What's on your Thursday menu?
Good Morning Menuers !
Kind of a lazyish day today - housing court went well yesterday but took a lot longer than anticipated. The judge says he will deny my motion if I can?t find an attorney by mid-October - much harder than it sounds .
I was planning to return loan applications today and it turns out the interest rates were just hiked just after I completed ALMOST all the work . Should have sent everything in three business days ago when I originally uploaded it !
brunch - egg beaters scramble w fat free half n half butter buds and ff cheese and Southwestern potato latkes made with fresh potato mix ( for home fries I think ) . I?ve never learned how to utilize these well - today I tried making latkes no oil no spray oil even - on my tiny two sided indoor electric grill ( 10 bux from Walmart) - absolutely crispy and delicious! ff sf chai tea latte
s- mostly the insides of fresh cherry turnovers , ff whipped cream
late lunch early dinner - blackened grilled shrimp, fat free homemade coleslaw ( coleslaw mix, ff ranch dressing, white pepper)
late night snack - late dinner ( art class ends at ten - home by eleven) fat free homemade New England clam chowder, Japanese rice crackers, grapes
This is my third day of more mindful eating attempting to get and keep my weight down another ten pounds ideally . It will mean when the thought to eat comes up not asking myself ? could I eat ? but rather am I legitimately even a little bit hungry? It?s a BIG difference.
So far I?ve been carrying a lot of food around with me ( just in case ) and biting more sweets and snacks than usual .
Activity- signing up for PT and chiropractic (finally ) and completing a class of hot yoga hopefully. If not a long walk to music by the shore . Sculpting.
I've always loved night work - answered phones and studied while I was in college - unloaded trucks for UPS on the 12-5 am shift here at the 43d street hub ( great money back then , " working" ( throwing around boxes ) with hot guys in short shorts to continuous nightclub music - what's not to love ? Unfortunately I had two other jobs too at the time - the office one wasn't crazy about their manager being dusty haired and tired every afternoon.
QOTD- When I first started at the phone company I had to work Midnight to 8AM doing bulk wiring on the special services frame. It was awful by about 2AM I would be ready to sleep, but by the time I got home I was wide awake and couldn't fall asleep to save my life.
OK my roommate was wrong the gray kitten is a boy. And the two black ones are girls. They are so full of energy and can be such a pain. Good thing that they cute. I kept hearing this weird sound and I finally investigated it, two of the kittens were on my loom, one sitting on the top of the harnesses so the heddles were moving and that was what was making the noise. I didn't have my phone so I didn't get a picture. Always an adventure.
I need to get back to work.
Have a great day everyone!

5'5" Age 67 HW 291 SW 275.8 CW 172.9
on 9/22/22 7:58 am
I bet that was adorable!

HW: 306 SW: 282 GW: 145 (reached 2/6/19) CW:150
Yes, 2am was the "witching hour" on night shift, just far enough into the night to be tired but not far enough into the shift to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I would practically fall asleep on the way home from work. Nonetheless, I usually had to take benedryl to remain asleep, which of course gave a hangover effect after I woke up.
Those kitties seem to bring you a lot of joy. Post pictures tomorrow please.

HW 296 SW 267.8 GW 130 LW 128.2 CW 131.6
Age 55 5 ft 4 inches
Roux-en-Y 3/24/21
Internal Hernia 1/14/22
Gallbladder 3/22
Volvulus 10/7/23-Reversal of RNY 11/19/23
The last of the human freedoms, to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances. (Frankl, 1946)
Good morning! This meme is so ME! And my Dad. This is how we wake up in the morning. It's a miracle we haven't been killed dead yet by our family.
I got my blood test report back yesterday in prep for my 3rd annual appt and I'm looking pretty dang fine if I do say so myself. I don't think there is a thing in this report that is going to bother my surgeon when I speak with her next month. Today I get my stitches out. Yay for that. The pain has been very minimal, but the stitches themselves keep catching on my shirt and it's uncomfortable but mostly annoying. We have to take care of a few errands today like making sure the propane tanks for the RV are full for the road trip and picking up the dry cleaning.
It's gorgeous out again, so if we get home from chores with time to spare, I plan on walking to my Dr.'s appt and back. About 5 miles round trip and brown dog is graduating to two blocks for a walk today. Those will check my exercise box for the day.
QoTD: Thankfully, no.
Accountability: I indulged in happy hour last night with my friends.
B: leftover pot roast and cottage cheese
L: TBD may eat out.
D: grilled rockfish and artichoke
Peace Everybody!

