What's on your Thursday Menu?

Queen JB
on 8/15/24 2:57 am
RNY on 07/20/15

Good Morning! I hope everyone had a fantastic hump day! I was planning on a WFH day today but one of my coworkers called out sick so I think I should go in so that we have a senior team member in the office. I don't mind--it's been a super productive week and I am excited to keep it going :)

We haven't been to a Knockouts game in over a month! The last time they were in town the weather was extremely hot, and sitting in 100+degree weather didn't sound fun. Then whenever they've been in town, we've been away, so it hasn't worked out. My poor player must be so sad that no one is cheering for him like a maniac. Anyway, tonight's weather looks good, and I think it's the last game we'll be able to get to so we're going! Yay for baseball.

QOTD: Did you grow up with parents who were good cooks? My mom used to read cookbooks like other people read novels. She loved them. We never had much money, so she had to get creative to try to adapt recipes but she loved cooking. Soup was her specialty and she made some great things :) About 8 years ago she found a group of besties who also love cooing and they formed a Gourmet Gals group and put on the most insane fancy dinners once a month. It's so cute.

Accountability: I prioritized drinking water like a champ yesterday. I think I had about 60oz. I am sure thats not much for the rest of you, but it's at last 3 times more than I usually have. I'm sure it helped get me properly hydrated and I was not hungry at all. I made chicken for dinner and was full after about 3 bites. My fat cat swopped in and ate the rest for me. Thanks, Innie.

  • protein coffee
  • egg bite
  • almonds, salami, & cheese
  • ?? dinner at the game. I've heard they added a lot to the menu since the last time we were there so hopefully there are better options. If not, I will get chicken tenders.
  • High Weight before LapBand: 200 (2008)
  • High Weight before RNY: 160 (2015)
  • Lowest post-op weight: 110 (2016)
  • Maintenance Weight: 120 (2017-2019)
  • Battling Regain Weight: 135 (current)

on 8/15/24 3:08 am
RNY on 02/14/18

Happy Thursday!! Hope the week is winding down well for everyone! Good job on the water Julia, given you don't seem to drink much water as a rule, 60 is great. I would die if that's all I got though.

I've did a stretching routing this morning and a quick walk, needed to get some exercise under my belt because it's going to be a long travel days. Definitely not going to get all my steps in I am certain on that so I've at least hit my minimum Fitbit active minutes for the day. Yesterday I notched 86 active minutes and 10,159 steps.

qotd - my mother is a horrible cook; I started cooking for the family around 7 out of self defense.

menu today will be up in the air but I've got my coffee in, yogurt and a cheese stick too. I have chomps in my backpack for emergency supplies.

Have a terrific jr friday everyone!

HW: 306 SW: 282 GW: 145 (reached 2/6/19) CW:150


Queen JB
on 8/15/24 3:31 am
RNY on 07/20/15

Safe travels!

  • High Weight before LapBand: 200 (2008)
  • High Weight before RNY: 160 (2015)
  • Lowest post-op weight: 110 (2016)
  • Maintenance Weight: 120 (2017-2019)
  • Battling Regain Weight: 135 (current)

on 8/15/24 5:29 am
RNY on 08/11/14

Enjoy the weekend!

RNY 8/11/14 with Dr. Kelvin Higa PS Lipectomy 4/12/17 with Dr. John Burnett HW291.4/CW165/GW150

Melody P.
on 8/15/24 4:32 am - Amarillo, TX

Good mornin everyone.

Looks to be a long day here. We're going out with my aunt today. I am less than thrilled with that but alas it is what we're going to do. School starts today in Amarillo. I am mostly happy about it.

I am experiencing a lot of pain, more than usual. To say I am overwhelmed is an enormous understatement. I am trying to be more positive but it's getting harder and harder. Just keep swimming.

QOTD: my mom is a decent cook, nothing fancy or anything. I started cooking very young to help. My father was supposedly a good cook but I never really lived with him so I wouldn't know,

B: eggs and coffee

L: no clue where we're going out to eat at

D: ????


on 8/15/24 5:14 am
RNY on 06/03/15

Mornin' All!

rain again today. Boo. We've had a break from it the last few days, so I've gotten some biking in, but not today. I hope it's just a one-shot thing and not days on end like it has been this summer. So disappointing since I love exercising outside, and biking is my primary summer exercise.

