What's on your Saturday menu?

Melody P.
on 8/10/24 4:48 am - Amarillo, TX

mornin y'all!

kind of a quick post this mornin. We're under a flood warning and had really bad thunder. Hoping for a quick nap before the rest of them is up!

my appointment yesterday was ok. No actual PT just an assessment. He pressed and prodded the muscles on my neck and shoulders. It triggered a lot of pain and a very whooshy headache. I walked out and it sounded like the ocean very very loud and lasted a few minutes. He thinks I have a rotator cuff injury and something with my cervical spine. Now the wait is on to see if insurance will go ahead. He was very nice.

Today I'm not 100% sure what's going on. Hopefully a nap! I had a banana earlier and promptly threw it up. Have no idea why it did that. I'll likely not eat those for a very long time lol

QOTD: do you enjoy thunder?

I do! My pups are clinging to me and mona woke up Riley. They hate it.

food is a big ?

have a great Saturday!


Amy Liz
on 8/10/24 5:29 am
RNY on 11/21/16

Good morning ~ That is a cute meme! Yesterday was a good day and I'm rolling into a fun weekend. I'm looking forward to hiking today, I still can't believe I've never heard of this place after living in this area for 9 years. Wait, maybe there is a reason? It's not great? Can't be, not with all the articles and reviews I just read. Anyway - I'm so excited so many trails and degrees of difficulty and so close. After we are going to hit a bucket of balls and have lunch. Rob will probably stay and play a round. I need to grab a few things at the store and pick up vet meds for Bubs. We are grilling chicken and watching a movie tonight. After seeing the trailer for Beetlejuice 2 last night, we may watch the first one again.

QOTD - We rarely get storms like that here. Growing up, we would all storm watch. I loved the cool lightening and the thunder claps. I think they were so welcome because it would break the miserable humidity.

Accountability - great, Dinner sure was hi-cal, but small portion and I balanced the rest of the day. 93 active minutes - treadmill and 650 meter mixed swim that wasn't as fun and relaxing as I'd hoped. I'd rather just swim freestyle in the zone. 9,830 steps. Today I am 167.2, hiking, hitting balls, laundry, errands just moving and staying active all day, avoiding the recliner until movie time.

B= coffee, eggbeater and cheese wrap, protein shake

l - Golf course - the best grilled hot dog and Bloody Mary

d - grilled chicken and chopped salad

s - pineapple creami - just very ripe fresh cut pineapple and it's juice.

Have a great day!

RNY 11/21/16 - HW/SW 309 LW 150

REVISION 4/10/23 - HW 240 SW 225 CW 164 GW 155

on 8/10/24 7:22 am
RNY on 06/03/15

Mornin' Weekenders!

it's a perfect day for outside exercise! After so many days of heat & humidity or (especially) rain, I'm taking advantage of every nice day!! DH wants to go walking this morning (I'll go, too), and then I'll bike this afternoon. That's about it on my agenda for the day.

QOTD: I love storms. Our current cats don't seem to be bothered by them, but one of our former ones used to hide behind the toilet in the basement bathroom every time he heard thunder. Poor little guy!!

coffee with half & half

rye crumpet with butter and fruit spread

plain skyr with blueberry sauce

salad with diced peach and chickpeas

protein shake or protein muffin

leftover eggplant parmesan

have a great day, everyone!

RNY 06/03/15 by Michael Garren (Madison, WI)

HW: 373 SW: 316 GW: 150 LW: 138 CW: 163

on 8/10/24 8:20 am
RNY on 10/29/19

Good morning. Another busy day ahead. Under accountability for yesterday, too many carbs for dinner and an extra glass of wine. I cook so much differently with the grands here. They are not adventurous, but I so active I need to get good calories in them. Last night it was chicken fettuccine alfredo. But I added a salad and tried to pick out mostly chicken and I skipped dessert. My back is still in terrible shape and my PCP is referring back to a nuclear med doctor to see about an injection. I only got about 6700 steps in yesterday, no intentional exercise. I'm going to try things today to see what I can do. Like I figured out I can do counter push ups and work my shoulders and upper arms. What else can I add? TBD.

Today is crazy time again with the girls. Gymnastics for one for 4 hours, softball tryouts for the other. Return some clothes and they are creating a Jeopardy game for us to play tonight. Currently, rock painting is happening.

QoTD: I absolutely LOVE thunder and lightening. We don't get a lot of it here in San Diego.

Bites today...

B: hb egg and cottage cheese. Better get to that fast because we have to leave soon.

L: turkey deli meat, cheese, maybe some pop chips for crunch

D: Pork riblets, baked beans, salad

Peace everybody!

Height 5'3"

HW 200

surgery date 10/29/19 177.9

CW 121.4

goal weight 125

on 8/10/24 3:27 pm
RNY on 02/14/18

If you get a balance pad you can switch legs and work on balance, andyour core, if you can do high marches it's essentially standing crunch. The pad is more about mobility and balance but it's super low impact

HW: 306 SW: 282 GW: 145 (reached 2/6/19) CW:150


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