Happy Sunday-funday!!! What are you eating today?

on 10/6/24 4:42 am
RNY on 11/21/16

Good morning ~ ^ that, it's how it is these days! It is a very good morning today!! I didn't have any issues with rash or itching last night. I have two small areas that are inflamed/itchy on my side and wrist, but otherwise my skin is clear. What a crappy ride that was. Okay - onward! Yesterday of course was dealing with that and I can't tell you how exhausted it made me. I napped a lot. Today, I've got to much to do and with not having to worry about my skin, it's on. I need to get the laundry done, clean the house and my car, start packing, Target for some toiletries I need for my trip. Kiddo is coming over. Football and sunday dinner.

QOTD - Do you like to be alone or do you prefer to be around people? I love to be alone! Always have, even very young. Growing up I had friends and my siblings that could never be alone or go anywhere by themselves and I thought it was weird. Coming from a large family, the youngest, with an emotionally neglectful mother was probably why. The only calm and peace I had was when I was alone. That sounds sad, but I assure it is not! It's my happy place. I love people, but they zap my energy. My cup is filled being alone, which is the opposite for people who prefer company and sometimes I wish I was that way.

Accountability - great - came in way under cals mostly due to sleep. My activity and steps were in the negative numbers, haha. Today I'm 168.6 - feeling inflamed, thick and heavy. I'm sure I'm retaining tons. No exercise planned.

B- coffee, eggbeater mushroom scramble

l - BLT tacos in zero tortillas

d - grilled chicken, baby potatoes and green beans

s watermelon, protein shake w/SF root beer

Have a great day!

RNY 11/21/16 - HW/SW 309 LW 150

REVISION 4/10/23 - HW 240 SW 225 CW 164 GW 155

on 10/6/24 5:07 am
RNY on 06/03/15

Mornin' All!

cooler today (mid-60s), which I actually love - but way too windy to bike. Again. Crap. I'll see what's going on over at the gym. If not much, then I guess I'll be walking again today. We might go out for coffee later this morning. Otherwise..? I made a big dent in my classes yesterday - did some reading, and watched a documentary about the 1953 coup in Iran (this particular class is on the Cold War). It was great - and really explained a lot about what happened later in Iran (e.g., the 1979 revolution) - as well as what's going on today.

my cousin who lives in Seattle will be in town tomorrow. She and her husband are visiting some relative of his near the Wisconsin/Minnesota border, and will be en route to Chicago to visit another relative of his, so they're spending the night here. I haven't seen her since 1997, so this will be great!!

QOTD - what you described - being around people zaps you of your energy - being alone re-charges you - that's all classic introvert (the psychological definition, not the popular definition). Also fits with your feelings about talking on phones - not liking talking on the phone is also very common among introverts (I'm raising my hand over here - I'm the same, and definitely lean toward the introverted side!). So anyway, yes - I enjoy being alone. Although there are times I like being around people, too, but not all the time - it wears me down after a while and I have to get away to re-charge. So although I'm not 100% introvert, I definitely lean in that direction.

I did OK food-wise yesterday, but not great. I ended up where I need to be calorie-wise, but at my maintenance level. I need to come in under that, since I'm trying to lose weight. Why is this so damn hard? But...I'll try again today!

coffee with half & half

skyr with fruit

protein muffin

Lomo Linda taco filling with tomatoes, plain Greek yogurt, and salsa

protein shake (?)

dinner TBA

have a great day, everyone!

RNY 06/03/15 by Michael Garren (Madison, WI)

HW: 373 SW: 316 GW: 150 LW: 138 CW: 163

on 10/6/24 5:23 am, edited 10/6/24 12:15 am

I?m definitely an introvert too though social even gregarious in company.

I'm SO glad Ur rash is better and it's not shingles !

I got the two part shingles vaccine after my elder cousin caught it and suffered for weeks - it hurt my shoulder for a week honestly but the protection is worth the pain I think .

on 10/6/24 5:32 am
RNY on 11/21/16

My dad was like that, very gregarious in company - total ham, but an introvert to his core. Small doses of people are great and fill me in other ways for sure. I love connections with people *****ally get me where I can be myself.

RNY 11/21/16 - HW/SW 309 LW 150

REVISION 4/10/23 - HW 240 SW 225 CW 164 GW 155

White Dove
on 10/6/24 5:41 am - Warren, OH

I was the oldest of 13 children and we were a year apart. A baby every year for the first ten years, then skipped a year and had twins the next year. When I was 12, I had 11 little brothers and sisters around. It was a two-bedroom, one-bath house. They did end up building an addition with another bedroom for my parents and put a toilet and shower in the basement.

I loved to be with the family, but also loved to be alone with a book and often snuck off to the bedroom and shut the door so I could read my books in peace and quiet. After I was married and living with my husband in a one-bedroom apartment, I wanted him to put a light and chair in a closet for a reading area. My husband thought that was so weird and would not do it.

Being on the telephone feels like work to me. I would rather be alone and use the voice function on the phone to send my texts if I don't feel like typing. I am living alone now, and sort of dread thinking I might end up living with one of sisters, if I can't take care of myself as I get older. I have people who come over or call daily and I am glad that they do check on me, but I am most at peace when alone.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 10/6/24 7:19 am
RNY on 10/29/19

Good morning! A quick post and we are off to be Softball grandparents. Cheering the team on. Girls softball is a trip. They are all screaming chants, laughing, tears and they get Walk Out music! My granddaughter's song is PINK!'s Fight Song.

Yesterday was really good except I did eat the last of the kettle corn. Yay. All water, all day. Made all our meals. Very protein forward. 58 minutes of exercise, 10,066 steps. Finished my book. Did a few house chores.

Today Roger is going to Ocktoberfest with friends. The guys all have Lederhosen to wear. Should be hysterical and pictures to follow. I'm not going. Loud noise, contained spaces, beer. All three are not high on my list of fun. Maybe I'll finally clean out the bathroom cabinet. I've been making good progress with sorting and cleaning drawers. Oh and I am wearing my first Halloween shirt of the year. Gotta get them in rotation before October is over!

QotD: I'm begging to be alone. Making all sorts of plans. Then when I am alone I am great for an hour or so. Then, I start to think I have no friends. Soon, I'm sure nobody loves me. Depression sets in. #Insecurity LOL.

bites today...

B: I have jerky and protein crackers packed

L: last of my pork chop

D: TJ's sous vide chicken thighs and something...


PS. I cannot believe it is already Sunday and I have to go to workout class in less than 24 hours!!! These weeks are screaming by.

Height 5'3"

HW 200

surgery date 10/29/19 177.9

CW 121.4

goal weight 125

Most Active