What's on your Saturday menu?

Melody P.
on 4/9/22 5:20 am - Amarillo, TX

Hey everyone! Hope your weekend is off to a decent start.

No big plans for the day. My mom ordered a new swing that should be delivered today...though I have many doubts it will. I am betting it'll get delayed until Monday, we shall see.

I'm feeling pretty miserable. Steroids just suck and the shots didn't really make an impact on my pain.

QOTD: what book would you like to see be made into a movie?

Someone asked me this and I have no clue!

B: JUST egg cup, coconut milk yogurt and coffee

That's the only meal I have planned, no clue as to what else there will be.


on 4/9/22 5:51 am
RNY on 06/03/15


I'll be heading back over to Mom's in an hour or so to relieve my sister. I hope this 24/7 care doesn't last too much longer. I really think we should at least get her on some waiting lists from some assisted care places, but my sister is really resistant to that idea and thinks the two of us and my brother need to discuss it. The thing is, my sister is moving to Nevada in a few weeks, and my brother lives in North Carolina, so they aren't the ones who'll be dealing with these issues - I will. I think they need to factor this in. Plus getting on waiting lists doesn't mean she's moving there next month. There's often a year-long wait at some of these places, and once you make it the top, if you're not ready to move, you can just tell them that and not lose your place in line. Not sure why my sister seems to be fighting this idea. I'd rather not wait until she absolutely HAS to go and then run into the same issue I had with my dad - no vacancies except at a couple super crappy places. Not doing that again.

so not an exciting day planned. I'll take a book since she sleeps a lot. Maybe after this weekend we can just pop in for a few hours a day. Fingers crossed.

B: not sure yet. Either Ratio yogurt with raspberries, or my homemade skyr with cranberry/cherry compote. Coffee with half & half

MS: Fit Frappe

L: might take a protein muffin with me

AS: probably Greek yogurt again. And a couple of Wasa crackers

D: ???

I didn't exercise yesterday, so I'll do something today. Maybe a youtube video before I go. They've added at 7:00 water aerobics class at my gym on Saturday mornings that I'd thought about trying to get to but didn't get up in time. Only God could make a water aerobics class at that hour. I hope the class is successful, but at 7:00 on a weekend morning, I don't know...

RNY 06/03/15 by Michael Garren (Madison, WI)

HW: 373 SW: 316 GW: 150 LW: 138 CW: 163

White Dove
on 4/9/22 6:51 am - Warren, OH

If they are anything like my family, it is a desperate fear of their inheritance being less than they planned for. They know what assets your mother owns and are hoping that they are never diminished by the cost of the assisted care. They look at you as having nothing else to do with your life than to provide the care that will keep her from incurring the expenses of assisted living.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

Melody P.
on 4/9/22 7:17 am - Amarillo, TX

You've hit the nail on the head for my family. So worried about what they'll get that they see nothing else. I was the main caretaker and basically got nothing to show for it. I didn't do it for the money but they all expected my mom and me to steal my grandparents money....because that's basically what they would've done,


on 4/9/22 3:17 pm
RNY on 02/14/18

Worst case, you wait a month until your sister moves and you and your mom work out a plan!

HW: 306 SW: 282 GW: 145 (reached 2/6/19) CW:150


on 4/9/22 6:58 pm
RNY on 06/03/15

that sounds perfect!

RNY 06/03/15 by Michael Garren (Madison, WI)

HW: 373 SW: 316 GW: 150 LW: 138 CW: 163

H.A.L.A B.
on 4/13/22 9:55 am

Or make sure your sister knows that She would be alsio responsible for the care, if not in person then pain for someone to come and do the work.

Simple like that. The brother needs to start contribute.

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 4/9/22 6:58 am
VSG on 08/17/20

Morning. Nice to sleep in a little, I needed it. No big plans for the weekend. Just trying to get organized for next weekend.

QOTD: any Dean Koontz book. His books are an easier read then Stephen King, but still just as good. There is one book I know of turned movie and that's Intensity.

B: Kashi cereal

L: turkey wrap, fruit

Snack: yogurt

S: grilled chicken

Snack: string cheese

on 4/9/22 8:03 am
RNY on 10/29/19

Good morning!

Ok, it was 98 yesterday. That's just crazy town for San Diego in April! High today is supposed to be 80 or less, tapering off to a couple weeks of high 70's. Now we're talking.

I have nothing on my agenda until Tuesday morning and 10 am. I'll need to find things as I'll be bored out of my head. Got a good walk in again yesterday. Exercised 4 out of 5 days. Weight is up. LOL. Still probably should get some fresh groceries. Mostly veggies. But then again, let me go freezer diving again and see what I can come up with.

QoTD: Not sure -- and I've read some really great books lately!

Menu is up in the air. Definitely need to finish the last of my cottage cheese this morning so it doesn't go bad


Dinner looks like chorizo beans, cheese and salad. Quesadilla for the hubs.

Peace everybody!

Height 5'3"

HW 200

surgery date 10/29/19 177.9

CW 121.4

goal weight 125
