What's on your Sunday menu?

Melody P.
on 5/23/21 3:27 am - Amarillo, TX

Good mornin everyone! Hope that your weekend is going fantastically!

My day yesterday was kind of weird. I've had a bad headache for a while now. Sometimes it's not really bad...other times it's just not pleasant. Last night it was the worst. I ended up going to be early...for even me. Then I had muscle cramps all night. My moderna arm is feeling better so that's good.

Hoping to take it kind of easy today. I helped my mom in the garage yesterday and kind of over did it. I'm hurting a lot this morning. Sigh.....

QOTD: another this or that...do you prefer blue or black ink pens? Or another color?

I like blue but there are some things you have to use black in for.

Day three of mostly liquid diet ahead. Yesterday only had a few slight missteps and I was down a pound.

B: PP shake

L: PP shake - banana blended with it

D: PP oat shake

S: yogurts and a cup of pho broth


on 5/23/21 4:29 am
RNY on 09/30/20

Good Morning!

Yesterday was such a wonderful day! We stopped and saw some family for lunch, and then stopped and saw some friends for dinner.. it's refreshing to people after the last year and a bit! We were so tired when we got home from being outside all day! Overall I made decent food choices - I am however glad that beef jerky and protein shakes exist!

Today I have to go get some groceries, and then I'm going to take the dog to the park for a run.. she was alone all day yesterday which makes me sad.

QOTD: black ink or nothing.

b: fairlife latte

S: 120g cottage cheese, 15g PB, berries & some granola

Rest of the day up in the air.. lots of protein!

e: 20 min strength training 10min stretching (all ready done)

Surgery 09/30/20

CW: 147.6 |SW: 221.6 |HW: 255

Learning my new normal, one day at a time.

White Dove
on 5/23/21 6:57 am - Warren, OH

The military, IRS, and other government offices used to require documents to be signed in blue ink, because a black signature could have been a Xerox copy. This was enforced before color copiers were invented. I still advise my income tax clients to sign their documents in blue ink. Once in a while, an old timer at the IRS wiykd return a form signed in black ink and specify that it needs to be signed in blue ink. I imagine all of those old fuddy duddies are retired now, but the habit has been long ingrained in my mind.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 5/23/21 7:19 am
RNY on 06/03/15

Mornin' All!

Nothing on the agenda today, and it's supposed to rain, so I guess I'll stick around and read or watch another DVD that's (over)due at the library. And I may start transferring some infrequently used foods (like jars of things I rarely use) to the basement fridge so things are more balanced out when they replace the two fridges on Thursday. The freezers are already pretty balanced - but the kitchen fridge is way too packed - it's sometimes hard to find things in there. On the other hand, there's room to "grow" in the basement one....

we went to a social last night at a house on a lake. The location was beautiful, and I knew a handful of people there, so it was great to sit and chat with them (I don't work crowds - I'm fairly introverted, so it's always a relief to spot a couple of people I already know at gatherings). I took food from home (DH picked up a sandwich and cookie at a deli en route), and I didn't eat any of the stuff other people brought to pass, so calories were really good yesterday, too. YAY!

QOTD; for a long time I preferred blue, but I don't think I really care anymore. At any rate, I haven't thought about it in a long time. I just don't like felt-tipped pens, for some reason. My father loved them and insisted on them, but ugh....not me. I much prefer ballpoint ones (or those gel pens)

B: lemon/blueberry yogurt pie with 3 T light Cool Whip, coffee with half & half

MS: protein shake

L: a serving of "sweet kale" salad kit topped with 2 oz chicken

AS: probably a protein muffin (or 1/2 of one) and a L&F yogurt with raspberries

D: I'm thinking about a teriyaki salmon filet and some kind of salad or frozen vegetable medley (I have a few in the freezer...)

ex: something. Probably a walking video given the rain today, but I might go to the gym and do the weight machines instead - not sure.

have a great day, everyone!

on 5/23/21 8:39 am, edited 5/23/21 1:40 am
RNY on 08/29/18

Uniball Vision Elite is the pen for me! I've never seen that orange one though.

Jim Age 58 Height 6 Feet Consult Weight 344 SW 289 Pre-Surgery -55, M1 -25, M2 -16, M3 -21, M4 -10, M5 -5, M6 -1, M7 -4, M8 0, M9 +4, M10 -4

on 5/23/21 11:35 am
RNY on 06/03/15

oh yea - I think we used to have those at work. I liked them, too!

on 5/23/21 8:00 am
RNY on 10/29/19

Good morning! I'm sitting in a sliver of sunshine through the front window of the RV. It's been so cold and windy here, the sun feels amazing. Yesterday was a food success and an exercise success. And also we are totally worn out from hanging with the grand girls. They go home at lunch today and this evening will be all relaxing and leftovers so we can recharge.

QOTD: black ink. But my preference for all the writing I do at work is a mechanical pencil with a #9 lead. I like so much my husband hunted down a bright pink one for my birthday this year.

menu is a bit in the air but I'm hoping something close to this:

B. Jerky and whisps

L: I think a piece of KFC chicken thigh and Cole slaw

D: leftover enchilada hot dish. Turned out real good with a squish of sour cream and when I do the calorie math, it was not bad at all. One serving has two mini corn tortillas, so that's only like 63 calories. Lean ground beef and fresh veggies make up the most of it. And cheese. That was the big ticket, but again, I just need about a 3 inch square piece.
Peace Everyone!

Height 5'3"

HW 200

surgery date 10/29/19 177.9

CW 121.4

goal weight 125

on 5/23/21 5:01 pm
RNY on 03/24/21

Hi Everyone

yesterday my kids had a band (rock) concert in which they performed four new original songs. They sounded really good. Today is my daughters 15th birthday. We went to an indoor petting zoo ( she loves animals). I am trying to be relatively good on food choices but some extras will be had.

QOTD: blue pens.

B: 1/4 c sf Greek yogurt, 1/4c Krave cereal

L: 1.5 fried chicken strips with ranch, 6 fries

S: 1/2 protein drink, small pc German chocolate cake with small scoop ice cream

S: tbd

E: none

back to my eating plan on Monday

HW 296 SW 267.8 GW 130 LW 128.2 CW 131.6

Age 55 5 ft 4 inches

Roux-en-Y 3/24/21

Internal Hernia 1/14/22

Gallbladder 3/22

Volvulus 10/7/23-Reversal of RNY 11/19/23

The last of the human freedoms, to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances. (Frankl, 1946)

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