What's on your Saturday menu?

Melody P.
on 12/5/20 4:54 am - Amarillo, TX

Good morning all!

I got decent-ish sleep I guess. My body is aching deeply today though. I'm sitting on my heated throw that's cranked up. I'm not cold per say but it helps with the pain some.

I bought my niece her birthday present yesterday. A music keyboard! My brother is going to hate me but I do t care...it even came with a microphone. All I've got left to buy is a giant pack of batteries. Her BD aid on the 12th and I'm sure I'll have to make her cake too.

No plans for the day. Just might chainmaille.

qotd: do people consider you hard to buy presents for?

I guess my family does for me. I get only money or gift cards. Which is honestly kind of disheartening. I love buying gifts that people will love. I guess it's just chalked up to different things for different people....?

b: oatmeal and coffee

l: taco salad

d: ???

s: popcorn, Brussels sprouts and maybe another coffee.


(deactivated member)
on 12/5/20 5:54 am, edited 12/4/20 9:55 pm
RNY on 01/01/14

I suspect buying you gift cards is really a compliment to your creativity Melody !

Your family and friends probably ( correctly in my case I'm a VERY opinionated artist ) assume you know EXACTLY what you need and desire for your art ... I mean a NORMAL person wouldn't spend 65 bux for a tube of genuine cobalt blue paint but that was my Christmas /birthday present one year from my family ( cuz they gave me money - also the usual gift ) - cobalt blue light, dark, cobalt violet, cobalt green and nickel yellow and genuine rose madder ! Gorgeous natural colors that make my paintings sing every time I look at them so WELL worth the cost .

Swimming this morning - supposedly the pool is warm . Made some French Toast ( with kodiak flour so not so bad ) and pancakes around 1 am and ate w genuine maple syrup .

B- chai tea latte FF SF

L- Maybe the rice /cabbage /meat dish rewarmed or chicken beast marsala ( need to use up my mushrooms )

D- TBD . Dinner last nite was fresh FF cream of mushroom soup w chanterelles and peas and 2 slices whole wheat bread w pizza sauce and fat free Mozzarella cheese

Thinking of buying a shorty triathlon suit for the cold days so I can swim . Theres a solution for everything !

on 12/5/20 6:36 am
RNY on 06/03/15

Mornin' Weekenders!

I'm so excited because my favorite Zumba instructor (from my gym) is doing his class via Zoom this morning! I hope he gets a lot of participants so they'll continue offering it. They added another Zumba class a week or two ago by this other instructor who usually teaches at one of the other branches, but I'm not crazy about the music she picks (not that that should matter - but it does). Anyway, here's hoping this will be a regular thing. Other than that, nothing on the agenda. DH's b-day is tomorrow, so I suppose I could go find him a cake today, but he still hasn't let me know what he wants. Grrr.

QOTD: Yes - I'm sure I'm difficult to buy for since I don't want more "things". I'm not materialistic AT ALL and when I need something (which is rarely), I'd rather buy it second-hand if at all possible, so I usually end up getting gift certificates from people. Which is fine as long as it's for something like a restaurant or coffee place, which I will actually use. If it's from a store, it means I have to buy a "thing". UGH. Depending on where the store gift certificate is from, I'll usually use it to buy something like underwear (which I do NOT buy second-hand), or a gift for someone else.

TSS: 5y6m

B: plain Greek yogurt with cranberry/cherry compote, coffee with half & half

MS: pumpkin Fit Frappe

L: salad with diced turkey and light dressing (I got a turkey breast yesterday at Costco - less sodium than ham, so hopefully it won't blow me up like the ham does!)

AS: probably the usual - L&F yogurt with raspberries, maybe a light English muffin with cream cheese, too

D: more turkey (plus gravy), sweet potato casserole

have a great Saturday, everyone!

on 12/5/20 7:36 am
RNY on 02/28/17

Morning all! Yesterday was a really rough day here along with news from my doc that if I can't eat more that I go back to the hospital...boo hiss!!

Anyway, I did have a good night's sleep and now I'm hangin' with the boys and browsing all of my support groups. In my 3.75 years here on OH, I have found that shared experience is a real motivator and support system even when I've met only a few of you in person. I cherish so many folks that I've met here and am proud to call you Friends.

QOTD: Since childhood, I have LOVED gifts of $$ and gift certificates. It meant that I could buy the books that I wanted or something crafty, not just another pair of SOCKS (or underwear with the days of the week on them...are you old enough to remember those?)! This year my mom wanted to give us restaurant gift cards and I almost screamed! In the end I said that we liked to support our local businesses rather than big chains, which is actually true. I always appreciate Amazon gift cards now, because all year I save books that I don't want to pay full price for. Then I buy them with the gift $$. That said I do enjoy getting special stocking stuffers to open. This year my family are all getting Visa gift cards because the things they want offend me. I rationalize it by saying that what they do with it has nothing to do with me...

