It is Wednesday! What's on your menu?
Melody no need to apologize. This happened in your home state I understand how upset you are just like the one that happened in CT 10 years ago. Watching the news feed live and the little kids crying while the police were trying to get them to safety had me so mad.
I wish all 50 states did the gun courses, background checks, fingerprints, and they should also do mental health evaluations, but alas I don't think that would ever happen.
Oh and I'm not sure how true this is, but I heard the school had recently been given a grant to do security upgrades not sure why they had to wait so long the government should have made that available years ago when the first shooting happened at Columbine. Too many young lives gone for no reason.
We used to have a mental health hospital not far from where I lived. It was closed and everyone basically turned out on the street, which is where much of our homeless issues come from. The only hospital left is for those who have committed a crime- the Oregon State Hospital. I don't know how much of it had to do with greed on closing Dammasch State Hospital it was open from 1961-1995. Once it was closed the city of Wilsonville wanted the property and it has been developed and there are up to million dollar homes on the property. So the city increased it's tax base and got "free" land from the state. Not a win for anyone.

5'5" Age 67 HW 291 SW 275.8 CW 172.9
I just can't comment on the school shooting. Too overwhelming.
QOTD: Hub is a Viet Nam era vet meaning he served in a war support position one country over from Vietnam Nam. I'm so glad the Honor Flights for Viet Nam vets are now taking place again b/c these vets were never welcomed home. My husband started college and was spit on at school. His liberal profs thought it appropriate and encouraged this as "freedom of speech". He literally forbade me to tell anyone he served. But about 5 years ago someone thanked him for his service when he went to Golden Corral for their free meals for veterans. Soon after, he began thanking other veterans for their service and then began saying yes when asked if he served. He's finally letting go of his fear of being ridiculed for having served where/when he did.
Hub is working Fri and Sat but Sunday we are "hiking" hopefully a couple miles followed by a picnic lunch. Sunday we'll go to the cemetery for the ceremony and then to to a cookout. Hub broke all 3 bones in his ankle a couple years ago and has had 2 surgeries. Now that his weight is coming down, he's starting to walk a bit further (thank God)!!
B: Fairlife Protein Shake
L. Had a retirees luncheon this noon. One chicken thigh, mixed veg, dab of mashed potato.
D. Salmon, salad with Caesar dressing, 2 strawberries.
Sn. Brazil nuts (3).

HW 243 SW 208 GW 125 CW 135
on 5/25/22 5:23 pm
It is shameful the way the Vietnam era soldiers were treated. It's shameful how bad we treat soldiers once we're done using them up, in general, today. I'm glad your husband has less stress over that issue now and sorry he was ever made to feel that way.

HW: 306 SW: 282 GW: 145 (reached 2/6/19) CW:150
on 5/25/22 11:19 pm - Amarillo, TX
My late uncle served two and a half tours in Vietnam. You are spot on, they were treated so badly. The moment he stepped on American soil it was ridicule time. They were told not to wear their uniforms. BUT at the Time with the hair cuts and such it was easy to spot them. It is truly unbelievable how they were treated? In the end memories of Vietnam were to much for my so many he found his "comfort" in alcohol and drugs and it killed him. The guilt these people were giving these guys just makes me so angry.
Please thank your husband for his service for me!
Thank you Melody. I will thank him for you.
I'm so sorry about your uncle. My hub did the same for 8 horrible years. He was fortunate that after his 2nd time in treatment, he got it and has been sober since 1982. The silver lining side to what happened to the soldiers from that time is that today's soldiers are looked at as heroes and there are support programs, counseling, etc., when they return from duty. That was a direct result of what happened back in the 60s and 70s.

HW 243 SW 208 GW 125 CW 135