Nothing Went As Planned Yesterday but Still Not Homeless
So yesterday Really Really SUCKED! Seriously frightening ( gotta call d Marshall right now regarding an eviction date ! )
I guess I made d fatal mistake of boring d Judge n filing last minute ( he clearly wasn?t acquainted w ANY of my offerings lol)
O well still won ? grant came thru and a REAL lawyer explained what I did wrong ( pretty much everything) and what to concentrate on asking for a do-over ( munny lol ? duh ) .
Today I presumed 2 make back 2 back appointments- PT , internet, dental , munny so won?t have time to craft nor file an answer but Mondays coming?
My biggest worry is seemingly never starting out for Florida . Or taking care of Long Island for that matter .
Yep A hole lawyer accused m of having a Hampton?s Place n driving a Tesla lol . Judge wouldn?t even let m respond grrrr
Last nites dinner - leftover wine n tea whole wheat roll baked as pizza
B - PT then walk home mebbe Pret egg white omelet on th way . Leftover Chockachino.
L - pret falafel lentil hot wrap no wasted cals on d wrap
s - Salad !!!! Dying 2 attack a family sized clamshell of organic arugula ! Low-fat Japanese sesame or miso dressing .
D- various prepared salads - corn/ beans , avocado / shrimp , tabouleh . Mebbe ( finally ) veal feet
Exercise this week - 15 miles city walkin so far .
Accountability - bought MUCH better quality n tasting multi n hair n skin gummy vitamins thanx 2 U ! Accountability Werks !!!
Have a great Fri-yay!
Why do peeple think Teslas R luxury cars?
! I bought mine after nasty super had my $2,300 vintage Jaguar towed away? for her self driving self parking capabilities.
Betsy literally perfectly shoehorns herself into spots w 3 inch clearance I never would dare attempt.
Don?t own a place in d Hamptons don?t want one.
Yes I play on their baseball team proudly ( Artists vs Writers won every year since I got on board lol
. So what ?!!! I?m a COMPETITIVE grrrl !