Yay It's Saturday!
I too had a tough week and am very glad 2 ( sort of ) get a 2 day sorta mini break.
Unfortunately my car ( up on 125 street ) has 23 miles charge left on it and the closest ( reasonable ) charger is 15 plus miles away w/out traffic. First order of business then B from ALDIs / Starbux in same complex ( takes a while 2 charge)
Returned home yesterday to find super ( again! ) illegally trespassed
( and probably invited an audience AND took pictures grrr)
It feels VERY violating and unsafe and he has a key and ( clearly) no boundaries. I?ve written him a warning when he did this before clearly - doesn?t care . So police will HAVE to be involved.
The nasty lawyer also DID admit Thursday that he?d been in my apartment recently- I didn?t think he?d be that reckless ( it IS a crime to enter a renters space without 48 hours written notice AND good reason) but now I believe it.
Need to make a police report and clean up/ organize in n out all day afterwards.
Super threatened yesterday 2 call fire marshal who could force m 2 remove everything on my terrace so creating easily walkable egress is VERY important ASAP.
Super werks Caturdays ( half day ) AND lives here ( in da basement AND he?s my age ( no wonder he?s perpetually pissed and will undoubtedly be MORE so after uniforms show up and inform him No Mas Trespass.
Also made 6 complaints to HPD last nite an inspector will likely show up today so gotta git goin.
B- D leftovers Chai tea latte Coffee sip club Panera .
S- ALDIs n Starbux
L- tbd probably nuthin since composting/ gardening.
hope to catch an opera or the Alvin Ailey retrospective w dance performance at the Whitney tonite.
Have a great day ! Ava
Go-to-belt it audition song since I was a kid -White Rabbit
Enjoy singin Fleetwood Mac n Marvin Gaye too ?but have never done karaoke? DID rap live in Hungary at my Grandma?s 90th birthday party ? Grandma got DOWN and everyone enjoyed it :) ( except d rents- they thought it was ghetto n low class - well shame on them for letting me LIVE in the ghetto
lol. )
accountability - some wine last nite . 32 miles walked this week though