What's on your Thursday menu, RNYers

White Dove
on 3/31/22 7:03 am - Warren, OH

QOTD: I would like to study about how people raised in basically the same environment can be such different people. I know a family who had six children. One of the sons is a well-respected local doctor. The other is dead now, but lived his life as a drug addict. He married a woman whose ambition was to have babies and take them to Las Vegas to sell on a black market. She was killed by one of her johns and left in a ditch. He died of an overdose. Both in their 30's.

The parents are amazing people. They supported their son through everything and ended up raising the daughter that belonged to her son and one of the babies that the mother had not yet taken to be sold. They always had a beautiful home and great lifestyle. But what is it that makes one person so different and takes a criminal path.

I have a brother who was on cocaine when he was in his 20's. He was begging on the streets of NY city and cut up badly by a person who attacked him with a knife. His company paid for a drug rehab program and after a month, he came out clean. He went to college and ended up with a great career. He is in his sixties now and retired. He told me once that if he could go back to the cocaine and not have to face any consequences, that he would do it in a minute.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

Amy Liz
on 3/31/22 8:31 am
RNY on 11/21/16

I am one of six kids. We all had a 'similar' upbringing as well as our own unique experiences that shaped us. We also could argue about the same incident, not agreeing on what actually happened. All have different takes on how we were raised. We are all VERY different. On the outside looking in, we were a picture perfect family. Inside, there was emotional neglect and other trauma. Things effect everyone differently, like birth order, personality, maturity, age of trauma and so forth.

RNY 11/21/16 - HW/SW 309 LW 150

REVISION 4/10/23 - HW 240 SW 225 CW 164 GW 155

White Dove
on 3/31/22 9:38 am - Warren, OH

I am the oldest of 13, so understand and watched the differences in how we were raised. My younger siblings had the same parents, but much different people than when I was young. The first ten were a year apart and I was expected to take care of them a lot. Then my parents skipped a year and the next year had twins. The last one was born five years later and my parents had really mellowed out by then.

I remember my mother calling upset because the 14 year old was picked up by the police for smoking pot at the playground. She was so mad that the cops were harassing kids instead of chasing criminals. If I had done something like that I would have been in trouble for the rest of my life.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

Amy Liz
on 3/31/22 9:47 am
RNY on 11/21/16

Irish Catholic, right?? Us too. I was the youngest but believe me, not the darling - no one was. I always wished I were a middle child so I could have had older and younger siblings - because of the way I was treated being the youngest. I wanted to be a super nice big sister. I was too afraid not to behave because of what I saw my sibs go through, but my parents were definitely way more strict with them.

RNY 11/21/16 - HW/SW 309 LW 150

REVISION 4/10/23 - HW 240 SW 225 CW 164 GW 155

White Dove
on 3/31/22 6:10 pm - Warren, OH

My father was born and raised in Co. Mayo. I am so glad he at least came to America, and I did not have to grow up in Ireland. In my family the middle children pretty much skated through. It was the oldest ones who were supposed to set an example and who often got punished when the younger ones misbehaved. The youngest was the darling and spoiled rotten. She still is, but not a bad person. Just extremely entitled.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 3/31/22 7:16 am - Central Coast, CA
RNY on 06/26/17

G'morning all!

Is it weird that I always liked Friday eve (Thu) more than actual Friday? Even when I was back in school Thu was always exciting because I would look forward to start of the weekend on Fri afternoon. But on Fri I knew the weekend was already starting and I was running out of time to relax and enjoy my time off. I guess it does sound weird now that I am writing it.

QOTD: I guess I would go back to school for international journalism. I always dreamed of being a war correspondent; I wanted to be the next Christian Amanpour interviewing heads of states that usually don't give interviews, and now I girl crush on Clarissa Ward.

My meals yesterday:

  • Coffee
  • Hb eggs & tuna pouch
  • Protein puffs
  • Tiktok feta cheese pasta, but hear me out. I just used the sauce as a dip. I had also used a lot of La bomba (a spicy Italian sauce sold at TJ) in it so it was very spicy. I toasted to crips some cauliflower thins and used them as chips with this dip. Wow!! Yummy.
  • E: 30 minutes cardio + 60 minutes weight training.

