What's on your Monday Menu?
on 3/4/24 2:01 am
Good Morning Gang! Welcome to another Monday :)
I checked into OH late yesterday and saw that it was Amy and Rob's meet-a-versary. Weiiiiiird, because yesterday was mine and Grim's 8 year meet-a-versary, or as he let me know-- 2923 days together (not than anyone is counting, lol)! Who was here when we met up to see To Kill a Mockingbird? Were you shipping us? We met up on 3/3 for the movie, then got together a few more times over the month, then had our first official date on 4/3, exactly a month later. He actually asked me out on a date the same night that he had to wait with me to get the boot taken off my car, so it's not like he didn't know what he was getting into!
This was a nice weekend. Very low key. I read a good book, made lots of cookies, and even took a nap. Apparently work isn't awful when you have work life balance. Who knew?
I went to bed feeling a little under the weather. Nothing awful just a blah low key stomachache and headache. My stomach feels better but I still have a little headache. Not awful, just blah. Probably the onset of stupid spring allergies. To answer Melody's question yesterday--Spring was my favorite season until my allergies set in, so Fall takes my top spot now.
QOTD: Do you have a favorite super hero franchise? The only super hero show I ever watched as a kid was Wonder Woman and the very campy Batman (and Mighty Mouse--does he count?). I liked Toby McGuire as Spiderman and I liked the first Ant-Man but the rest of it is way over my head.
- protein coffee
- egg bites
- beef stick, babybel cheese, and almonds
- tbd - maybe dinner out?
on 3/4/24 2:41 am - Amarillo, TX
Good mornin y'all. QJB, hope the headache eases up soon. They are no fun!
Not a lot planned for the day. We have to pick up the kids from school but other than that nothing is set in stone. I need to pick up prescriptions but it doesn't have to happen today. Yesterday was pretty good. The pizza was good and the dessert was yummy but very rich so I didn't eat a big piece. My blood sugars are back down after the steroid fiasco Friday night into Saturday.
I'm going to have to ask my pain management about the carpal tunnel thing. I'll need a referral back to my neurosurgeon to be seen about it. I've had the nerve conduction test already. I'm just hoping it's that and not my neck. I'll figure they'll want to do an X-ray and maybe a CT scan. I'm just tired of its pain on top of my other pain. My hands go to sleep all the time...especially when I try to sleep and chainmaille..
QOTD: if I had to pick one it'd be the OG X-Men cartoons. Cheese yes but I grew up watching that on Saturday morning. I liked the first movie and the second one was ok. I haven't seen the others. I thought Hugh Jackman was good as Logan though.
B: eggs, sausage, cheese and 4 crackers. Coffee x 2
L: not 100% sure for the rest of the day. I need to get some energy and start caring about what I eat. Food is fuel not energy boosters or comforting stuff. I hate it when my brain feels fat.
Sane Andy...same.
on 3/4/24 5:16 am
The most significant thing I did to help my carpel tunnel pain was wearing wrist braces to bed every night without fail. I did this for many, many years and when ever possible during the day. Unfortunately, chainmaille is probably making it worse.

RNY 11/21/16 - HW/SW 309 LW 150
REVISION 4/10/23 - HW 240 SW 225 CW 164 GW 155
on 3/4/24 5:27 am - Amarillo, TX
I do wear braces sometimes. They make it worse at night. I even got special night time ones and I wake up in tears over them or sling them off during the night while half asleep. That's what worries me is that the braces don't help. It tends to hurt more when I have my elbows elevated to do work(even dishes). It may just have to be a deal with it kind of thing.
on 3/4/24 4:58 am
Good morning ~ Happy 3/3 meet-a-versary to you guys! It's a good day to meet someone special. I wasn't here when you first got together, I joined a few months after but have enjoyed your love story very much. I don't have anything on calendar today so I will enjoy the free flowing day and get organized. I think they are coming to finish the painting today. Maintenance is building a cabinet for us then a few more little things and the office will be done. There is a large hall closet where we keep our records that has turned into a free for all and a junk depository - it's a nightmare. I want to tackle that next and put a lock on the door. But I can't get ahead of myself and get behind on other things. It will happen eventually.
QOTD - I loved that Batman! My favorite would be Marvel. I lost interest a couple years ago because of how many movies I still needed to see to catch up. It would just confuse me that I had to watch a cartoon to understand such-and-such in the movie. My son had to explain them, it was exhausting.
Accountability - The Lasagna was very good! The pan didn't seem very big 8x8, but we barely made a dent! Dinner tonight and the rest in the freezer. 186.2 ugh, but no regrets. I've had my fun, now falling into a good week ahead with extra fiber.
B- coffee x 4, yogurt, mixed berries
l - chicken, salad w/veggies and Bolthouse honey mustard
d - lasagna
s- 1/2 an apple and clementine
Have a great day!

