What's on your (PHOTO) Friday Menu?

on 9/27/24 10:10 am
RNY on 06/03/15

G'morning, all! (there's still 15 minutes of morning left here in the upper Midwest)

Boy am I lazy this morning. I had plans to go for a long bike ride before our meeting at the county humane society at 1:00 (another potential beneficiary), but it's almost noon and I'm still in my pajamas. So I guess I'll go biking this afternoon with DH, as he originally proposed (I told him I'd rather go in the morning since it's cooler and I'm more likely to get off my a$$ and actually DO IT, but he doesn't have time until this afternoon. But now here I am. I guess I'll be going in the afternoon now..).

I decided to resign from my volunteer gig (as a legal guardian for someone in a nursing facility). I told the agency that I volunteer with as well as the nursing home where my client lives. The agency wrote back and said they support me 100% but would like to talk to me early next week (they may ask if I'd be OK with being taken off this particular case and then given a good long break before being assigned to another, which I'd definitely consider...). Haven't heard back yet from the nursing home. I've been wanting to give this up for a while since I've had enough stressors in my life for the last few months and don't need this additional, unnecessary one, but a voicemail message yesterday was the last straw. Some specialist clinic called me because they need to set up an appt with my client, and the nursing home told them to call me because I'd be the one taking her. I had told the damn nursing home when this possibility first came up a couple of weeks ago that scheduling and going to medical appts with my person wasn't part of my responsibilities, and besides, she has dementia and really doesn't know me - I'm only there about once a month - and it'd make more sense if someone from the facility went with her, because she sees them every day and knows them. The volunteer agency agreed with me. But the nursing home is again pushing it off on me (this isn't the first time they've wanted me to do things that aren't part of my responsibilities. I realize they're short staffed, but this isn't my problem, it's theirs). So I'm done. I wrote in my message to the case manager that I'd be happy to stay on until someone else is assigned, as the client may need legal decisions made for her, but I will NOT be setting up this medical appt and/or going with her to it...or taking on other projects that aren't part of my duties (I'm kind of wondering if they thought I'm being paid for this? I'm not. This is all volunteer. But they'll know for sure now!). If they decide to complain to the court and therefore the court decides not to even assign me to any more cases, then fine. Although with the demand they have to provide these services to people, I'd be a little surprised by that. But I'd be completely fine with leaving this gig for good. I feel the nursing home has been taking advantage of me. That, or they really do not understand the responsibilities of this position.

sorry this was so long!

QOTD: no - it never even occurred to me. I'd be concerned about the food getting wet!

coffee with half & half

plain skyr topped with homemade SF apple butter

plain popcorn (giving this up. I was going to give myself another chance and see if I could buy a bag of the low-cal stuff and eat it responsibly as a crunchy, satisfying snack (1-2 cups tops a day), but nope, I cannot control myself. So this was my last chance)

protein shake

cottage cheese (or else chocolate "mousse" made with cottage cheese) and raspberries

protein muffin (?)

not sure if I'll have dinner or not after all that...

have a great day, everyone!

RNY 06/03/15 by Michael Garren (Madison, WI)

HW: 373 SW: 316 GW: 150 LW: 138 CW: 163

White Dove
on 9/27/24 11:14 am - Warren, OH

Last year I fell in Kohls. They have these carts like a baby stroller and I just turned too quickly and it went over. I thought I was fine and continued shopping and went to a few more stores. That night my knee swelled so badly I could not walk at all and I had to call an ambulence to go to the hospital.

Nothing broken, but badly twisted and I still could not walk two days later. I decided to go to a nursing home because I would not have been able to fix my own meals or walk around my home. It was a somewhat scary prospect.

I was surprised by how clean and pleasant the nursing home was and the wonderful care I received there. It was close to a week before I could walk again and go home. I had several doctor appointments that week and they took me to the appointments in their van. An aide came with me and stayed for the appointment and to get me back to the home.

I had family members who would have taken me to those appointments, but the nursing home wanted to take all of that responsibility. If I had been with a family member and fallen when out of the facility that would have been neglect on their part. I am so glad that you quit that volunteering. Don't get talked back into it.

That home has no right at all to expect you to take someone to appointments.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 9/27/24 1:15 pm
RNY on 06/03/15

I was talking to DH about this on our ride back home from the humane society. Why would you volunteer at a place where you're being taken advantage of and the place makes you miserable to boot? This isn't paid employment (and if it was, I'd be looking for another job). Volunteer gigs are supposed to be things you enjoy or at least value. This has become something I honestly almost dread. So not a good volunteer position for me. Or at least not at this particular location. Plus I've been working with this case for five years, I think. That's a pretty long time for a volunteer commitment. If I want to continue volunteering somewhere (this kind of work or another), I'll rather do something I enjoy doing - or have strong (positive) feelings about the place. I have neither with this place.

RNY 06/03/15 by Michael Garren (Madison, WI)

HW: 373 SW: 316 GW: 150 LW: 138 CW: 163

White Dove
on 9/27/24 11:19 am, edited 9/27/24 4:20 am - Warren, OH

My showers have the rainshower heads that pu****er everywhere. Sometimes it is almost like being drowned. Not a place to bring a snack and eating in the shower is something I never thought of doing. I do love hearing things like this because it is fun how different generations think. I could see having a tray with drinks and snacks in the bathtub could work. Sometimes in movies they show a bathtub with lighted candles around it and that looks like a lovely retreat.

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