What's on your Saturday menu?

Melody P.
on 5/22/21 3:51 am - Amarillo, TX

Good mornin menu crew! Hope y'all's weekend is off to a decent start.

Well the liquid diet went mostly well yesterday and I'm down 2 pounds. I also drank more fluid yesterday non-shake wise than I have in a long time. I did have to finish some raspberries and I didn't like the shake I made with them...it was a texture thing for me. They are gone and the only thing I might have other than shakes or yogurt is a banana.

I'm wondering about something. Has anyone that's gotten the Covid-19 vaccine(s) has the arm thing 9 or more days out? I have a big welp on the arm I got the shot in. It's really red and hot to the touch oh and very itchy. My mom looked at it and it's not a spider or bug bite. I am betting it's the Covid vaccine but I'm cuirious as to others experience.

My nieces and nephew all have soccer games today and we are going. I just don't care for it...LOL. I want to see my nephew play but it should be interesting to see 5 & 6 year olds play and their parents. Some parents can sure ruin the fun for the kids. At least these leagues are not officially super serious and meant for fun.

With my pain levels the past few days i'm not looking forward to it. It's felt like my tail bone is going to rip through the skin on my backside. Very uncomfortable. None of the many cushions I have help. I also had horrid leg cramps last night.

QOTD: kind of a silly one...as a kid would you of rather had an ice cream cone or a snow cone?

For me it's snow cone all the way. When it's above 100 degrees it's just so refreshing to shovel ice in your mouth. Granted ice cream for me isn't my absolute favorite. I like the expensive stuff and you shouldn't really make cones with that. I like that I can still have the snow cone if I use certain syrups/flavorings that are sugar free.

B: PP shake

L: PP shake and a banana

D: PP oat shake

S: yogurts


Melody P.
on 5/22/21 3:52 am - Amarillo, TX

Oh and our washer and dryer are in and will be delivered the 26th. Our washer is so close to quitting so I'm relieved. This washer has been a nightmare.


on 5/22/21 4:43 am
RNY on 09/30/20

Good morning!

the pup and I are enjoying the chirping birds and some coffee out on the balcony as we speak. I got back from today's run not that long ago. Every time I lace up my sneakers and head out I amaze myself at what my body is capable of.. life post op is like a second chance at it all.. I remember a time where walking around the block would wind me.. and today I ran for 8 minutes straight without wanting to die.. this feeling is amazing.

QOTD: Ice Cream!

b: coffee w 1/2 caramel protein shake

s: egg bites

l: mango jalapeño sausage

Rest of the day TBD.

have a fabulous weekend!

Surgery 09/30/20

CW: 147.6 |SW: 221.6 |HW: 255

Learning my new normal, one day at a time.

on 5/22/21 5:27 am
RNY on 06/03/15


it looks like it's going to rain out there again today, but according to the forecast, it's not. The wine & cheese thing that was scheduled for last night has been rescheduled for tonight, and we'll be outdoors (next to a lake), so hopefully that's true!

we bought two refrigerators last night. I can't believe it. The one in our kitchen we bought 17 years ago. It's been a good fridge, but it had to be repaired twice in the last year, and the appliance repair person who fixes it said at 17, it's nearing the end of its life. The last time he was here he said we might want to start looking at our options and budgeting for a new one. I personally didn't want to wait until the thing actually dies and have to deal with all the unrefrigerated food for a couple of days while scouting around for a new one and then waiting a couple more days for it to be delivered (if not longer), so I told myself we'd replace it this summer or fall regardless. So we just did. And then we decided while we were at it, we might as well replace the old clunker in the basement, too. That thing has been here since we moved into this house 22 years ago, so it's AT LEAST that old. I'd say probably 25. I was worried one day we'd go down in the basement and find a flood and a bunch of rotten food, so I thought we should probably replace that one as well. We just got a basic model for the basement -- cheap, no bells and whistles, no ice maker - just like the last one. This new basement one will probably last forever, too (very basic with no bells and whistles means fewer things to go wrong with it...). They'll be delivered next week. I was kind of wanting them to be delivered on different days so we could shuffle critical food around between refrigerators/freezers as they were here replacing one or the other, but we save a lot in fees if we do them both at once - and people replace refrigerators all the time - even if they only have one in their house - so we should be able to manage.

QOTD: ice cream for sure. Although i get what you're saying about snow cones. That's why I always have sugar free popsicles in my freezer - they're very refreshing, especially on hot days!!

B: vanilla skyr with 1/2 diced mango, coffee with half & half

MS: protein shake

L: a serving of bagged "Thai n' Cashew" salad topped with 2 oz chicken

AS: L&F yogurt, maybe 1/2 a protein muffin

D: I'll take homemade low-fat chicken salad to the party for my dinner - and maybe the other half of the protein muffin so I'm not eating other food (as I guess some people will bring things like cookies and will push them off on others. It's a monthly wine & cheese thing that hasn't met in over a year, but instead of wine & cheese, everyone is brownbagging this time because of COVID - but I bet there will be some food pushers there who'll bring treats to pass regardless...)

ex: some kind of cardio. I may bike over to the library because I have to return a DVD today, so that would count!!

have a great day, everyone!

on 5/22/21 6:21 am
RNY on 06/03/15

I forgot to answer your question about the COVID vaccine. My arm (at and near the vaccine site) was sore, red, and swollen for 2-3 days. I didn't have any itching, but I know people who did. Nine days seems like awhile, though. Maybe you should let your doctor know just in case? It's probably fine, but I'd probably let my PCP know for peace of mind, if nothing else.

Melody P.
on 5/22/21 4:11 pm - Amarillo, TX


I did some reading and found while it's not terribly common it is known to happen more with moderna than the Pfizer and J&J vaccine. The article even had pictures and it looks a lot like my arm. It's a delayed reaction. Yay...LOL


on 5/22/21 7:50 am
RNY on 10/29/19

Good morning! It was freezing at the campground last night so we took the girls to the closest playground and they played for a while and then we went to the "climbing mountains " and all of us played. I played! I climbed up and down and all around. And even though the tallest one is only like 7 or 8 feet high, the footings are small and narrow and I would have NEVER tried to do it Pre surgery. Simple little NSV, but I'm proud of it. Lol.
Today looks like some sunshine at long last. So we've already un-racked all the bikes and are mapping out all our other playgrounds to check out.
QoTD: Snow cone. No question. And I passed my love of them down to my kids. And then they became adults and we discovered how good a shot of vodka in a snow cone can be on a hot summer night. I swear I don't have a drinking problem, people!


B: 3 oz carnitas, 1/4 c cottage cheese

L: hot dogs for the girls and hubs. Blech. Maybe jerky and whisps for me

D: making a new recipe. New Mexico Hot Dish enchiladas with ground beef and corn tortillas. It cooks up sort of like a lasagna. Has lots of cheese. So a small serving for me with a bit of refried beans.

Peace Everyone!

Height 5'3"

HW 200

surgery date 10/29/19 177.9

CW 121.4

goal weight 125

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