Height 5'3"
HW 200
surgery date 10/29/19 177.9
CW 121.4
goal weight 125
G'morning all!
Jen, oh my goodness, that little kid put a huge smile on my face. What a happy picture to start our Thursday, thank you!!!
For those of you who followed my passport saga, I am happy to report my brand spanking new passport is in my hands. After the first snafu of delivery, due to UPS, I gotta admit I was impressed by the government passport agency. They emailed me at every step: we received your passport, your passport is approved, your passport is being printed, your passport is being shipped. From the day they received it to the day I had it in my hands the whole thing was less than 4 weeks. My faith in gov agencies is restored.
QOTD: my only night shift was when my brother was at the hospital and I flew back home to give my mom some rest. She would stay with him during the day, and I would do the nights. We did this for about 2 weeks. I never realized how it affects the rest of your day. My sister and sister in law are both nurses and when you start the job you do rotations of night shift. They were out the whole day next day.
My meals yesterday :
- Coffee
- Left over chicken salsa
- Jello, iced coffee w/PP, plantain chips
- Mex cauli rice w/ground turkey
- E: 5 miles loop neighborhood uphills wog
Happy almost Fri-yay.
SW:261 6/26/17 GW:150 10/6/18
CW: 140.6
PGW: 140-142
on 9/22/22 1:40 pm
Yay for having your passport back. I always feel better when I can be ready to spontaneously leave the country. I never have because I'm a planner but I'm always afraid I will decide to when my passport is in transit, lol

HW: 306 SW: 282 GW: 145 (reached 2/6/19) CW:150
Hairspray the musical was fantastic last night. Lots of upbeat music, funny parts, excellent singing and acting, and good story line. I would recommend to anyone. Today started off with another early meeting (not 4 am early just 7am). I was a bit tired from going to bed at 11 pm since the musical didnt end until 10:15pm so it was a later night with an early morning, at least for me. Otherwise, more meetings, then yoga at the end of the day. I did end up going on a walk yesterday after work, that is a plus. I bought DD a big thick chocolate chip cookie at the musical, I could literally almost taste it with my imagination. I resisted temptation (Yay! Good for willpower) and stuck a piece of gum in my mouth!
QOTD: My first job out of nursing school was in the Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit on night shift. We did a combination of 12 (7p-7a) and 8 (11p-7a) hours to get a total of 40 hours/week. The reason I remark about the 8 and 12 hour shifts is that most places just do 12 hour shifts resulting in a 36 hour work week for inpatient healthcare workers. I only did night shifts for about 3 years, which were plenty for me. I never felt rested, even on my days off since I would try to flip back and forth between working nights ,then day time hours on off days. I have been on day shift routine since 1995 and havent looked back. I had one nursing job in which they still did 8 hour shifts only and worked evenings (3p-11p), which sucked because I felt like I was always working (remember I would have to work every other weekend which means that days off floated and may not be together), I felt like the only time there were fun activities to do was when I was scheduled to work. There are some people who love the night shift life-many a night owls anyway.
Accountability: Excellent-resisted the cookie monster inside of me!
B: triple zero yogurt with keto granola, blackberries, cold brew with half n half
L: Summer salad with chicken with light poppy seed dressing
S: protein frosty
D: Asian chicken salad with sesame ginger dressing
S: 4 squares sf chocolate, protein frosty
E: 60 min Inferno Pilates
Have a perfect pre-Friday!

HW 296 SW 267.8 GW 130 LW 128.2 CW 131.6
Age 55 5 ft 4 inches
Roux-en-Y 3/24/21
Internal Hernia 1/14/22
Gallbladder 3/22
Volvulus 10/7/23-Reversal of RNY 11/19/23
The last of the human freedoms, to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances. (Frankl, 1946)