Sunday fun-day - what's on your menu today?

on 10/13/24 5:06 am, edited 10/13/24 6:40 am
RNY on 11/21/16

Good morning weekenders ~ Yesterday was a good day! I was almost as productive as I'd hoped but I'm feeling good. I had the best talk with my sister, the one I rarely see these days. We talked for hours and it was like old times when we were close, before life and drama - losing our parents and some siblings being terrible. Anyway, I was nice to connect with her like that and I have no pause about anything I said or heard. That is a first! The rest of the day was good too, cleaned the house, started on the garage organization and plan to finish that today. I have a couple errands to run, laundry, kids are coming over later to watch football and have a nice Sunday dinner.

QOTD - To be real, the main reason I come on OH is for healthy WLS lifestyle support, inspiration and camaraderie - a fun banter day is awesome! Are you getting what you came for? I feel like we are on a huge rinse and repeat cycle. Where are you honestly with your journey? Let's talk about it! Are you walking the walk? Why/why not? What are you actively doing to get there/stay there? If you are in a funk (seriously been there), what is holding you back? Are you searching for work-arounds, stuck or given up? What can we do to support you, good, bad, or ugly?? I hope you you are making an effort with your food, movement, vitamins, water. It's frustrating when I see these basics not planned w/care quotients in the trash. I am trying/struggling everyday to make the right choices to stay on track and know I'm not perfect. I look to all of you for support and I hope I give that back but I could be better. I'm trying like hell to stay consistent and walk the walk - it's what you do most of the time that makes a difference. How about you? What can I do to support you?

Accountability - great for food, 51 min active 10,141 steps. I did do a treadmill hike yesterday - awesome! Today I am 168.0 and will hike again. I really enjoyed that. Vitamins and water intake on point!

B- coffee, ham and cheese omelette

l - leftover chicken and salad

d- Chicken and dumplings

s- quest chips, apple, watermelon

Have a great day!

RNY 11/21/16 - HW/SW 309 LW 150

REVISION 4/10/23 - HW 240 SW 225 CW 164 GW 155

White Dove
on 10/13/24 6:09 am - Warren, OH

When I was starting my career sometimes we would take tests that helped to define values and set goals. One of the values I most wanted was to be considered the expert in things. I worked to learn as much as possible about my work and life tasks.

When I decided to have weight loss surgery I took the same approach. I read books, researched, talked with doctors and patients. The best way to learn something is to teach it to others and I was always learning and teaching. I come here just in case someone might need help.

My siblings have done some despicable things. I love them but don't always like them. But I send birthday cards and sign Your loving sister. I stay neutral with the arguments and treasure the time I have with them. I can overlook the faults and find something good in almost anyone. Your memories with your siblings, both goid and bad are something only you and they share.

My weight loss journey is over and maintenance is effortless. But that took years to accomplish and regain was always a big fear. My motto has always been

If you need a hand, I have two.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 10/13/24 7:07 am
RNY on 11/21/16

It's hard to get past some difficult times with my sibs... We are a mix of narcissists and empaths so all of us are easily offended/hurt in one way or another - mostly by each other. I love them all dearly, though I don't necessarily like them. We still get together for holidays.

I'm happy that you are at effortless! I don't quite see my journey ever being effortless, though that is the goal and that peace would be wonderful! How many years did that take you? I'm working hard on my relationship with food. I'm an emotional eater and that is a struggle. I no longer restrict any foods like carbs in particular - everything can fit and is planned. I focus on protein and fiber which works 90% of the time - the other 10% I'm having a glass or 2 of wine or in the Jack in the Box drive through for tacos.