I have to take one of the cats to the vet this morning for his annual physical, then I'm going to a luncheon. After that, it's an hour with the neighbor cat I'm babysitting for while his "parents" are away. I need to really plow into a book when I get home later this afternoon - because the discussion group meets Monday morning. Maybe it's just as well that it'll be a rainy day.

QOTD: my mother hates cooking and it shows. The food she made wasn't necessarily bad (although it was usually mid-century blah fare, like meat and frozen vegetables - like that corn & lima bean combo - or the pea and carrot combo (with carrots cut into tiny cubes)), and she usually made the same four meals, on repeat. The only thing I really loved that she made was spaghetti. My father would cook about once a week to give her a break. The only things I remember him making are waffles, meatloaf, and creamed ground beef on toast (or as they call it in the army, "sh*t on a shingle"). In fact, I'm pretty sure these were the things he learned to make when he was in the National Guard, because he occasionally did work in the mess hall when he was active in that. The waffles were OK, but I still almost never eat waffles because I remember his. And to this day I will not touch meatloaf with a 10-foot pole. As far as the beef/toast thing - have never had it since and never will. I'm more like your mom, QJB. In fact, I currently have two cookbooks on my nightstand. I love paging through cookbooks!

coffee with half & half

skyr with fruit or a protein shake

I have no clue what they're serving at this luncheon, other than I chose the vegetarian meal on the registration card

leftover "harvest bowl" from last night's (restaurant) dinner

I think I'm going to add some heavier foods to my meals. Last night's harvest bowl consisted of tofu and roasted vegetables over brown rice & quinoa. I could only manage to eat 1/3 of it, and the bowl wasn't even one of those huge things you often get at restaurants. I was stuffed to the gills and remained full all night. It was probably due to the grains, plus maybe the diced sweet potatoes that were in there. I often get the same effect from a slab of meat, but I rarely eat meat. But I can certainly eat more grains. That should probably really cut down on my snacking, which I otherwise work hard to control. Yogurt just doesn't stay with you all that long..

have a great day, everyone!

RNY 06/03/15 by Michael Garren (Madison, WI)

HW: 373 SW: 316 GW: 150 LW: 138 CW: 163

on 8/15/24 5:24 am, edited 8/14/24 10:24 pm
RNY on 08/11/14

Good Morning! Friday-Eve and I am ready for a weekend that's for sure. The last two nights I haven't slept soundly because I've got work on my brain. We are having to make some decisions about the team and knowing that going one route will make the next 4-6 months chaos. Worth it? If I'm being honest probably but that doesn't make it any easier. I feel that rarely the "right" decision is the easy one. I also don't make the final decision and will support what is decided in the end. I've also had to let my voice be heard when instinctually I want to keep the peace and avoid chaos!

Edited to add QOTD: Nope. We typically had the same things on repeat and that was a type of meat, potato, veggie and sliced bread with butter people most nights. Spaghetti or goulash (I still don't like that) were a staples too.

TSS: 10 years

B: SF latte, Fiber/protein oatmeal, turkey sausage, and an orange

L: Turkey and cheese sticks, carrots, light and fit yogurt and some fruit

S: Mixed nuts, a piece of fruit and yogurt

D: Tri tip salad with avocado, a banana, and dark chocolate

ES: Protein ice cream and carbmaster toast

E: 1/2 hour elliptical and 20 mins Pilates bar

V/W: On track

Totals: Cals:1311 Protein:103 Carbs:129 Fat:50

Have a great day!

RNY 8/11/14 with Dr. Kelvin Higa PS Lipectomy 4/12/17 with Dr. John Burnett HW291.4/CW165/GW150

on 8/15/24 7:11 am
RNY on 10/29/19

Ugh! Goulash. I get the willies just saying the word.

on 8/15/24 9:23 am
RNY on 08/21/12

I get the willies reading it. And I never ate it.

The few times my mom made meatloaf it was terrible. So many weird things in it. Save the work and trouble and just make a patty.

6'3" tall, male.

Highest weight was 475. RNY on 08/21/12. Current weight: 198.

M1 -24; M2 -21; M3 -19; M4 -21; M5 -13; M6 -21; M7 -10; M8 -16; M9 -10; M10 -8; M11 -6; M12 -5.

on 8/15/24 4:03 pm
RNY on 08/11/14

I haven't eaten since I left home that's for sure.

RNY 8/11/14 with Dr. Kelvin Higa PS Lipectomy 4/12/17 with Dr. John Burnett HW291.4/CW165/GW150

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