What's on your (PHOTO) Friday Menu?
on 1/21/22 1:35 am
Happy FriYAY! Amongst the things I have learned this week...I am the only one here who is ignoring their car's maintenance... good to know, lol.
This was a fast week. I finished a huuuuuge self-imposed project yesterday so I am really pleased with myself right now. I have about a billion other huge projects to start so I am not resting yet, but it was a nice "win". I have a bunch of back to back meetings today so today should go fast, too :) Nothing happening this weekend. It's below 0 again, so we are just hunkering down.
No pics today. I checked my camera roll and I have 40+ pictures of my cats and cookies that I decorated, but that is all. You all must be sick of those by now, haha!
QOTD: Do you buy Girl Scout Cookies? I used to work for the Girl Scouts organization and it was the WORST work environment I have ever been in. Literally women bullying women all day--I hated it with my heart and soul. Even though I love the mission and support the girls, I will never be tempted to buy a box again. So if that helps you walk past the table without guilt, I am happy to help :)
No plan for dinner tonight because I am going to go out with my new coworkers for dinner and drinks. I am sure I will end up over my macros, but I won't go too crazy :)
on 1/21/22 2:08 am - Amarillo, TX
Good mornin everyone. JB I could never tire of your cat pictures or any cat pictures! Is there ever any too much cat photos? LOL
Well yesterday sucked! If you missed my update yesterday someone took out part of our fence and the gate to the driveway. He came sooooo close to totaling his truck as he landed inches away from our huge elm tree. I'm just glad he is ok, our car escaped damage and he is going to fix it this weekend. This fence is just about as old as the house which is around 70+ years old.
Not sure what today's plan is. My mom was wanting to go to the thrift store and maybe Walmart.
I've had a headache for what feels like weeks now. It's getting old real quick. I think my mom and me are allergic to something the drug head neighbor is cooking drugs with. Last Sunday he made something and a lot of it it seems. We both got sick and felt hungover. It was bad enough we went to the police again. He is really spiraling even further south. It's sad for his kids but at this point I believe they'd be better off without him as an influence. There is no doubt that he's going to go to prison from his last arrest but that hasn't influenced him whatsoever to become a better person. He is such a **** human being. I think he's 24ish and has 5 kids. The oldest two is the only ones he has anything to do with and it's begrudgingly done. He regularly drives them around while drunk and or high. So sad. Now it's up to the certain agencies for the next move.
QOTD: no...I haven't had them in over 20 years I think. They just don't appeal to me...mainly due to price but also I detest being hounded when I go grocery shopping!
Food is up in the air as I haven't planned it at all.
my pics are of the fence again.
on 1/21/22 3:35 am
It's good that nobody is hurt, that he didn't hit the tree and that he can fix the fence! It's annoying when stuff happens but those are pretty good outcomes.

HW: 306 SW: 282 GW: 145 (reached 2/6/19) CW:150
on 1/21/22 3:48 am - Amarillo, TX
Indeed! Considering all the that could of happens we all came out pretty lucky!
So true. Pretty minor compared to what could have happened. The bright side is that he didn't continue into the yard and plow into your house!

HW 296 SW 267.8 GW 130 LW 128.2 CW 131.6
Age 55 5 ft 4 inches
Roux-en-Y 3/24/21
Internal Hernia 1/14/22
Gallbladder 3/22
Volvulus 10/7/23-Reversal of RNY 11/19/23
The last of the human freedoms, to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances. (Frankl, 1946)
on 1/21/22 3:33 am
Happy Friday!!! I am ready for the work week to be over!
Semi busy work day today so I think I can get a lot done and get well set up for next week and I have a few key projects that I need to get done around the house but nothing crazy, should be able to relax as well. I will finish episode 9 and 10 of French Polynesia I am certain and then switch to an elliptical challenge next.
QOTD - My great grandmother and grandmother were girl guides/girl guide leaders and then GS leaders, my aunts and my mom were all in girl scouts, as I was, my male cousins were all life guards at Girl Scout camp, I think Girl Scouts teaches great leadership and human skills and I buy two sets of cookies every year -- one from the first Girl Scout to give me a sales pitch and one from the first Daisy/Brownie that I see. I don't typically have self control issues with GS cookies so I buy enough for the year and eat them here and there. (I was not a very good Girl Scout though, some Saturdays my great grandmother would ask if I wanted to go to the movies instead of the Girl Scout meeting and I would always say yes, a girl has priorities). I have experienced that some non-profits can have very toxic cultures behind the scenes. The museum I used to volunteer for was pretty awful that way if you were an employee it seemed.
I will save all of you a bad choice on your GS cookies if you indulge this year - there is a new cookie this year called Adventurefuls -- it's a brownie cookie filled with salted caramel which sounds divine but really it just tastes sweet no other flavor. I had two and then threw the box away. The prior most recent new cookie I think was the GF Smores and it's ok, but really I just focus on the tagalongs and a couple boxes of thin mints.
menu today is a little up in the air, I froze all the left overs but haven't been to the store
GF English muffin with PB
sweet potato
Maybe scrambled egg with cheese
coffee plus half and half X 3
My pictures today are a week in the life of my about to bloom amaryllis (and because of a QOTD a picture of my Nana, Grandma, all my aunts and my mother from the scouting magazine).
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
My mother is the little one; if anyone has seen pictures of my sister or my niece, you can see how true the family cloning holds. I always laugh that they don't have their own names only "mrs. husbands name".

HW: 306 SW: 282 GW: 145 (reached 2/6/19) CW:150
on 1/21/22 4:17 am - Amarillo, TX
What a great family memento! That always makes me kind of cringe. My uncle wa**** by a car as a young child and it referred to my grandma that way in the article. Kind of makes you laugh and cringe at the same time!
on 1/21/22 4:20 am

HW: 306 SW: 282 GW: 145 (reached 2/6/19) CW:150