Happy Fri eve!

SW:261 6/26/17 GW:150 10/6/18

CW: Mid 140s

PGW: 140-142

on 3/31/22 9:28 am
RNY on 03/24/21

My son is the same way about the weekend. His favorite day is Friday but then he starts the focus on how little time is remaining for him to relax. He does the same for holidays and vacations. I tell him to enjoy each day and not focus on the time passing so much. More of the "glass is half full" not "half empty".

HW 296 SW 267.8 GW 130 LW 128.2 CW 131.6

Age 55 5 ft 4 inches

Roux-en-Y 3/24/21

Internal Hernia 1/14/22

Gallbladder 3/22

Volvulus 10/7/23-Reversal of RNY 11/19/23

The last of the human freedoms, to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances. (Frankl, 1946)

on 3/31/22 9:42 am
RNY on 03/24/21

Hello Menu Friends,

Today is my Friday since I am off tomorrow. Tomorrow is the start of vacation since it is the kids spring break. DD and I are going on a trip. The first stop is a hot spring and spa near Portland OR. We will also hike, antique, and have a horse trail ride planned. then we are off to Mount Rainier for another hike and touring. Next we are going to Seattle with another horse trail ride scheduled, a trip to the Cat Cafe (play with cats while sipping coffee), zipline with elevated obstacle course, and a variety of touring. Finally we go to the San Juan Islands (located in the Sound) where we will kayak (hopefully see whales and other sea life), visit a lavender farm, walk and see the beaches, antiquing, and other. I have planned for an active vacation for us. I am excited to go. We plan on bring food staples so we don't have to worry about stopping at a restaurant for breakfast and lunch. We will do our dinners out at a restaurant as a treat. My plan is not to overindulge but not completely restrict myself either. Not sure if I will be getting on to post next week, I will try.

QOTD: I think being a chef would be fun, but only recreationally plus I would want to learn how to cook tasty creative healthy low calorie/high protein meals not the high calorie recipes. Otherwise, I would be interested in psychology. I had initially planned on getting a degree in psychology when I first went to college. However, I have a low tolerance for people who whine but do nothing to improve their cir****tances so I wasn't sure I wanted to do that day to day. But to study abnormal psychology is interesting-maybe be a criminal profiler.

B: triple zero greek yogurt with collagen, cold brew with half n half, caramel drizzle

L: lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, bell pepper, grilled chicken, ff french dressing

S: Core Power protein drink

D: Trader Joes shrimp with veggies stir fry

S: 100 cal bag popcorn, 2 squares sf chocolate

E: 60 min walk

HW 296 SW 267.8 GW 130 LW 128.2 CW 131.6

Age 55 5 ft 4 inches

Roux-en-Y 3/24/21

Internal Hernia 1/14/22

Gallbladder 3/22

Volvulus 10/7/23-Reversal of RNY 11/19/23

The last of the human freedoms, to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances. (Frankl, 1946)

on 3/31/22 12:26 pm
RNY on 08/29/18

I had Thai Iced Coffee topped with coconut for the first time ever. I loved it. Walked out of there thinking that I would start making it at home and become a Thai Iced Coffee guy.

Looked up the recipe online and first ingredient is 5 tablespoons of sugar!! (Can't remember how many servings, but still) So it's back to the drawing board on that one.

I will try something with Stevia when I get home.

Jim Age 58 Height 6 Feet Consult Weight 344 SW 289 Pre-Surgery -55, M1 -25, M2 -16, M3 -21, M4 -10, M5 -5, M6 -1, M7 -4, M8 0, M9 +4, M10 -4

on 3/31/22 1:59 pm
RNY on 02/14/18

I've only ever had Thai coffee or Thai iced tea made with sweetened condensed milk. Have wondered if there's just a condensed milk option but haven't looked into it very far

HW: 306 SW: 282 GW: 145 (reached 2/6/19) CW:150

