What's on your Saturday menu?
on 8/12/23 2:48 am - Amarillo, TX
Good mornin everyone! Hope your weekend is off to a good start!
Nothing much going on here. I think we don't have a lot planned. The only thing we have to do is go to the bank branch that's open today. I'm hoping to get more chainmaille done today. I've got about 5 more pendants to make before I can do some bracelets,
Pain has been extreme. The topical spray I got helps some. It smells strong...really really strong. I don't feel like I can wear it while out in the public. I get paranoid about it. I should get the CBD gummies Monday. After I finish that up I'll likely get the pills. These are the very soft gummies and not very strong but good for just starting out. I am hopeful it'll be a good thing to do CBD.
My niece Rachel was finally allowed to get her ears pierced! I have someone new I can make earrings for!
QOTD: if you had to choose a new first name instead of the one given to you what would it be?
I was almost named April Sunshine instead of Melody Sunshine. If I had to choose another name it'd be Rose I think. Short and sweet.
B: JUST egg bowl, L&F yogurt and coffee x2
L: gazpacho with 3 tbs cheese
D: thinking shrimp stir fry
S: popcorn and ??? Probably a PP shake.
Mornin' Weekenders!
The pop-up bike shop will be operating out of our garage/driveway from about 9:00-3:00 today, so I guess I'll be home most of the day. I'm making skyr right now and might make bread later. Plus read. Otherwise, not much going on in my world at the moment
QOTD: I've been thinking about this for the past couple of hours, and I honestly don't know. Definitely not my given first name (Patricia). Not that it's a horrible name, but there are issues with it. First, it immediately dates me. Know any Patricias who are under 50 years old? Or even under 60? (maybe a handful under 60, but under 50? no). I think about this a lot when I write my name down on something - a form or whatever. Anyone reading it will immediately assume I'm an older person. Plus I would want a name that's just my name - whatever is on my birth certificate is what people would call me. Most Patricias do not use that name. They go by Pat or Patty or Trish or Tricia (and along those lines, I've spent my life telling people my name is Trish (or when I was younger, Tricia) - not Pat or Patty. UGH! It's gotten REALLY old). As far as "timeless" names go - well there's Elizabeth - but then you have the nickname issue again. So...I don't know. Good question, though - it's stimulated a lot of thought for me.
my eating has GOT to be reigned in. It started a few days ago (my b-day or maybe a day or two before) and hasn't really let up. I need to really buckle down today.
B: Danish bread with whipped butter and currant fruit spread, coffee with half & half (I need some protein, but I'll have yogurt or a protein shake as a snack mid-morning. I'm really not hungry now, so I probably didn't need the bread, either..)
MS: yogurt or protein shake
L: maybe the last egg/cheese half pita thing that's in my freezer (from Aldi) and sauteed zucchini & tomatoes
AS: protein muffin ?
D: 1/2 fake burger and leftover "crispy Brussels sprouts" (from yesterday's lunch out)
have a good day, everyone!
on 8/12/23 5:56 pm
I went to high school with a Patricia (Patty). She hated her name, too. Maybe she was a generational holdover from her parents. I do work with a couple of Patty's buy that's their actual name, I think. One is probably a decade younger than me. Names are fun!

HW 282, LW 123.4 (8/29/23), CW 144.4
Pre-op-33, M1-12, M2-17, M3-14, M4-11, M5-14, M6-5, M7-6, M8-5, M9-22, M10-6, M11-5, M12-2, M13-2, M14-5
on 8/12/23 6:22 am
Good morning menuers!
You have a beautiful name, Mel. I've never met anyone with Sunshine in their name. I hope between the oil and gummies, something helps with the pain. Did you get the gabapentin?
QOTD- No preference, really. I'm not a name person, though I was so happy to be able to shorten my signature on my license. I'd probably change it to some unpronouncable symbol to keep from having an identifier. All our names are plain and my mom did it on purpose since she didn't want people to be able to make fun of us. She also hates her first name.
This is my second wonky Saturday in a row. Last night a wild pop-up storm rolled through that wasn't in the predictions. It knocked out my power around 10:30, which I took as providence and went to bed. It was still out when I got up, so I hopped in the car with the hopes of checking the road, heading into town to ge****er, and washing and detailing my car so I can put the seat covers on.
I made it about 3/4 of a mile down the road while stopping to clear all the storm damaged branches off and then ran into this:
So, I can't get out. I've texted my two neighbors (it was early) and I'm happy to go help if they have a chainsaw better than my little 12 inch electric. Might not look like it but that's an entire tree and the trunk is a couple feet across. The power company was obviously out since there are fresh cuts and marks where the truck came and went. The power line is draped over the big bush on the right and is down on the ground, so that makes me hesitant to mess with anything.
Have reported to the power company and country road department since this is on the maintained section of my road. Of course, there's no one in the office. I can see the outage map improving so hoping they come back.
I also got creative and ordered a delivery from the local store. Six gallons of water and some iron tablets to meet minimum shipping requirements. Then I can at least have water for the dogs, basic stuff, and flushing the toilet if the power stays off. I intend to meet them at the tree and see how it works since it appears you can get through from the other side. Could be cleared by then, who knows?
It's supposed to be over 95 today so if I don't get power back, might be chilling in the car with my dogs for AC. They know something is up.
Menu today is a bit up in the air. I'm not opening the fridge or freezer in hopes that some things may survive. That leaves cupboard scavenging. Pretty sure I have some Built bars, tuna cups, biltong, seaweed, a banana, mandarin oranges, rice cakes and other things. Oh, probably some smoked clams and triscuits. That sounds good.
Happy Saturday everyone!

HW 282, LW 123.4 (8/29/23), CW 144.4
Pre-op-33, M1-12, M2-17, M3-14, M4-11, M5-14, M6-5, M7-6, M8-5, M9-22, M10-6, M11-5, M12-2, M13-2, M14-5
on 8/12/23 7:53 am
Yikes! I hope your power is restored soon - 95 is no joke.

RNY 11/21/16 - HW/SW 309 LW 150
REVISION 4/10/23 - HW 240 SW 225 CW 164 GW 155
on 8/12/23 5:51 pm
Thanks! Got power back late in the morning, and the county highway department had the road cleared by noon or so. Glad to have the AC!

HW 282, LW 123.4 (8/29/23), CW 144.4
Pre-op-33, M1-12, M2-17, M3-14, M4-11, M5-14, M6-5, M7-6, M8-5, M9-22, M10-6, M11-5, M12-2, M13-2, M14-5
Mary is also an old fashioned name. Everyone in my family was named after grandparents or aunts or uncles so all have names that pretty much date us. I used to think Margaret was a nice name because you could have Peggy when young and Margaret when you wanted to sound old. But Peggy and Margaret are now names that would be associated with being over 60.
I wonder if I would have been a different person if I had an unusual name. One of my friends was Madonna and she hated that because back then it meant you were supposed to be a perfect little saint. Madonna is no longer associated with a timid little virgin. The famous Madonna changed that perception.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends