What's on your Monday Menu?

Queen JB
on 8/9/21 1:44 am
RNY on 07/20/15

Good morning everyone! Welcome back to Monday! I hope everyone had an awesome weekend. Mine was perfect! Saturday I went to a fancy lunch on the waterfront in Boston with my mom, and Sunday we had a little birthday gathering with friends in the backyard. It was really fun and I felt very loved :)

QOTD: Have you reconnected with an old friend? I had a great friend about 25 years ago and for no good reason over time we started to drift. We started texting over the last year of lockdown and yesterday she came to my birthday party. It was sooo great to see her and it was like no time had passed at all. Old friends are so irreplaceable!

Well, food this weekend was a little much. It sure could have been a lot worse, but I had lots of bites of things I should have refused. Oh well--no use crying over eaten cake... I am really going to tighten my belt this week and keep calories very low!

B: Protein Coffee

S: Greek Yogurt & Cherries

L: Chicken

D: Insides of Chicken Tacos

  • High Weight before LapBand: 200 (2008)
  • High Weight before RNY: 160 (2015)
  • Lowest post-op weight: 110 (2016)
  • Maintenance Weight: 120 (2017-2019)
  • Battling Regain Weight: 135 (current)

on 8/9/21 3:03 am
RNY on 09/30/20

Good Morning

Happy Belated Birthday!

QOTD: my circle has always been small - I try and keep in touch with everyone.. even if we haven't seen each other in years.

b: fairlife latte

s: 175g yogurt, 1/2tsp honey, 1/2 peach, 25g homemade granola

l: salad & chicken

s: Turkey meat stick & pickles

d: mushroom and onion omelette with bacon

s: probably not having

e: 50min HIIT class (strength x stability tonight)

Surgery 09/30/20

CW: 147.6 |SW: 221.6 |HW: 255

Learning my new normal, one day at a time.

on 8/9/21 4:22 am
RNY on 02/14/18

Happy Monday!! It's going to be a good week, I am sure of it!

qotd - way back when MySpace started a reconnected with a few people I had lost track of but since then I've been the one that stays in touch with everyone!

menu today

coffee plus half and half

protein shake

English muffin with pb
bulgogi from trader joes

have a great day!

HW: 306 SW: 282 GW: 145 (reached 2/6/19) CW:150


Melody P.
on 8/9/21 4:36 am - Amarillo, TX

Good morning everyone. Happy to hear you had a good weekend JB.

My weekend was so so. The pain med isn't helping as much as the first few days. It still better but still...I'm getting really depressed in relation to the pain. And quite bitter. I'm just tired.

This is the last full week of summer vacation for the kids. For which I am thankful! Friday they had the marble run out...three hours of marble fun........did I ever mention I am sensitive to loud sounds? LOL

If I don't hear about the MRI today I'll be calling tomorrow. Heck I may even call this afternoon. Anxiety is getting the best of me.

QOTD: I lost touch with my high school best friend for about 13 years but we reconnected on FB. She lives in Maine now. I have no friends locally...at all. I feel alone a lot.

Food is up in the air for the most part.

B: oatmeal, cacao powder and coffee

L: protein shake

D: ???

S: potato chips(I know...), cheese and ???

its Frankie's 6th gotcha day! This is my first photo of him!


Melody P.
on 8/9/21 6:35 am - Amarillo, TX

Oh I forgot that I need to make a tutorial for the picture below. It's a cube and I need to do some size testing. Thankfully I have the rings already. I have to try it in bright aluminum and anodized aluminum. This one is stainless steel and bronze.

I could use a little extra cash so thought I might as well give it a try. Will also list some finished pendants on Etsy this week.


Melody P.
on 8/9/21 5:02 pm - Amarillo, TX

I found out more about my MRI and it wasn't really good news. No place in town will touch me. The only place that takes my insurance/Medicaid won't do it since I have a spinal cord stimulator. No other place will take Medicaid. I may have to travel to Lubbock. I just don't know yet.

I'm pissed off and in a pissy mood. I just really don't know what to do anymore. I'll be taking a few days off my iPad. Do a lot of chainmaille and maybe get the steps for the tutorial done.

if you could...please pray my head clears.


(deactivated member)
on 8/10/21 5:04 am
RNY on 01/01/14

Really stoopid question Melanie but I thought spinal cord stimulators programmed precisely ALWAYS got rid of chronic pain .

An older friend I know has one ( a walking buddy ) who hauls along for miles every day despite being almost eighty . Then he does a brutal weightlifting session takes a nap and relaxes with a pitcher of martinis on the beach lol ! What a life ! ( let's nor mention the yearly trips to Tuscany and Eastern Europe ... the local dining adventures in the fanciest places or the collection of great convertible sexy cars - oh did I forget to mention he's married to a very cute smart n nice local Councilwoman so they're like the most popular couple on the island !

my point is he was involved in a terrible car crash a few years ago which literally was crippling . Before that he was a runner - after he always had pain . He's had numerous spinal surgeries to correct a very lopsided post accident gait and neck posture. He can dial up his pain relief - even give his back a quasi - massage ( apparently the device can to be set high enough to feel like a tingle every half minute or so ... ) So I guess I'm asking how come yours doesn't work like that ? Maybe you could ask the surgeon's practice who implanted it to adjust your settings somehow ?

((()))) wishing you the best Melody . I've only ever gotten very mild back pain when I overexerted and some nighttime leg cramps and let me tell ya even that tiny amount of pain reduces me to crying and screaming .

Very very tough if not impossible to live with chronic pain .... my 94 year old great aunt Vera died from the constant hurt from her spine compressing due to osteoporosis. Otherwise there was NOTHING wrong with her .

Melody P.
on 8/11/21 2:01 am - Amarillo, TX

It's supposed to help with the pain...the trial run I had gave me 70% or so relief. I get maybe 15-20% at best with the implanted one. Sometimes it just doesn't do the trick I guess. I'm glad it works for your friend! I suspect I have a lot of nerve damage. My sciatic nerve was squished flat according to my neurosurgeon.

I have used the tingle setting a few times. You can tell in that setting that it'****ting the right spots but it just isn't working enough. I personally regret getting the stimulator.

The only stupid question is the ones not asked! Thanks for the well wishes!


on 8/9/21 5:33 am

Mernin' errybody, happy Monday!

QOTD - I did, until I didn't. Someone I was friends with since I was 9 years old. We recently (past couple of years) reconnected. I've always loved her, and was super excited to get close again. She moved states away, got married, had kids etc. I saw her in 2019 Thanksgiving, introduced her to new hubs, etc. It was great! She let slip that she and other old friends (that we all knew and hung out with) have this long group chat thats been going where they all connect, give advice, and just stay connected. Weird flex but ok. Then, fast forward and shes asked me to help her son get acclimated when he comes to visit/stay here (MID COVID). He's 19, and needed social interaction. Nope. Then, was coming to visit during July 4th and reached out to see if I knew anyone that could take care of her mom (in her 80s, has senile dementia, etc.) while she and her family and friends went to a local water park. Also, invited me to a BBQ with all our old friends including old boyfriends who...frankly were kinda crappy to me and I have trauma around that. SO, long story short I've had to cut her off. No big blow out. No goodbye. Simply a bow out to things, and a self realization that we were people who knew each other a long time ago and things have changed. It was hard, but I've come to realize I have good friends in my life NOW who I would rather invest my time in.

Whew. That was a story.

Breakfast - fasting so hot black coffee and water

Lunch - Dunno, but my coworker is back from CO so we are going out!! Thinking Salata (salad place where I can get everything!)

Dinner - Naan with hummus, sliced veggies, air fried tofu and some guac on the side.

I hope you all have a fantastic day!


Let it begin with me.

03/2009 - SW:261 GW 135 (CW:131)

on 8/9/21 5:49 am
RNY on 08/29/18

Thought of you when I saw a girl wrapped up in a Buccees blanket walking around the airport.

Jim Age 58 Height 6 Feet Consult Weight 344 SW 289 Pre-Surgery -55, M1 -25, M2 -16, M3 -21, M4 -10, M5 -5, M6 -1, M7 -4, M8 0, M9 +4, M10 -4

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