Gummies VSG?
on 7/4/22 4:16 pm
(I know this is a RNY forum, but recently read that not many people read/post on the VSG forum anymore). Hello, I think I may be lactose intolerant. I had my gallbladder taken out about 2 years ago. I have been having nausea/diarrhea every day for a while now and have originally attributed it to stress. (I have lost my mother, sister in-law and my husband has been suffering with a serious medical condition). I thought maybe I could be lactose intolerant and was previously drinking pre-made (Qwest) protein shakes but have switched to Quest protein powder as it is lower in lactose. Still having problems, so want to cut out lactose completely. I have found protein gummies at Bariatric Pal and was wondering if we can take gummies with VSG? (I have been using melatonin gummies at night as well as I thought they may work faster than pill form). Thanks all and Happy 4th!

on 7/4/22 4:40 pm
Thank you for your quick response! I don't know if they would be good to take every day or several times a day. (I would find them easier/quicker to take than mixing up a shake, but you are correct, they are tasty!) Thanks again!

Check what sweeteners they use in them, as they often us sugar alcohols (ends in -itol) which can cause problems for some if taken in excess (cramping, diarrhea, etc.) or nothing at all for others.
1st support group/seminar - 8/03 (has it been that long?)
Wife's DS - 5/05 w Dr. Robert Rabkin VSG on 5/9/11 by Dr. John Rabkin
on 7/5/22 9:12 am
I just cancelled my order for the Orgain plant powder in case it had sugar alcohols. These are some of the ingredients:organic erythritol, xanthan gum, organic stevia and organic guar gum. Should I be on the look out for any or all of these or anything else? Thanks again! (I am so sorry I am taking up so much of your time! It has been awhile since surgery and so much has changed).

on 7/5/22 12:02 pm
I just re-read your message and now I am on the lookout for sugar alcohols, ingredients that end in itol. (Ignore my previous post asking to help identify the sugars. I should have read this post more carefully. Thanks for all the help and God Bless!!!

A bit of the sugar alcohols are usually fine, though some find themselves very sensitive to them. But they are sneaky in that they can be in a lot of the "low carb" stuff that is made uses them, (protein bars, shakes gummies, low carb cookies, etc.) so they can add up. Gummies like those protein gummies sorta imply that they may be grazed on (as opposed to one a day for a vitamin, for instance,) so they may hit you with something without realizing it.
So, using a product that has them in there probably isn't a deal breaker, just be aware of what else is in your diet that uses them too, so you don't push things over the edge.
1st support group/seminar - 8/03 (has it been that long?)
Wife's DS - 5/05 w Dr. Robert Rabkin VSG on 5/9/11 by Dr. John Rabkin
on 7/5/22 5:12 pm
I have reading most of the day about how sugar alcohol as well as whey protein can upset stomachs. I am getting quite the education! Better late than never! You are the best and thank you for pointing out information that I took for granted!!!

Everyone is different, but maltitol is the sugar alcohol that causes me(and some other people) the most problems.

Jim Age 58 Height 6 Feet Consult Weight 344 SW 289 Pre-Surgery -55, M1 -25, M2 -16, M3 -21, M4 -10, M5 -5, M6 -1, M7 -4, M8 0, M9 +4, M10 -4
on 7/6/22 6:43 am
Thank you for letting me know this! I will be on the look out. (It is so hard to find products, even so called "healthy" products that are truly free of ingredients that cause us problems). Thank you for your response!