What's on your Saturday menu?

Melody P.
on 3/4/22 11:19 pm - Amarillo, TX

Sorry for the language but I had to share this. It made me laugh so hard yesterday.

Good Saturday morning everyone!

Well it's just barely 1 here and I'm up...unfortunately. Pain levels are just really bad. I'm so over it.

Last night we had to call the police because a woman sat down on the street right in front of our driveway. She was wrapped up in a blanket and cars were having to avoid her. She was tweaking on something. I so wish we could move.

We'll have to go to the grocery store later this morning. Other than that it's supposed to be super windy today. I think I'm going to make some apple butter today in the crockpot. It'll be sugar free and a small batch. Hopefully it'll be a good tasting thing and it just uses applesauce.

i'm exhausted so I'm dragging today. I need to vacuum and clean a bit.

QOTD: what are some nicknames you've been given? Either by someone else or ones you've given yourself?

For me I have a lot. Peaches, melsbells, Mels, Mel, melurch(not my favorite) and sunny(my middle name is sunshine)

B: JUST egg cup and lots of coffee

L: Thinking it'll be something easy...maybe even a PP shake

D: ???

S: L&F yogurt, GF toast and ???


on 3/5/22 1:11 am
VSG on 08/17/20

Good morning! Sorry to hear your in pain and can't sleep. Try to do one thing at a time. I almost feel bad for people who maybe on something, to try and feel a different way in life. Hope she gets some help.

I found out I have sleep apnea. Makes sense why I wake up gasping for air. The weather is supposed to be thunderstorms, so I'm making my day all about cleaning if I don't nap to much.

QOTD: my real name is Lisa so I got teased being called Mona Lisa. My favorite nickname was with a group of friends that stuck for a few years: Gus. Yup from Cinderella. I love that mouse.

B: chai latte

Snack: yogurt

L: turkey wrap

Snack cottage cheese

S: other half of turkey wrap

Snack: jerky

on 3/5/22 7:32 am
RNY on 10/29/19

Good morning from crisp and clear Montana! I'm having a great time here and eating pretty much on program. But oh the wine. So much wine.

QoTD. Pizza. My favorite is Mom or MP though!

I have no idea on food. Just winging was I go this weekend.

Peace Everyone

Height 5'3"

HW 200

surgery date 10/29/19 177.9

CW 121.4

goal weight 125

on 3/5/22 8:44 am
RNY on 06/03/15

Mornin' All!

I actually slept 'til 8:00 this morning - wow - it's been a long time! I guess the cats must have been tired - otherwise they never would stand for that! Checked email, glanced at the news, drank coffee, ate breakfast, and then attended a virtual Zumba class. And now - my day begins! Nothing really on the agenda for the weekend other than I HAVE to work on that Web site I keep talking about - I've been procrastinating long enough!! I also need to do some reading and watch a movie - and clean house and study some Italian!

next week will be busy - including two meals out. This will be a challenge. I'm supposed to make the dessert for a lunch on Tuesday. The host is making lasagna, so I was thinking of something Italian-i****hought about a ricotta cake - but then, there's a lot of ricotta in lasagna. So then I thought something with limoncello. Of course, there are lots of limoncello cake recipes - but most of them also have ricotta. So now I'm thinking a limoncello tart with a crust made from those amaretto cookies. And I'll make some blackberry sauce to go with it. At least, that's the current plan...

QOTD: I haven't had any nicknames since I was a child - but back then my father called me either "P" (my legal name is Patricia) or "Malink" (I guess that's how you'd spell it - he pronounced it ma-LINK). Although I guess in some ways the name I go by ("Trish") is an informal nickname. I went by Tricia until high school - and at that point so many of my friends shortened it to "Trish" that I just gave up correcting people and started going by that instead.

B: protein pancakes topped with plain skyr and cranberry/cherry compote. Coffee with half & half

MS: protein shake. I had a rose/cardamon/vanilla one (blended with ice) yesterday, and it was so good I think I'll have it again today!

L: lemon/blueberry yogurt pie

AS: protein muffin

D: 1/2 a vegan burger and cole slaw made with Asian-style dressing (and I swear I'm really going to have this today!! ****ep putting it on my menu and then having something else instead!)

ex: Zumba (done!)

have a great day, everyone!

RNY 06/03/15 by Michael Garren (Madison, WI)

HW: 373 SW: 316 GW: 150 LW: 138 CW: 163

White Dove
on 3/5/22 10:13 am - Warren, OH

Everyone in my family had a nickname. Mine was Parks because i was always going to a park to swim or hike. Most nicknames are terrible unless just a shortened version of your name. Once my brothers and their friends climbed a water tower and painted their nicknames on the water tank.

The newspaper said that the police were looking for Soup, Beak, Sticks, and Benny. No one ever turned them in. Their real names were Pat, Bob, Joe, and Frank.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