RNY 11/21/16 - HW/SW 309 LW 150
REVISION 4/10/23 - HW 240 SW 225 CW 164 GW 155
on 3/4/24 8:02 am
Ha, I wish! It's a just the maintenance guy painting our office the standard county ugly beige.

RNY 11/21/16 - HW/SW 309 LW 150
REVISION 4/10/23 - HW 240 SW 225 CW 164 GW 155
Good morning, everybody!
Did we even know that they are making a sequel to This is Spinal Tap? Supposedly, it is coming out on March 24th. My college and young adult softball team was called One Louder.
24.1 was tough. I was hoping to be able to fini**** in the 15 minute time cap, but I ended up timing out with 155 reps complete. The left handed (particularly) snatches started draining my strength, which necessitated rests in between efforts, which just ran down time. And the more tired I was, the slower the Burpees went. For example, I did my first set of right handed snatches (21) unbroken, but by the set of 15 left-handed, I had to go 4,4,4,3. In any case, I felt like I gave it my all.
After the workout, I went home and lied on the couch coughing for about 30 minutes, vegged for 60 more and finally ate dinner after 1 1/2 hours. 24.2 will be announced on Thursday.
Saturday's workout was designed for recovery. 30 minute team event, all cardio. My teammate was a 10 year old. We rocked.
Then it was time for our adventure with Matt! The Chicago Theatre was jammed packed, everybody was screaming and dressed up in their costumes. We were not called down but we had a lot of fun: Punch A Bunch, Checkout Game, Cliffhangers, Plinko, two Showcase Showdowns and finally the Showcase. We were baffled by the Showcase Showdown: a new Hyundai, trips for 2 to South Beach, Costa Rica, and Hawaii plus 2 surfboards all for like $28,400? What? Needless to say all contestants and audience members went way over. Also, in the travel edition, you only win all of the showdown prized if you are within $100. Otherwise, just the trip to South Beach.
Dinner was yum, I will have pictures on Friday.
Marilyn is psyching herself up to finish her Del Coranado puzzle today - the forefront is all sand and the top is blue sky, so tough going.
QOTD. I am going to go with Drax the Destroyer from Guardians of the Galaxy.
Breakfast: Fritatta
Lunch: Catered
Dinner: TBD
Have a great day, all!

Jim Age 58 Height 6 Feet Consult Weight 344 SW 289 Pre-Surgery -55, M1 -25, M2 -16, M3 -21, M4 -10, M5 -5, M6 -1, M7 -4, M8 0, M9 +4, M10 -4
Mornin' All!
I have a dentist appt later this morning and a massage this afternoon. In between, I have to pick up my new Forteo pen (for osteoporosis) and go grocery shopping for my mother. I'll also have to check to see how she's doing with her new (to her) computer, which was my MIL's. She was completely baffled by it when I set it up for her on Saturday (it's Windows 10 - her old machine still had Windows 8 on it - not enough resources to install 10 on it). I must have explained to her at least 10 times how to turn it off and on - she couldn't even grasp the whole power button idea (for turning the computer on), even though it looked exactly the same - and was in the exact same place - as it was on her old computer. Her cognitive ability is evidently worse than I thought. I noticed she wasn't online at all yesterday - or at least didn't email or put anything on Facebook. I'll have to see if she was on at all this morning. If not, I guess there will need to be more lessons on turning the computer off and on..or else I'll have to set up that old hunk-o-junk for her again. UGH.
I had my orientation for the film festival yesterday as well as my orientation for my upcoming cat-sitting "job" for my neighbor. Looking forward to both.
QOTD: I don't think I had a favorite super hero, although I used to watch Batman all the time when it was on TV back in the mid- to late 60s.
coffee with half & half
I'm kind of wanting something different than plain skyr with fruit for breakfast this morning - maybe chaffles?
protein shake
bagged salad, cheese sticks
maybe the leftover spinach lasagna, finally? (I was having G/I distress yesterday afternoon/evening, so I skipped dinner)
ex: walking
have a great day, everyone!
Good Morning! I was here when you met! I wonder how it's Monday already. I got my hair done and a pedicure this weekend so I should be ready head to toe for work today (whomp whomp) but I'm really not but it'll be busy and most likely go by quick.
QOTD: The Marvel Universe, Iron Man is a fav and you can't go wrong with Robert Downey Jr
TSS: 9 years 6 months
B: SF latte, Fiber/protein oatmeal, turkey sausage, and an orange
L: Turkey and cheese sticks, carrots, light and fit yogurt and some fruit
S: Mixed nuts, a piece of fruit and yogurt
D: Shredded chicken breast, zero carb tortillas, cauliflower rice, banana, and dark chocolate
ES: yogurt and toast
E: Treadmill
V/W: On track
Totals: I haven't updated in MFP yet
Have a great day!