RNY 11/21/16 - HW/SW 309 LW 150

REVISION 4/10/23 - HW 240 SW 225 CW 164 GW 155

White Dove
on 10/13/24 8:43 am - Warren, OH

I had surgery in 2007. I would vary between being at goal and being 10, 20 or 30 pounds over at different times. During the pandemic I joined online Weigh****chers and went to online meetings one, two or even three times a day. They have a different philosophy now than they did years ago. You can eat anything as long as you count the points. That gave me the freedom of no longer denying myself any food. I lost all cravings and the weight came off slowly but surely. Their book, The Shift, is so insightful. I had a hard copy and an audible copy in my car.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 10/13/24 9:22 am, edited 10/13/24 2:23 am
RNY on 11/21/16

I just looked up The Shift. I was expecting it to be promoting WW, but I didn?t find that. I like the idea of evidence based motivation and mindset as opposed following to a specific diet. I think I will buy and listen. I need all the help I can get!! Thanks!

RNY 11/21/16 - HW/SW 309 LW 150

REVISION 4/10/23 - HW 240 SW 225 CW 164 GW 155

on 10/13/24 7:17 am, edited 10/13/24 12:22 am
RNY on 10/29/19

Good morning! Look at us West Coasters up and at it this morning!

Yesterday was lovely. Kimberly Akimbo is sweet and tender and joyful. We loved it. I took a planned break from exercising, but we chose to leave our car in the parking garage downtown and walk to Little Italy for dinner. I had 1 cookie at the show and gave half of it to Rog. I ate some cheese, dried apricots and had a glass of wine. Then at the restaurant I had some prosciutto and a "gnocco frito" (puffy fried bread) and about 4 bites of Lasagna. I also indulged in another glass of wine. When we got home, we sat up on the back patio and enjoyed our hard work of getting it cleaned up and fancied up. I ended up with 400 move calories, 44 minutes of exercise clocked and 10,233 steps. I did have to run around the house like crazy to get in the last 1000 or so. An excellent day overall.

Today we have softball for the littlest grand and I volunteered to do treat bags. I've got a mix of healthy and fun in them. Other than that, nothing on the agenda. I'm not going to worry about exercise today, but may feel like a walk later. My trainer is having her hip replaced tomorrow morning, so I need to find a way to stay on track with my exercise goals for the next 3-4 weeks. She is just so encouraging that sometimes I show up just because I don't want to disappoint her! I need to dig deep for my discipline while she recovers.

QoTD: First, I think you should repost this tomorrow as well Amy. Several people take rest days from the daily blog during the weekend and these are good questions for all of us!

For me, I am struggling with my shape. I've added some pounds over the 4 years since my low weight and that doesn't bother me as much as the changes in size. I'm not sure how much is muscle now, but I'm finding out with a full body scan thing next Monday. While I am thrilled that I can mostly still wear the same clothes year to year, things do not fit anything like they were in 2023 and I have had to retire my favorite jeans. Finally acknowledging they are too small. Posting here lets me, or makes me, get up and look in the fridge and plan a food day. And I often review it to remind myself that I made a plan and I have good options and no I do not need to go out for a burger because I sick of the kitchen. I ALWAYS feel better when I eat on plan. I need to control my intake of calories in wine more. That is a big downfall for me. Mostly I feel like I am talking the talk AND walking the walk. But I struggle so much more now with the wanting of things. Snack. Dessert. More volume. Some of it is because I just know I can do it and get away with it and some of it FOMO and some of it is I'm not sated. The struggle continues. My weight loss journey will never be over or easy. I will have to work for it every day if I want it. And I damn sure do want it.

bites today:
B: egg, rotisserie chicken

L: jerky, protein cheese crackers

D: so many good options, but I'm leaning towards the cod with miso butter and fresh lime rice.

Peace !

Height 5'3"

HW 200

surgery date 10/29/19 177.9

CW 121.4

goal weight 125

on 10/13/24 7:37 am
RNY on 11/21/16

You've done an amazing job staying vigilant and you inspire me! Your dedication to planned exercise and food as well as giving yourself grace (hard for me) is everything. You definitely walk the walk and talk the talk! I feel like a slacker compared, but it motivates me to be better. We can do hard things!! Thank you for bringing it everyday!