Anyway, I also wanted to share that I have the most wonderful fleecy heating pad that goes around my neck and shoulders like a cape. When everything hurts, it is amazing! Sometimes I even put it on my belly or back since it's so soft and large.

https://www.kohls.com/product/prd-3596253/pure-enrichment-pu rerelief-neck-shoulder-heating-pad.jsp?skuId=heating%20pad%2 0shoulder&search=3596253&submit-search=web-regular

OK...food, unknown. I have had some unsweetened soy milk with a cup of tea and will try some yogurt later. Also mashed sweet potatoes usually go down well.

Exercise: I did my PT exercises once yesterday and I again hope to do them twice.

Have a great day everyone and be safe!


HW: 248+, SW (RNY: 2/28/17): 244, GW (10/17): 125; LW: 115; 45# regain (19-20); CW: 135.6; new goal: 135; Plastics: Ext mastopexy, Ext abdominoplasty-5/18/2018; diagnosed w/ gastroparesis 11/20.

White Dove
on 12/5/20 9:54 am - Warren, OH

It is so hard when you don't want food and they tell you that you have to eat it. Sometimes I can eat sugarfree instant vanilla pudding when I can't stand anything else. When my husband was going through chemo, he could not take the smell of food cooking. I got a juicer and made him a lot of fresh juice drinks. They were made with carrots, beets, apples, and other fruits and vegetables. In spite of not eating solid food, he gained weight on chemo from all of the juice drinks.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 12/5/20 8:00 am
RNY on 10/29/19

Good morning! Celebrating 40 (FORTY!!) years of marriage today. We are sitting lake side with coffee and waking up slowly. I got a new "wedding" ring. I've got a collection. I learned a long time ago through a rough patch that it's not the ring that makes a marriage. This one is very pretty, very dainty and fits my new skinny finger. I'm not willing to pay to size my other rings until I settle at a weight. Can't stand the thought of paying to take metal out and then paying again to put metal back in. I've always had weirdly skinny chicken feet fingers, no matter what my weight was, but this ring is a size and a half smaller than my others. I also got an inexpensive silver band to wear camping and biking. Like I said, I collect them.

today's agenda includes finding books, a craft project and outfits to finish off gifts for the grand kids. Also popping into Target for wrap supplies. A bike ride at least once around the lake, hopefully several more laps as well and taking the boys on a nice long walk. They are being so good about not jumping in the lake to chase the ducks, geese and pelicans.

QOTD. I think I am harder now than when I was younger. I asked everyone to stop buying me house stuff, as I don't want the kids to have to deal with my crap when I go. Also, I am very blessed to go get what I need or want. I get a lot of flowers for my special occasions and cards.

menu is up in the air as we are celebrating on the fly. I plan on having an egg and cottage cheese to get me started out on the right foot. Lunch out, maybe Mexican and share a margarita with the hubs. Dinner will be an audible. We have a nice steak to grill if we feel like being at the campsite, or a couple dozen restaurants to choose from if we don't feel like dealing with it. Right now, I'm betting on that steak!

Peace Everyone.

Height 5'3"

HW 200

surgery date 10/29/19 177.9

CW 121.4

goal weight 125

White Dove
on 12/5/20 8:06 am - Warren, OH

Congratulations on 40 years. I always tell people that the first half is much tougher than the second. Have a great day.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 12/5/20 12:53 pm
RNY on 02/28/17

Congrats on your anniversary. I hope that you have a wonderful day!

HW: 248+, SW (RNY: 2/28/17): 244, GW (10/17): 125; LW: 115; 45# regain (19-20); CW: 135.6; new goal: 135; Plastics: Ext mastopexy, Ext abdominoplasty-5/18/2018; diagnosed w/ gastroparesis 11/20.

White Dove
on 12/5/20 8:03 am - Warren, OH

My sister used to work at a store that sold gifts. She helped people pick out presents and wrapped them beautifully. When she gives me a gift, it is exactly what I would have wanted. It amazes me that she finds the things that she does.

I sort of secretly want an Aero garden. We were watching TV the other night and an ad for them came on. My boyfriend asked me how much they cost. When I said about $100, he said that was ridiculous. If people want lettuce, they can buy a pack of seeds for $1 and put them in the ground. I did not educate him on the fun and merits of an Aero Garden, but I will probably buy myself one and he will probably make fun of it.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

Melody P.
on 12/5/20 9:36 am - Amarillo, TX

I wish I could get one too! My cats would never leave it alone.


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