What's on your Monday Menu, RNYers?

on 4/18/22 3:14 am
RNY on 02/14/18

We've got this! Monday doesn't have a chance!

Good morning and happy Monday! It's the beginning of a new week and I'm ready for it!

I had a productive Saturday, did several shorter workouts yesterday and then had a lovely Easter dinner at a friends house. I also finally watched Spiderman: No Way Home which was really good. Busy week ahead, with two days not being as available last week, I had a lot of things moved to the early part of this week so it will be a bit hectic, plus I have an eye doctor appt tomorrow; the fridge repair guy on Thursday and I'm meeting a friend for dinner Wednesday.

QOTD - What is the most lost you have ever been? I joke that I've been lost on 6 continents but it's only funny because it's true. The most lost I've ever been is when I was in Tasmania, this was the trip where I was so lost, I literally ran out of road!

I was driving from Freycinet Park on the coast to my hotel in the interior highlands. I had paper printed directions because it was pre-everyone had GPS times (and the only thing I could find on the radio was cricket). I was driving along and the road kept getting smaller and narrower and it went from highway to road to gravel and when I turn into a dirt trac****pt going, knowing it was supposed to be an isolated, rural hotel....and then the road just trailed away in the middle of the trees! I remember thinking "I'm about to become one of those "stupid human/darwin winner" examples. Eventually, I realized I had missed a turn, ended up on some kind of logging track. I did eventually backtrack, find the correct turn (which was a paved road) and made it to the hotel.

Today I have a 6 am pilates class, then a day of meetings, I have some errands to run after work and then I'm hoping to get quite a bit on my bookclub book read tonight.

Menu plan for today

Coffee plus half and half X3

most of my meals today will be a variation of the easter leftovers, probably with a cold brew skyr in there somewhere - ham, scalloped potatoes...I will enjoy the slice of ginger cream tart I brought home as well.

Have a great day and make it the start of a great week!

HW: 306 SW: 282 GW: 145 (reached 2/6/19) CW:150


Melody P.
on 4/18/22 4:50 am - Amarillo, TX

Good mornin Jen and everyone!

I found out my myelogram is Friday by chance. I'm sure I'll be getting a call today with the details. I guess the insurance company messed up...it was filed as being requested on April 13th and approved that same day..never happens that fast unless they messed up...LOL. I am dreading this test so much but at least it'll be at the other hospital in town so hopefully no spinal leak this time around!

Our stupid main toilet is leaking so I looked up how to change the seal on the canister thing in it. We have to go get a seal and then I'm going to try changing it. It takes less than 5 minutes and the hardest thing is turning the valve off for the toilet. It'd save us a 150+ dollars if I can. YouTube for the win.

My back issues have been triggering issues with bodily functions. The whole bathroom thing is a painful thing.. don't want to get more graphic! Even peeing is painful.

QOTD: I rarely get lost. One time we were driving to San Antonio. It's was three cars worth of folks. I had the map and they didn't listen to me until we were an hour or so off course. I tried and tried to tell them we were on the wrong road and my aunts husband refused to admit he was wrong for to long. I found it hilarious. No one wanted to listen to me and everyone had to eat it when I was proven right. I guess the closest I've come is when we were in Albuquerque and we were trying to find a certain store...never did find it but it was a happy lost as we found some really cool shops.

B: oatmeal and a decaf and regular coffee...oh and a dairy free yogurt later

L: slice of GF bread and a JUST egg patty

D: ???

S: 1 tbs PB and ???

Have a great day everyone!


Melody P.
on 4/18/22 5:01 am - Amarillo, TX

I forgot to ad this!

So we got a visit from the Easter bunnies...for real!

Our newest neighbors right across the street have bunnies...sometimes they get out. Well they also love our yard.

Yesterday we were hiding eggs for the kids and I saw this huge patch of animal hair...like a BIG patch. Then I noticed something underneath it was moving. I was terrified it was some weird half dead thing. We got a stick to lightly see what in the world it was. Mind you I was certain I'd lose breakfast. We thought maybe mice...we live close to open fields.

