What's on your Wednesday Menu?

Queen JB
on 2/22/23 2:26 am
RNY on 07/20/15

Morning everyone! Sorry I didn't get a chance to come back and answer/comment yesterday. I was out of the house from 10am - 6pm. But I appreciate all of the support about this party. It's obviously frustrating, but family dynamics are difficult, and I am not going to spend any more time being upset about it. I just need to channel my energy into making this the best party ever so we all get my money's worth, right? The caterer was very nice and she has definitely put together a lovely spread :)

Speaking of money, I have been hosting cookie classes at different breweries around the area, which is fun, but it's hard to work with so many different venues, and the space has been hit or miss. So anyway, I found a space at a college 5 minutes from my house. They are only charging me $75 to use it, and the room looks perfect! I only have to add a few dollars to each ticket to cover the cost, so I am excited. Anyway, this morning I get to head over to the space and check it out! Yay! That's my only plan for the day that is not school-work related.

QOTD: Mac or PC? I am an Apple girl, through and through. Honestly, I think it would be a deal breaker for me if I had to use a PC at a job!

Accountability: perfect.

B: protein coffee

L greek yogurt

D: fish

  • High Weight before LapBand: 200 (2008)
  • High Weight before RNY: 160 (2015)
  • Lowest post-op weight: 110 (2016)
  • Maintenance Weight: 120 (2017-2019)
  • Battling Regain Weight: 135 (current)

(deactivated member)
on 2/22/23 2:58 am
RNY on 01/24/23

Hello there!

QOTD: PC but I'm Apple everything else funnily enough

today is egg, yogurt, protein meal replacement and some soft chicken cooker in a low carb sauce

Hope everyone has a great day

on 2/22/23 3:16 am
WLS on 07/15/22

Good morning QJB and menuers,

I really hope the party planning compromise included a smaller price tag for you. That's a huge amount of work and a time commitment. You're an amazing daughter for agreeing to that. Congrats on finding a good space for classes! Maximizing time and effort, woo! Also, congrats on perfect accountability with everything going on.

QOTD- PC. And android, while we're at it. Cheers!

Office morning today. Need to prep for a couple of meetings I'll have to take in my car to work around the surgical follow up. That's at noon and I have 11am, 1pm, and 2pm meetings.

I think my teeth have started shifting a bit since my bite feels weird this morning and I can almost close my teeth normally, even with the hardware. Two weeks seems quick, but if I can chew better, it's something I'll celebrate!

It's windy this morning and I love to hear my chimes outside. Corinthian Bells. I've loved the sound of them literally for decades, so it's nice go have been able to buy them for my first house.

Accountability- Half an English muffin.

Exercise - Office and other walking. Will see what today brings!

Menu - lamb slices, ratio yogurts, turkey taco casserole, seaweed, blueberries, maybe quiche. I need to clean out the fridge.

Have a great day, everyone!

HW 282, LW 123.4 (8/29/23), CW 144.4

Pre-op-33, M1-12, M2-17, M3-14, M4-11, M5-14, M6-5, M7-6, M8-5, M9-22, M10-6, M11-5, M12-2, M13-2, M14-5

on 2/22/23 8:57 am
RNY on 03/24/21

Busy day.

I am so sick of the weather! Today the temps dropped to 14 degrees with wind. So freaking cold. Global warming, ha! I think we have entered the ice age again.

HW 296 SW 267.8 GW 130 LW 128.2 CW 131.6

Age 55 5 ft 4 inches

Roux-en-Y 3/24/21

Internal Hernia 1/14/22

Gallbladder 3/22

Volvulus 10/7/23-Reversal of RNY 11/19/23

The last of the human freedoms, to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances. (Frankl, 1946)

on 2/22/23 7:00 pm
WLS on 07/15/22

That's some crazy stuff for sure. My Vermont friend said he's about to get ten inches of snow, and here I have celebrating frogs while you freeze. Good times.

HW 282, LW 123.4 (8/29/23), CW 144.4

Pre-op-33, M1-12, M2-17, M3-14, M4-11, M5-14, M6-5, M7-6, M8-5, M9-22, M10-6, M11-5, M12-2, M13-2, M14-5

on 2/26/23 2:05 am
RNY on 02/14/18

Climate change is why everyone is dealing with so many extreme weather events. The arctic was warmer than Colorado, which is funny-not funny because i was so cold even in the "warmth" but since it's not just about me being comfortable, it is alarming for sure.

HW: 306 SW: 282 GW: 145 (reached 2/6/19) CW:150


Melody P.
on 2/22/23 3:48 am - Amarillo, TX

Good mornin everyone!

I have an appointment at 8:40 this morning with the pain clinic. They are supposed to up my dosage in the pain pump. I'm hoping and crossing fingers it'll be a good increase so I can get even the slightest relief. I've been dealing with a lot of pain as of late. So much tiredness and exhaustion.

The weather here is atrocious. We had a gust of 69mph yesterday and the winds are supposed to be worse today. Ohhhhh joy. We're going to make a trip to Walmart after my appointment then it's home to hunker down. Praying for no damage to our property.

I'm going to make some mini frittatas today or tomorrow. I'm so bored with breakfast stuff. I have some duck eggs but I don't want that every day. They are really only ok when done in a skillet. They are thicker than chicken eggs so they don't scramble well. I'm going to load it up with veggies and a tiny bit of cheese on the top of each one. I think I'm going to make some hummus this week. I've been craving some...I could buy premade but it's usually saltier than I care for,


Hope of improving my pain situation

being able to cook things I like

My psychologist and liking the new NP for my psychiatric care

QOTD: I would prefer apple but they are too pricey for me right now. I have a cheap android phone and can't justify an iPhone. I would love a Mac book but I'll have to go with PC. I do love my iPad though!

B: oatmeal and coffee

L: half of a serving of lasagna

D: probably a frittata

S: small granola square and ????


on 2/22/23 8:59 am
RNY on 03/24/21

Good luck at the pain clinic and getting some relief.

HW 296 SW 267.8 GW 130 LW 128.2 CW 131.6

Age 55 5 ft 4 inches

Roux-en-Y 3/24/21

Internal Hernia 1/14/22

Gallbladder 3/22

Volvulus 10/7/23-Reversal of RNY 11/19/23

The last of the human freedoms, to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances. (Frankl, 1946)

Melody P.
on 2/22/23 10:20 am - Amarillo, TX

Thanks so much!

they said my pump is "mobile" so I get to wear a binder all the time except when showering. They are worried about it kinking the tubing.


on 2/22/23 7:00 pm
WLS on 07/15/22

Hope the appointment went well!

HW 282, LW 123.4 (8/29/23), CW 144.4

Pre-op-33, M1-12, M2-17, M3-14, M4-11, M5-14, M6-5, M7-6, M8-5, M9-22, M10-6, M11-5, M12-2, M13-2, M14-5

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