Welcome to Sunday, Menuers!
on 8/13/23 12:28 am
It's Sunday, everyone!
I'm grateful to have power and water. I'll go back to storing several gallons for contingencies. In April of 2021 the power was out for two days after a storm that washed out several sections of the road. Once the road was passable, I did the same thing. Maybe I'll install solar panels or a generator someday.
QOTD- Do you have emergency plans and supplies on hand for extended outages and/or the zombie apocalypse? If so, what do you have and why? I have so much food but not much in the way of water since my well is electric. I do have a hand-cranked flashlight to supplement my battery powered ones. And I do have bang sticks but not much ammo.
Today I might go have breakfast at the diner. I need to buy dog food, and maybe do the car as hoped. Yesterday was kind of wasted beyond basic cleaning. Maybe some laundry today and exchanging a dress I bought on a whim. I grabbed a large on a hanger without checking the actual product and found it was an XXL when I tried it on, which was way too big. I'm not much of a dress person, so it's surprising that I like this enough to try and get the right size. It is from Walmart, after all.
Maybe some cooking today. I've also started the critical care probiotics.
Menu will be protein pudding, turkey sausage and grits at the diner, oeufs cocotte since I liked them, kiwi, a mandarin, cajun baked tilapia, part of a banana, a few whole corn tortilla chips.
Make it a great day, everyone!

HW 282, LW 123.4 (8/29/23), CW 144.4
Pre-op-33, M1-12, M2-17, M3-14, M4-11, M5-14, M6-5, M7-6, M8-5, M9-22, M10-6, M11-5, M12-2, M13-2, M14-5
on 8/13/23 1:31 am - Amarillo, TX
Good mornin everyone! Hoping you're all doing well.
Not just a whole lot planned for the day. Hoping for a nap since I've been up since around midnight. Really feeling exhausted. I've got to get dinner started around 7 or 8. We're doing pork in the crock pot. I might make some rice for my mom later to have with it if she wants it.
QOTD: if there is a zombie apocalypse I'll die early on. LOL. Other wise we have water and flashlights. During the winter we keep some foods stocked up in case we get a bad for us snow storm.
B: oatmeal and coffee x2
L: pumpkin soup, pepperjack cheese, sausage crumbles and 2 tsp half and half
D: 4 ozs boneless pork chop, sugar free marinade, bell peppers, onion, pineapple and maybe a small side salad.
S: PP shake, very small granola bar, L&F yogurt(maybe)
Mornin' All!
I was up around 3:30 feeding my sourdough starter - and then I decided to drain my yogurt, too, since I was up. I'm starting to feel like my German grandma (I don't think she ever made yogurt - but she was definitely a bread-baking machine! Not sure if that was more due to the era, or the fact she was European. Or both). Then of course the cats started meowing when they heard me get up - so I had to feed them, too. And now, of course, I can't get back to sleep. Sigh.
As i mentioned yesterday, our local mobile bike shop was set up in our driveway yesterday. He was there from about 9:00 - 3:00. I always get a free tune up out of it, so he tuned up my bike (a Trek road bike). I was out there talking to him near the end of his day, and I happened to mention that we had two ancient bikes that we were hoping to donate to one of those places that refurbishes bikes and gives them to kids from low income families. He asked to see the bikes. He pulled out my 35-year-old Fuji mountain bike and said it was probably fixable - and he fixed it! And put new tires on it (the old ones were obviously deteriorating). Fabulous! Now I can go on unpaved trails, too! (I only go on them if it's for a short distance (like between paved sections), since road bike tires aren't built for that). I'd been thinking of picking up a used mountain or hybrid bike so I can navigate all kinds of trails, not just paved ones, but now there's no need - I have my mountain bike back! He said Greg's old bike would take some work to get up to snuff, and besides, his current bike is a hybrid, so he really doesn't have a need to get the old thing up and running again. He can already ride on any type of trail. And besides, his Felt (the current bike) is a higher-quality bike than the old one. So we'll donate that old one, as planned. If the places can't refurbish them, they use them for parts, and then recycle what they can't use. In either event, at least they don't end up in the landfill, and there's a good chance a kid will get a bike out of it!
not sure what's on tap for today. Greg suggested we go biking on some route we weren't able to do in the past because it's unpaved, but it's supposed to rain this afternoon, so that probably won't happen. I may just read. And bake bread.
QOTD: no and we should. We have a flashlight in one of the kitchen drawers, but I don't even know if the battery is working or not. Although we have enough food in this house to last us for a month.
B: either the tail end of my last loaf of Danish rye bread (with butter and jam), or protein pancakes (I top mine with plain Greek yogurt and fruit). Coffee with half & half (already had that!)
MS: protein shake
L: Thai-style salad (I decided to make my own "bagged salad" - shredded cabbage/lettuce/carrots topped with a few cashews and ginger/peanut dressing)
AS: Ratio yogurt or a protein muffin
D: sauteed zucchini & tomatoes, maybe half a fake chicken sandwich (ended up not having this last night)
have a great day, everyone!
on 8/13/23 12:19 pm
Much respect for all of the food maintenance you've got to do with yogurt and sourdough starter. I love skyr but not enough to try making my own. Used to by Siggi's years ago at the health food stores.
Glad you were able to get your bike fixed! I had a hybrid bike for years. They're great for extra exercise since it takes more energy with the bigger tired on roads.

HW 282, LW 123.4 (8/29/23), CW 144.4
Pre-op-33, M1-12, M2-17, M3-14, M4-11, M5-14, M6-5, M7-6, M8-5, M9-22, M10-6, M11-5, M12-2, M13-2, M14-5
One reason Grandma baked bread is because what you got in the store was either Wonder Bread or a really nasty tasting whole wheat. Homemade was so much better and flour was really cheap.
I realized last night that I am not at all prepared for any emergency. I have spent the last year downsizing and that ended up including most of the food. I have canned stuff but not a non-electric can opener. I am getting that resolved this week. One thing I am going to stock up on is the chicken or tuna packets with crackers. I do have flashlights, candles, matches and battery powered lanterns.
When I lived with a well, I did always have a lot of bottled water. I need to pick some up for emergencies.
I have three or four dresses, but they are for when I go to something like a wedding. I wear shorts or leggings seven days a week. I really like the dresses I have and have just not even tried on any of the sundresses that are so cute and popular now.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
now that you mention the bread situation back in the middle 20th century, yes, of course you're right. As with a lot of other categories of food, selection was very limited. Like cheese - American, swiss, and cheddar or colby - most of it not very good. And produce - I'm pretty sure we didn't have things like mangos, kiwis, artichokes - anything like that - back in those days.
I meant to comment on dresses, too. I rarely wear them, but I have two for summer and one for winter, because you never know when you'll be invited to a wedding or some similar type of affair. But that's the only time I wear them. Otherwise, I live in my leggings and capris.
on 8/13/23 12:39 pm
Leggings are so comfy! And cheap. Still not sold on capris but it's because of my thick calves and ankles.
Dresses seem to be pretty popular with the ladies in my larger department. Thinking about it, I'd say probably 75% wear a dress daily. Kind of surprising, really. It's nice to find the staple ones you want to keep and wear!

HW 282, LW 123.4 (8/29/23), CW 144.4
Pre-op-33, M1-12, M2-17, M3-14, M4-11, M5-14, M6-5, M7-6, M8-5, M9-22, M10-6, M11-5, M12-2, M13-2, M14-5
on 8/13/23 12:30 pm
Electric can openers! We had one when I was a kid and my mom was so proud of it! Every one I've ever owned as an adult has been manual...can't even remember the last time I've seen an electric one. Maybe at Service Merchandise.
Love my well...Definitely want to have a bit of backup on hand. I remember my Mormon friend's mom used to can water and they had a whole shed for water and food storage they refreshed every year.
With you on dresses. I have a wedding coming up but nothing that would fit right now. And no idea what the wedding dress code will be. Worst case scenario is just work slacks and a nice shirt but I'd like to have a couple of dresses for whatever.
I think this one will do okay with a shoulder wrap. Doesn't show so much in a still photo but I have flaps and baggy skin on my arms. I prefer dresses with sleeves and to be floor-length. Go figure.
For $16.50 at Walmart, I'll take it. I have zero sense of fashion but one of my friends says it looks okay.

HW 282, LW 123.4 (8/29/23), CW 144.4
Pre-op-33, M1-12, M2-17, M3-14, M4-11, M5-14, M6-5, M7-6, M8-5, M9-22, M10-6, M11-5, M12-2, M13-2, M14-5