What's one your Saturday menu?
on 2/26/22 12:00 am - Amarillo, TX
Good way to early morning. I hope you're all doing ok.
I'm having a bit of a stomach problems. I think it's a bug of some type. Though I am the only one I know who's having an issue. Hoping it'll stop today. Fingers crossed!
No big plans for today or this weekend. We have to go pick up a cot we let my aunt use. I need to wash some stuff...either today or tomorrow. I plan on doing some research today on my NP's idea. I did a bunch yesterday and still need to do more.
I think mama is going to be in heat forever...LOL. We finally found some "diapers" that works. They are adult human diapers...we cut a hole for her tail. She's such an odd shape that the dog ones didn't fit her.
QOTD: What's your favorite breed of cats or dogs? It can be solely based on looks alone or personality characteristics.
This is a tough one! I've never had a purebred animals...the closest I would guess is Skippy my chihuahua. She has all the issues chihuahuas have LOL. BUT my favorites purebreds are border collies and Great Danes...oh and greyhounds. Cat wise...same...have never had anything close to a purebred. If I could have any domesticated cat it'd be a Havana brown cat...gawd they are gorgeous!
All in all I do rescues! Save don't buy is my motto.
B: JUST egg cup, yogurt and coffee x2
L: PP shake
D: not 100% sure...my mom is going to make enchiladas but I don't think my stomach would handle that well.
S: maybe a protein bar or shake.
I saw this in a cat group I'm in...I thought all you cat people would get a laugh out of it!
on 2/26/22 5:25 am - Amarillo, TX
Melody - that'll stop pretty quickly once she's been spayed. At least they don't go into heat as often as cats do! I think this is just the "season"..
no big plans for the weekend other than the usual working on organization Web sites and reading. I'm glad to see temps are heading up. High 30s and low 40s next week. Thank God. I'm really itching to start biking again, so maybe in another month...
QOTD: I don't really have a favorite breed of cats. I used to go to a lot of cat shows and was struck by Somalis (long-haired Abyssinians), but then I heard from some breeder friends that that breed has a lot of genetic problems, so no thanks. I also once saw a champion British Shorthair that was beige rather than the more traditional gray/blue, and I was intrigued. Anyway, I own four purebred Turkish Vans. I'd never buy a purebred kitten because I don't want to perpetuate selective breeding (too many shelter cats that need homes), but I have two friends who are Turkish Van breeders (one former - but the other still current), and I "inherited" three adults that they no longer needed for their programs - former show cats and/or breeding cats (these two women would re-home cats when they were about three years old so they weren't facing a lifetime of being bred). The fourth one I got as a kitten, but that's because he has a mild neurological disorder, so she wouldn't have been able to sell him. She was planning to keep him, but DH and I fell in love with him, so she offered to give him to us. So...we accepted. For dogs, I don't really have a favorite breed - although I tend to like bigger, very sweet dogs - like retrievers and greyhounds.
B: plain skyr with cranberry/cherry compote, coffee with half & half
MS: iced latte made with Fairlife and SF syrup
L: protein pumpkin pie with light Cool Whip (I have a 1/6 piece of whatever protein pie if I'm having it as a meal, and 1/8 if I'm having it as a snack)
AS: protein muffin
D: 1/2 Chik'n patty on 1/2 slim bun with Greek yogurt & tomato slices on it. Some kind of veggie as I seem to be kind of low on veggie intake the last couple of days.
ex: something. It's been a couple of days.
have a great Saturday, everyone!
Hi: I was wondering about a couple things I've noticed on your menu. First is Skyr and was wondering where you get it. I looked at Festival here in town, and they did not have it. Second, is there a brand of protein pie you get or is this homemade? I found some recipes online to try for the pumpkin but could find nothing of a lemon blueberry protein pie. Do you have a recipe. Summer is coming right and I love all things lemon?
My husband had RNY a month ago and he loves yogurt so I suspect he'd like Skyr.
I looked up Turkish Vans. Handsome cats! I have a friend who is a cat person and I would go visit her whenever I needed a cat fix. She moved to Nevada a few years ago and still has kitties. I'm visiting in April so I'll need to get my fill while there.
That is so wonderful that you adopted the kitten with a neurological disorder. Animals who aren't perfect have a hard time finding a home. Our dogs have all had a perceived "defect" of some sort. For Kody, it was age cause people want a younger dog. Sammy had a birth injury so had a droopy eye and was a bit slow for a Pyr. It made him the best therapy dog ever. Daisy had a spine problem that meant medication and PT most of her life (I did the therapy after being shown) and now our Zeus. He has what are thought to be knee problems. He's very knock-kneed but he's compensating very well and doesn't seem bothered at this point. But the vet says that will change eventually. Special animals are truly special!