RNY 11/21/16 - HW/SW 309 LW 150

REVISION 4/10/23 - HW 240 SW 225 CW 164 GW 155

on 10/13/24 8:00 am
RNY on 10/29/19
On October 13, 2024 at 2:37 PM Pacific Time, Ymaliz wrote:

You've done an amazing job staying vigilant and you inspire me! Your dedication to planned exercise and food as well as giving yourself grace (hard for me) is everything. You definitely walk the walk and talk the talk! I feel like a slacker compared, but it motivates me to be better. We can do hard things!! Thank you for bringing it everyday!

You are no slacker, Ames. You have many full plates and only two hands. We all need to just keep fighting the good fight.

on 10/13/24 10:19 am, edited 10/13/24 7:07 am
RNY on 06/03/15

Hello Weekenders!

we just got back from a night away at a B&B downtown. We stayed there because at one time it belonged to the university, and they housed PhD students there (not all of them, of course). DH's father was one of them. We took a tour of the place with my late MIL about four years ago, and she pointed out his room - and ever since then, we've always wanted to stay there. Specifically, in his room (my FIL died at age 34, so I never knew him). So...we finally did! It was great. The place is beautiful - a restored Italian mansion that about 100 years ago was the governor's mansion. Close to everything. We walked over to an Indonesian place for dinner last night - and then walked to a fancy hotel about two blocks from the B&B and had drinks (and DH had ice cream, too). I drank too much, though - normally one glass of wine will do it for me, but I had that plus the rest of a big glass of beer that DH didn't want to finish (he had maybe 1/4 of it). I normally don't like beer, but this was some fruity kind that was actually pretty good! Anyway, didn't sleep too well because of the alcohol - and had a headache this morning. I may have to take a nap this afternoon. But other than that, we had a great time - and I'm sure it was very meaningful for DH to sleep in that room. We may make it an annual thing..

QOTD: I've gained about 30 lbs since my lowest weight, which I've struggled with for the last couple of years. I'll lose a few lbs and gain it back, then lose a few and gain it back. Rinse and repeat. I think my body is happy here and it's going to be a challenge to lose it and keep it down, yet I keep trying. Some days I feel like I should give up the ghost and be satisfied with where I'm at, but other days I want to be about 15 lbs lighter (I don't want to get all the way down to my lowest weight again. I loved feeling so light then, but I really looked pretty awful. I look my best when I'm in the low 150s). Since I'm still in the "overweight" category and in my mid-60s, my PCP says to quit worrying about it - I'm fine - but I really did look good when I was about 15 lbs lighter. I keep thinking it shouldn't be THAT hard to lose 15 lbs, but when you're close to a normal BMI, it is. Anyway, my downfalls are grazing and wanting to feel "full". Back when I lost weight, I learned to be satisfied with being just "satisfied" or "not hungry". Now I want to feel "full". I remember some nights when I was at or near my lowest weight putting myself to bed at some ungodly early hour because I was so hungry I couldn't stand it. Haven't done that in forever. I guess that's what it might take if I want to be - and stay - at a much lower weight. Ugh.

(I had a big breakfast because we were still at the B&B this morning - this would not be my normal breakfast)

coffee with half & half

1/2 bagel with cream cheese (it was a big bagel!), mini scone, medium banana, 2 oz cheese, a few rice crackers (maybe 10 - they were kind of small)

protein shake, 2 rice cakes

probably another protein shake this afternoon (didn't get much protein at breakfast)

leftovers from last night (I had Gado Gado - so lots of veggies - but it had a sauce on it that I'm sure had some calories!)

have a great day, everyone!

RNY 06/03/15 by Michael Garren (Madison, WI)

HW: 373 SW: 316 GW: 150 LW: 138 CW: 163

White Dove
on 10/13/24 1:11 pm, edited 10/13/24 6:11 am - Warren, OH

What a great place to stay and the restaurant sounds wonderful. I think you look great at the weight you were last year when I was with you at the conference. Don't ever go back to going to bed early because of being hungry. You do not need to do that to yourself. Being healthy an enjoying life is what matters more than that number on the scale.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

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