309 LW 150

REVISION 4/10/23 - HW 240 SW 225 CW 164 GW 155
