What's on your Wednesday Menu?
Good morning and Happy Wednesday,
I spilled half my coffee this morning so that's a great start. I have a check in with the bariatric np today and ready for tough love.
QOTD - Geography or Literature.
B: Dannon Light and Fit Coconut Yogurt, Tangerine. 1/2 cup coffee.
L: PP shake.
D: ?
HW: 371 SW(8/9/21): 324 CW: 208 lbs 0 lbs til goal of skin reduction surgery. I'm still looking for a new plastic surgeon.
"History doesn't repeat itself but it rhymes." - Mark Twain.
on 9/21/22 8:09 am
YAAAAy for A's! I am not surprised at all though!
Qotd - I want to learn about everything. My favorite conversations are with people that are hyper focused on random topics wow hobbies because I learn so much.

HW: 306 SW: 282 GW: 145 (reached 2/6/19) CW:150
G'morning all!
QJB - congrats on all A's. When kids were in school they would get $20 for each A on their report card. You gotta have Grim reward you for your As.
I viscerally feel the pain of waking somebody else up and wish you tons of patience. The last two years of high school DS wouldn't get out bed on time and it had become my job to get him out of bed for the 7:30 start of school. I don't think we had so many clashes as those last two years. I hated the whole thing. Now in college he chooses classes that start at 11:00. And both kids were really miffed when our district moved the start of school to 8:30-9:00 after they had been out of school. My poor DD had a zero period as a sr so she had to be at school at 6:30. She once told me her hs years were the hardest for her academically.
QOTD: more languages please. I wish I had the brain to retain more languages. I tried with German and Japanese but in both cases after about 6 months I gave up. And I'm open to everything and all knowledge. That's why I love meeting new people because I can listen to what their interest is and learn more.
My meals yesterday :
- Coffee
- Mex cauli rice w/ground turkey
- Jello, toscan cheese w/cinnamon, chomp stick
- Salsa chicken in crockpot
- E: cardio + weight
Happy hump day.
SW:261 6/26/17 GW:150 10/6/18
CW: 140.6
PGW: 140-142
I took French in high school and was just terrible at it. Of course I wasnt a very dedicated student back then. I tell people I can barely speak English (my native tongue) so another language is out of the question.
DS detests the early morning start to school (or anything). However, I expect both kids to be responsible and get up for school on time. Not gonna be their alarm clock at their ages!

HW 296 SW 267.8 GW 130 LW 128.2 CW 131.6
Age 55 5 ft 4 inches
Roux-en-Y 3/24/21
Internal Hernia 1/14/22
Gallbladder 3/22
Volvulus 10/7/23-Reversal of RNY 11/19/23
The last of the human freedoms, to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances. (Frankl, 1946)
I get the early morning haul out of bed thing! Only my youngest was a struggle. But I signed on for the long haul when I birthed him so struggle we did! Luckily I had to be up as early as him so I started rousting him as soon as I rolled out of bed. I am a huge morning person, he was not! HA! Lots of eye rolling and muttering in those last couple years of high school.
Right? I don't understand this "not my responsibility". And I also don't get "can't wait till they are 18 and out of the house!"
SW:261 6/26/17 GW:150 10/6/18
CW: 140.6
PGW: 140-142
on 9/21/22 2:43 pm
Ha, I seriously thought about asking my mom if the $5 I got for As in the 80s was still on the table.
Yes please wish me all the strength to get her out of here tomorrow. She has already called and said she will be here late tonight. Surprise surprise!
I would take in consideration the inflation since the 80s and ask for $50 for each A!
SW:261 6/26/17 GW:150 10/6/18
CW: 140.6
PGW: 140-142
I used to be really good at languages - I've taken French, Spanish, German, Swedish, and Japanese (and yep - Japanese is tough!!). I've lost a lot of my ability though. I was trying to pick up some Italian from Duolingo and thought it'd come easy-ish to me because I had so much French and Spanish in high school and college. Nope. It was taking me FOREVER to learn some of the words. At least we ran into a lot of English speakers while we were in Italy - I would have been little better than hopeless at communicating! Anyway, they say your ability to learn new languages declines as you get older. I believe it...
When I mentioned more languages, I meant at a fluency level and not just a hs level. I truly believe my brain's capacity was 4 languages fluently. There is also a little bit competitiveness; because my mom speaks 7 languages fluently, while my grandpa spoke 11.
The Romance languages come easier to me while the Germanic ones are very hard, even grammatically.
SW:261 6/26/17 GW:150 10/6/18
CW: 140.6
PGW: 140-142