Friday Menu n Exercise -w the Courts!
Hi Menuers!
hi again! so todays name responses were very interesting. As most of U know im named Ava or Eva with an accent egu ( pronounced Ava) .
I actually love my name because its the primeval woman- when I see the fertility goddesses from our ancient past i know theyre me .. faceless but breastidudeinous hippy the grrlz that inspired their guyz to wal****old hundreds of miles to hunt for dangerous game w spears and drag it back to feed them and their babiez together . im the grrl that gathers and even grows the crops ( and flowers and healing herbs ) . nurses babiez , wants her guy Yes, so I absolutely love my ancient name.
I was given no middle name but both the last names of my egalitarian Parents.
sorta tuff day today : appeal in Housing Court , concert and opera tickets, car evaluation collecting rents
b- chicken marsala Trader Joes but w homemade fresh mushroom ff butter sauce mashed potatoes ff chai tea latte Splenda
l- salad w ff dressing
d- Chinese homemade chicken soup chinese n jamaican meat bits . Interiors of fresh egg rolls w dipping sauces
exercise - trying to make appt for ( extremely effective ) PT torture . Walking Verrazano bridge 10 mile walkway w headphones.