Happy Saturday!! What's on your menu today?

on 10/19/24 5:15 am
RNY on 11/21/16

Good morning ~ Yay for the weekend! I can't sleep in ever due to Bubs - but I love him dearly. We are on the couch just chilling together now. After almost losing him a few months ago, he sure has come around and I'd do anything for him. Yesterday was fabulous - I got my hair done and all is right with the world again! It took 4.5 hours which is average for me. I'm dying by the end and really want to leave with wet hair, but the blow out is the finale and best part. Afterwards I went grocery shopping and home for the sad Dodgers game, then we watched Salem's Lot. It was gruesome! Now we have to watch the original campy version again tonight, It'll be comical compared. Today we are taking Chloe on a mini hike, I have things to do around the house, some errands to run, grilling tonight and I'd love nice nap too.

QOTD - Snacking - When is your worst time? Do you avoid snacking - can you simply abstain or is it a white-knuckle situation? Do you have a plan? Even though I'm more of a meal person, I love a snack and need a snack option. After trying to abstain from snacks for years, I would give in and sometimes and blow it. Snacks happens and now I plan for them so I'll stay on track. It's nice to know I have options that I look forward to and satisfy me so I can stay on track. It's mostly protein snacks and fruit which is a treat for me.

Accountability - Swapped lunch for popcorn and jerky, I got 31 active minutes and 6,190 steps and that is with treadmill even. Today I am 167.4, 30 minutes on treadmill after this and a mini hike later.

B coffee, eggbeater and cheese wrap

l - ham and cheese on protein bread

d- filet mignon, 1/2 baked potato w/greek yogurt

s- quest chips, watermelon, apple, tomatoes

Have a great day!

RNY 11/21/16 - HW/SW 309 LW 150

REVISION 4/10/23 - HW 240 SW 225 CW 164 GW 155

on 10/19/24 7:28 am
RNY on 10/29/19

Nice photo Amy!!!

Good morning, I too was up before the sun. For no reason. I'm sitting in the sunlight that is coming from the sunrise and it's one of my favorite things to do. Sunlight really can change my frame of mind.

Accountability for yesterday. A total win on food and water. Not so great on limiting wine at the party last night. It's not that I drink a ton, it's that I don't process it well and should really stop at one glass. Another goal to add to my list of things to master. Move calories 861!!! Exercise minutes 169 and 10,679 steps. Proud of that effort. I got several things done around the house and got some reading done. Nice day for me.

Today we are just hanging out until we join the Grands for Trunk or Treating at the softball fields at 6. I am freezer diving to make it to Monday because I need to clean out stuff again. Also hoping Rog finishes putting together my new desk so I can set up an art station. Amy, Rob would LOSE HIS MIND over these instruction!

QoTD: Jim once said to me "people who are struggling with snacking may just really need to add another meal into their day". And that really resonates with me. So I plan them in and they are healthy. I very rarely snack just to snack. I am usually driven by hunger into the kitchen. Keeping good options on hand helps. But I also keep things I consider a treat for the rare times I'm looking for sweet.

Bites today

B: egg and bacon on 1 slice protein bread

L: leftover beef roast

D: Chicken breast and mashed potatoes with gravy


Height 5'3"

HW 200

surgery date 10/29/19 177.9

CW 121.4

goal weight 125

on 10/19/24 8:39 am
RNY on 11/21/16

Thank you What Jim said to you resonates with me also. I don't want to white knuckle anything and end up binging like I have in the past. Incorporating safe foods I enjoy and having a plan is key for me. Most day, I don't even eat them, somedays I eat them all. My first thought about those instructions was 'best of luck to you, Rog and your marriage!' but that would be for me and Rob only, lol. Rog is a PRO!!! Congrats on your new art station!!

RNY 11/21/16 - HW/SW 309 LW 150

REVISION 4/10/23 - HW 240 SW 225 CW 164 GW 155

White Dove
on 10/19/24 8:41 am - Warren, OH

I do five small meals a day. The same amount of calories, but my body does seem to work better with frequent small meals. For a very long time, I used to get up at 3:00 AM and eat something like a yogurt.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 10/19/24 9:53 am
RNY on 02/14/18

When I was in college back in the last millennium, I did persuasive speaking and my topic was seasonal effective disorder. Now they realize it's a legit thing but back then not so much. I am hide from the sun, point and laugh at me in my swim leggings, long sleeve rash guard and giant hat...but if I don't get sunlight two days in a row, I'm likely to stab someone. Sunlight is important and I think anyone that lives in a gloomy place need a sun lamp too!

HW: 306 SW: 282 GW: 145 (reached 2/6/19) CW:150


on 10/19/24 10:09 am
RNY on 10/29/19

Yes! I mean, I slather myself in sunscreen every day and wear a hat a lot too, but I need natural light. I move locations around the house when I am reading to sit in sunlight. So good for the soul.