HW 243 SW 208 GW 125 CW 135
Hi Sue -
Skyr is sometimes called "Icelandic yogurt" in the US, so Festival may have it. The two major brands are Siggi's and Icelandic Provisions (I just checked Festival's Web site - Siggi's is listed on there - although that doesn't necessarily mean it's available in every local store - but just double check yours).
I make my own skyr because the store bought stuff is pricier than Greek yogurt. Skyr is similar to Greek yogurt, only you add rennet to it. Since the rennet is the part mostly responsible for getting it to set up correctly, you can use lower fat milks to make it - including skim milk. With Greek yogurt, it's hard to get it to set up enough with lower than 2% milkfat - so companies often add stuff like guar gum to it to help with the set up when they're making a nonfat version (not that there's anything wrong with that, of course. I think guar gum is just an extract from beans, IIRC)
I make my own protein pies. The pumpkin one I got off of this site (Obesity Help's) a couple of years ago, although I don't always follow the recipe exactly (this time I added yogurt to it instead of milk) (and I always use all powdered protein powder, too, not the ready-to-drink version - so I need to add more liquid than the recipe calls for). Anyway, here's that recipe:
https://www.obesityhelp.com/articles/crustless-protein-pumpk in-pie-recipe-84-calories-wls-friendly/
the lemon/blueberry pie is an old Weigh****chers recipe. I add 2-3 scoops of protein powder to it, though, to bump up the protein content. Here's the recipe for that (I Just checked - can't find it online - so I'll type it out below. I got this a couple of years ago from one of the members here on the RNY thread) (I sometimes use lowfat yogurt instead of nonfat - or a mix - because I don't really care about points since I'm not on Weigh****chers. It does add about 10 calories to a slice, but I'm OK with that - and it makes it a little creamier than if you use all nonfat yogurt. I also add a full cup of blueberries - because I like them!)
3 C nonfat plain Greek yogurt
3 eggs
3 T artificial sweetener
rind and juice of one lemon
small box of sugar free lemon pudding
4 oz container of blueberries
mix well.
Spray pie pan with cooking spray bake for 40 minutes at 350 degrees
P.S. Minik has cerebellar hypoplasia, which is underdevelopment of the cerebellum. It affects their balance and coordination. If you watch youtube videos of animals with it, they almost all have severe cases - many of them can't even walk. But Minik has a mild case (which is probably true of most animals with this condition - I think most have mild or moderate cases). He gets around fine - and can jump up on the beds and couches and even the fridge and counters - but he doesn't have the grace of our other cats. He's a bit of a klutz. He sometimes also has head tremors - mostly when he's very focused on something - like squirrels or birds outside the window. But other than those two things, you can't tell there's anything wrong with him. But having it at all meant he couldn't be sold. I'm glad my friend gave him to us - and of course was going to keep him herself if she didn't notice our interest in him. A lot of people would have an animal like that put down. But his case is so mild and he's adapted so well that would have been awful if anyone had done that!!
Still laughing at the "pun of the day". I can hear hubby chuckling, too (despite the fact that it is "cowboy Saturday" and he is watching John Wayne!!).
Stuff to do day? Saturday so will do some dusting and set up Roomba to run around the upstairs. When will they make a robot who can dust?? This afternoon, we're going to a local ice rink that opened up this year. With a coffee house onsite, makes it perfect for a cuppa and watching the skaters ideal on an afternoon where it is actually going to hit freezing.
QOTD: I'm a dog person but there are some kitties that are so gorgeous I have to give my favorite for both species. For cats, a neighbor had a calico angora that was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen. Oranges, dark dark brown and white with long luxurious fur and the biggest head I'd ever seen on a cat. I was 11 (so 50+ years ago) and will never forget that kitty.
As a dog lover, I am partial to Great Pyrenees. This is my Zeus. He's a rescue (he was 5) and came from a very good home. He's now 7-1/2 and currently barking at the UPS truck making a delivery. His personal nemeses are UPS trucks, FedX trucks, Amazon vans and the mail van. He despises them all equally. He's 140 pounds of otherwise good nature, loves kids (who love him and all his fur back) and loves to visit at nursing homes and senior living apartments. He takes me for a walk 3 times a day. He was in desperate need of a bath when I took this pic, lol. He's a groomers worse day b/c he passive-aggressively doesn't cooperate. Takes 2 and sometimes 3 to complete the task. (I tip them very well...)

HW 243 SW 208 GW 125 CW 135
I realize I didn't list my menu.
B. 1 egg plus 1 egg yolk omelet, half oz sausage, 1\4 banana.
L. We ate out. 1/2 Italian sausage, with parmesan cheese and 1 bite garlic bread. Had to check out if it still tastes yucky to me. It does!! That just kills carb cravings.
S. Shrimp, 3 oz with half oz cheese, 2 Brussels sprouts
Sn. Cup of broth w 1\2 celery stalk and 1\2 TBL peanut butter.
Have a nice weekend everyone.

HW 243 SW 208 GW 125 CW 135