Liquids Chest pain Throw up repeat
WOOPWOOP!!! Im Back I feel good I finished the 33.8 oz of water on my bottle on 16. oz plain water had a cup of broth (gross) but I did it now having a cup of Hot tea.. cant wait to take another omeprazole tomorrow I can eat something.....
Im not a doctor but if anyone is having this problem that I had yesterday and today and all made sense to take the omeprazole that my doc told me to take instead of suffering or waiting to see what happens!!!!
Talk to you all tomorrow....
Well what do you know,
I was cleaning out my hospital bag and I found my discharge folder with all my meds checked off at what time im suppose to take them..
and of OMEPRAZOLE 1- 40 mg in the morning .... smh...I paid for it but like peach pie said this is behind me right now..
I was so hungry I had 1 cup cottage stayed down..
good night!
Yes it was like and day after i took the omeprazole.. sooooo happpyyyyy
dinner instead of salmon that i posted earlier im just eating the rest of my lunch
chilli and cheese and i added a dollap of sour cream....yummyyyyyyyyy..