Checking in
Hi everyone! It's been a while since I visited. I wanted to check in and see how you all are doing on your journey. I'm doing pretty well. I've lost a little over 100 pounds. My only issue so far has been the onset of Hip pain on one side. Some people have said it's due to us walking a bit differently after weight loss. I don't know but I'd really like to hear how you all are doing.
Not weird at all this is the point here your mineral depletion begins. Information came out about 3 years ago.. there is a vitamin called K2, it is the mineral mover of the body,The information was that 30# broccoli would be required to get sufficient of this daily... I like broccoli, but not that much... it comes packaged with a D3 in a dry smaller capsule form- spring valley.. is that brand ...if you have not had D3 levels checked , would be wise.. You may need magnesium, easily done via an epsom salt foot bath- it won't hurt your stomach that way. hen getting labs,You should also get copper and iodine levels checkd. W/O proper minerals you ll loose your teeth first, followed by broken bones or atrial fibrillation.@ 25 pears post op.. I have been there and done that. Please get yourself checked. small discrpencies can be easier corrected. large ones take years sometimes.
Moringa is an herbal supplement that is effective for pain and i have not found anything it conflicts with.. i have arthritis, so this is my morning go to. I can not use any of the rub ons except arnica and aspercream. I am often dressed and do not wish to undress to apply.
Thank you so much! I just had my blood work done last week and everything was good. I don't know about magnesium though. I've heard a lot about deficiencies with that. I was taking magnesium citrate capsules but stopped. My D3 is good. These are all really good things to look into definitely the K2. Thank you so much!