The truth was way cuter!

Turns out bunnies pull their hair out for their "nests". There was SIX baby bunnies! OMG they were cute! And of course I didn't get a picture. We got the kids from the neighbors to come get their bunnies bunnies. They know the momma so it's all good.


on 4/18/22 5:57 am
RNY on 08/11/14

Good luck on fixing the toilet and great news that your test was approved.

RNY 8/11/14 with Dr. Kelvin Higa PS Lipectomy 4/12/17 with Dr. John Burnett HW291.4/CW165/GW150

on 4/18/22 6:51 am
RNY on 02/14/18

Good luck with the plumbing!

HW: 306 SW: 282 GW: 145 (reached 2/6/19) CW:150


on 4/18/22 5:27 am
RNY on 08/11/14

Good Morning! It'll be a busy week with checks Wednesday. Em and I had a great trip to Magic Mountain, walked so much and was so sore at the end day Saturday but so worth it.

QOTD: It's been a long time but one time on the way to Yosemite.

TSS: 7 years 8 months

B: SF latte, orange, Quaker protein/fiber oatmeal and turkey sausage

L: Turkey stick, cheese stick, carrots, pudding, and a pear

S: Protein puffs, nuts, an apple and yogurt

D: Tri-tip, green beans, sliced orange/banana, and 2 squares dark chocolate

ES: Greek yogurt and toast

E: Elliptical and treadmill

V/W: On track

Totals: Cals:1428 Protein: 106 Carbs:127 Fat:55

Have a great one!

RNY 8/11/14 with Dr. Kelvin Higa PS Lipectomy 4/12/17 with Dr. John Burnett HW291.4/CW165/GW150

on 4/18/22 6:52 am
RNY on 02/14/18

Glad the girl's amusement park day was fun!

HW: 306 SW: 282 GW: 145 (reached 2/6/19) CW:150


Amy Liz
on 4/18/22 5:52 am
RNY on 11/21/16

Good morning ~ Loved the Spiderman movie - so fun! Speaking of spiders....other than being attacked by a spider that bit the tops of my feet 5 times (2 on one foot, 3 on the other), it was a really nice weekend. I can't wear socks and shoes without irritating them to the point where I want to scratch my skin off still, so no work out this morning. I almost just did it barefoot, but no. Hoping no one notices the red welts on my feet today! Seeing family and dear old friends yesterday was wonderful. I am ready for the week! I have a couple of easy meetings today and lots of little things to take care of as well - Monday's usually fly - fingers crossed.

QOTD - I ended up in a field once in my 20's looking for a house in a very rural area at night. Almost wrecked my car in a huge ag ditch. Never did find the house - happy to have made it out alive with my car!

Accountability - I had some Sangria, a mini Reese's egg, a Hershey's kiss, a bite of carrot cake and 2 crackers yesterday

b-coffee, HB eggs

l-broccoli slaw w/sunflower seeds, dried cranberries, SG poppy seed dressings and diced chicken breast

d-grilled chicken breast and salad

s - bell pepper strips and ranch

Have a great day!!

RNY 11/21/16 - HW/SW 309 LW 150

REVISION 4/10/23 - HW 240 SW 225 CW 164 GW 155

on 4/18/22 5:57 am
RNY on 08/29/18

DD got bit by a scorpion two years ago. She said it was the worst thing ever.

Jim Age 58 Height 6 Feet Consult Weight 344 SW 289 Pre-Surgery -55, M1 -25, M2 -16, M3 -21, M4 -10, M5 -5, M6 -1, M7 -4, M8 0, M9 +4, M10 -4

Amy Liz
on 4/18/22 9:06 am
RNY on 11/21/16

My niece was just telling me about her scorpion bite yesterday. My measly little bites were like nothing compared to her golf ball sized, red hot, painful bite!

RNY 11/21/16 - HW/SW 309 LW 150

REVISION 4/10/23 - HW 240 SW 225 CW 164 GW 155
