What's on your 4th of July menu?
on 7/4/22 3:33 am - Amarillo, TX
For some reason that made me giggle so I thought I'd share!
Good mornin everyone, hope this 3 day weekend is treating you well.
To a lot planned here today. No special meal or anything...we need a new gas tank on the BBQ grill so that's out. Not like I could eat it anyway
We MIGHT go help my aunt with packing up one of her rooms. Her son is being a real a$$ and not helping with much of anything. His wife is helping some but she just had a double mastectomy and hysterectomy in March and February. She is healing well but still shouldn't lift certain amounts.
I found out this weekend that I will need a new PC as my Mac can't work with the huge file size of the new to me camera. My canon is 18mgp and this Nikon is 24.something. I asked my brother if he'll help me put one together. I can't afford another Mac thought that's what I would prefer...LOL. I will buy a part or two a month. I think I found the motherboard I want...it's the most expensive component...this one is around 300. I might go with a cheaper one but I want a good processing component for Lightroom and photoshop and other photo related things. Prob will be an ASUS motherboard.
Tomorrow is my EGD and upper GI. I'm really really nervous about the results. The test themselves don't scare me. I found out recently that my surgeon told my mom I have a hiatal hernia after my last EGD in 2021. He probably told me too at the time but I don't remember it at all. If you wouldn't mind some positive thoughts would be appreciated.
QOTD: Do you like fireworks?
Personally I'm not a fan...at all. I'll post some pics here in a few!
B: JUST egg cup and half a cup of coffee
the rest is terribly unplanned.
on 7/4/22 3:41 am - Amarillo, TX
Mornin' All!
I woke up this morning to the sound of a cat vomiting on my luggage. Wonderful. I guess that's what he thinks of me leaving for a couple of weeks. Hope this isn't an omen... I'm going to take the 10:20 bus down to O'Hare although my plane doesn't leave until 6:45 this evening. Which means I have to get there around 3:45. The bus after the 10:20 should get me there in plenty of time (c. 2:45), but DH is worried there might be a lot of traffic or they'll be an accident on the interstate or something that will delay the bus. So whatever - I'll get on the earlier (10:20) bus then. And take a book with me...
QOTD: I could take them or leave them. I never go out of my way to watch them unless someone else wants to go. I hated them when I was a little kid, though - it was the sound. I had much better hearing back in those days...
B: cheesecake-flavored yogurt pie with cranberry/cherry compote, coffee with half & half
MS: protein shake
everything is up in the air after that. I did pack protein bars, Wheat Thins, and some peanut butter crackers for my trip, so something with that if I don't feel like buying something at the airport. And dinner will be on the plane (I'm assuming...), so I don't know - although I'll take the free wine (one of the benefits of an international flight!!)
have a great day, everyone!
I'm a bit worried that I overpacked (I usually never do...), but weather is so unpredictable in Scotland and it'll be cold when we go up to the northern coast (50s and rain), so layering is going to be the way to go. I packed four long-sleeved shirts, three light sweaters, and two wool sweaters. And two pairs of black leggings (one of which I'll wear on the plane). Although maybe that's OK since I'll be layering. Long-sleeved t-shirts and wool sweaters are completely different - it's not the same as packing 7+ shirts. Plus light sweaters - I may be layering two of three of those some days in lieu of throwing on a wool sweater.
(I was in Ireland many years ago in June, and it was FREEZING. It was also in the 50s and rainy - which is typical British summer weather. 50s isn't cold, but when you're going there from 80s/90s degree weather, it is - you're not used to it. Plus that constant drizzle makes it feel cold and clammy. I was freezing in Ireland until I went out and bought a wool sweater. It was life-changing!!).
Have a great trip, Trish!

Jim Age 58 Height 6 Feet Consult Weight 344 SW 289 Pre-Surgery -55, M1 -25, M2 -16, M3 -21, M4 -10, M5 -5, M6 -1, M7 -4, M8 0, M9 +4, M10 -4