What's on your (PHOTO) Friday Menu, RNYers?

on 11/1/19 9:06 am
VSG on 06/28/17

I love the costumes. Grim Reefer. Ahhhh...these kids, lol.

WRT to the chewing thing, I had never heard why it was so important to chew food so thoroughly until one of these daily threads, (I knew I was supposed to but not why, I mean). It can be difficult to always remember to chew enough in an era of multitasking but those once in a while episodes sure do remind us don't they?

on 11/1/19 7:20 pm - Pittsburgh , PA
RNY on 12/19/17

Typed about it then turned around and did it at lunch. Was sick for 2 hours. Don't think I'll ever learn.

HW 299 SW 290 CW 139 GW 140 2/08/2019 OPERATION: Surgical Hernia with excision of total surface area of 55 x 29 cm of abdominal skin.

on 11/2/19 5:42 am
VSG on 06/28/17

I am sorry you were sick. I think sometime the emotional hit of wondering how we let it happen again combined with the physical misery that god only knows goes on for how long are sort of a one two punch for us post WLS. You learned, are learning, will continue to learn. It is a moving target. I hope today is better. You are in good company here.

Queen JB
on 11/2/19 3:24 am
RNY on 07/20/15

SO cute!

  • High Weight before LapBand: 200 (2008)
  • High Weight before RNY: 160 (2015)
  • Lowest post-op weight: 110 (2016)
  • Maintenance Weight: 120 (2017-2019)
  • Battling Regain Weight: 135 (current)

on 11/1/19 7:13 am, edited 11/1/19 12:15 am
RNY on 11/22/16

Super cute costume!

on 11/1/19 7:56 am - DC
RNY on 12/16/13

Hi JB! You and Grim are so super cute. Your weekend sounds so lovely. Enjoy the downtime! I highly highly highly recommend an Amazon Prime show called Modern Love. It's based on the New York Times column of the same name. Each episode is like 35 minutes, and each is completely different. It's amazing. I binged it on the flight home from London on Monday!

My brother and his wife and their daughter are on their way to come stay with us this weekend. We are taking the kids to the Michigan football game tomorrow at University of Maryland. It will be cool and sunny. Sunday we will go downtown. So no relaxing for me - I will be cooking for 8!

Luckily my brother does keto so I won't be the only person with a bowl of shrimp or a plate of chicken lol.

B: coffee with half and half and sugar-free hazelnut syrup, 4 oz boars head ever roast (oh glory! It's been like 1.5 weeks without it due to travel!), 1 oz goat cheese

L: leftover shrimp, sautéed in olive oil and garlic and crushed red pepper

D: probably the same as lunch although Kris is also grilling up a bunch of chicken thighs and a big piece of salmon (will throw fries in the oven for kids)

Have a fab day, everyone!!! And a great weekend :)

PS I did not have a SINGLE piece of Halloween candy.

Queen JB
on 11/2/19 3:25 am
RNY on 07/20/15

I will check it out, thanks! Have fun with the fam this weekend :)

  • High Weight before LapBand: 200 (2008)
  • High Weight before RNY: 160 (2015)
  • Lowest post-op weight: 110 (2016)
  • Maintenance Weight: 120 (2017-2019)
  • Battling Regain Weight: 135 (current)

on 11/2/19 5:44 am
VSG on 06/28/17

Make sure you have the tissue box handy for Modern Love; very good show!

Also good is the Netflix original with Paul Rudd. Living with Yourself.

on 11/1/19 8:16 am
RNY on 06/03/15

(late) Mornin', All!

I had to go the lab this morning for some testing. I've had quite a bit of bone loss since my last scan (2017) - 15%. The endocrinologist said that would have been understandable if I'd just had RNY two years ago (it's been 4.5 years), or if I'd just gone through menopause (it's been 7 years), but this is...weird. The only thing I can think of is that that 2017 scan was the commercial one that measured body composition (I wanted to see my fat percentage), and maybe it wasn't as accurate as the medical ones (??). Not sure. (I had a medical one at the clinic about a month ago). At any rate, I have to go through some testing - and I have to have another scan next summer. Hopefully this is just a fluke...

We went out for pizza for my niece's birthday last night. I went over my calorie range, but it wasn't a disaster, thankfully. I had two pieces and skipped the cake. I'm stuck at home today (24-hour urine collection - i.e., another test...), so at least it'll be easy to stay on plan.

QOTD: didn't see any since we weren't at home last night - and didn't see any during the day, either, oddly...

B: protein pancakes with Carbmaster cinnamon yogurt, cooked apple pieces, and SF maple syrup, coffee with half & half

MS: probably nothing since I had a late breakfast (I had to fast before the tests)

L: deli turkey slices - or a salad with diced turkey and light dressing

AS: protein shake

D: sushi??

ex: probably not - I don't want to lug this urine collection jug with me! Although I can do something at home....

have a great day, everyone!

on 11/1/19 8:24 am
RNY on 06/03/15

edited to add pictures (I almost forgot!!). These are from my trip to India

hiking in the Himalayas

cattle were everywhere!! EVERYWHERE!!

Monkeys everywhere, too - and some of them were naughty!! (grabbing food and sunglasses from people!)

this was at the yoga retreat center (we were there for six of the days). The kitchen staff gave the cows scraps around dinner time every night, so the cows started showing up around 5:00 in anticipation...

the Taj Mahal!

RNY 06/03/15 by Michael Garren (Madison, WI)

HW: 373 SW: 316 GW: 150 LW: 138 CW: 163

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