
Thursday Menu n Exercise

on 11/17/22 2:26 am, edited 11/17/22 5:14 am

hi Menuers !

i have the front door securely locked sleeping nekkid here in my room.Im terribly lonely and also frustrated because no guys will help me when i need help its a one way street apparently so no matter how delicious i look how sweet i act ( and yes im very compassionate and caring ) its ignored.

To b honest i explored Tinder last nite but there is no way no how i could possibly subject myself to that instant superficial judgment and actual SEX ??!!!

like my tenants tell me personal relations commence in STRIP CLUBS ??!! and in Asia where of course compliant grrlz want to murder U ? this is SO alien to me i just cant get my head around it.

Shouldnt matter cuz im jes trying to get into school.

Unfortunately There are NO monologues that speak to me ..and i cant constantly perform my own obviously .

Im so tempted to skip a year and apply NEXT yesr but i know i have their attention NOW and hafta dance For better or worse

b- popcorn raisins homemade fresh tortillas w refried beans n ff cheese

l-God knows but im walking distance to Burger King rodeo burger ? ( onion rings on top 1.29 290 calories)

d- if a guy wont buy m a meal i might as well shoot m self

QOTD: i dont like tattoos and im proud i never succumbed to the temptation of getting one despite working for the Easy Rider group of magazines photographing them .

I love Asian criminal gang tattoos full body extremely painful and so expressive and also Russian prison tattoos where if you get the wrong kind w/out permission from your roof theyll strip it off you with a carving knife .

my favorite imagine tattoo is a glow in the dark hyper realistic mostly white tramp stamp of a cattelya orchid complete w leaves on the lower back .
But my parents would kill me :) . Maybe one day .

I do have cosmetically tattooed single hair eyebrows and eyeliner ( needs to be renewed)

exercise - going out to dig holes to plant cherry tree, crabapple and several purple leafed plums by the curb .
Also cleaning trashing n polishing cabinets in the animal ravaged kitchen .

A snide young guy from Servpro came yesterday and wants TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS !!!! For cleaning essentially a single room !

I bought a ghetto city block for half that in the nineties and government guaranteed rented the homes i renovated with my own hands for much needed monthly incone and eventually sold the properties for half a million dollars years ago !

to me ten thousand dollars is HUGE and no matter how much i need help i am not desperate enough to pay that kind of money.
