What's one your Saturday menu?
I have always loved Siamese cats, but ran into a lot of problems through the years due to some breeders not having good ethics. My cat is a Nebelung cat. The breed was developed in the 1980's by breeding a Russian Blue with long-hair black cat. The name of the breed is German and roughly translates to Creature of the Mist.
They are a misty blueish gray color. They have quiet sweet personalities. Mine only meows about once a month if she is totally irritated with me. The rest of the time, she is silent and extremely good at communicating with her body language. She points to what she wants and I obey. Because they are such a new breed, there are few health issues. She did develop low blood sugar and needs honey or something sweet when it goes to low. I can tell by her actions.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends