8 hours in ER - all good

H.A.L.A B.
on 9/3/19 11:08 am

I had similar pain you describe.
for me it was GB- liver, and or hernia. Food or gases stuck in hernia.

I still may get things like that - now it can be due to adhesion I have or narrowing somewhere in my small intestines. The pain can be so bad, that I can't talk, or even cry, or breathe.

What I do now - that helps almost all the time: (both)

  1. Hyoscyamine Sulfate sublingual pills - Rx, - i need to take 3-4 and hope this would work.
  2. Warm water with specific electrolytes - 2 packets of Electro mix by Alacer. 88-10 oz of warm water, 2 of those packets plus a few drops of stevia, drink as fast as I can without gagging. - https://www.google.com/search?q=Electro+mix+by+Alacer&rlz=1C 1GCEU_enUS820US821&oq=Electro+mix+by+Alacer&aqs=chrome..69i5 7j0l2.3326j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Unfortunately - a first time I went to a doc - they told me the same thing - "full of ****" . Eating food that can create gas, and being full of solid mass, does not allow the gas to be expelled. Down or up. Stuck gas may start expanding, putting a lot of pressure on the small intestine. I now make sure that my "waste is not hard as rock and that i can expel gases. I know what food can cause cramps like that almost every time, and i avoid that like I would a poison. (corn is one of that, cabbage, onion, beans - except well cooked green beans, etc etc..)

Even having BM daily - we may end up constipated. Severely constipated. I know. Now I take Miralax in my morning coffee and I don't allow to get so backed up. I rather deal with runs, or less solid waste that deal with pain like that.

I avoid pasta, grains, most raw veggies, onions, beans, fruits like peaches, or plums, apples or pears...I love them, but the pectins are great food for internal bacteria, and once the gas is trapped, it is pain pain pain..

I eat fruits and veggies low in FODMAP. I try to follow low FODMAP diet. That works well for me.

If I were yo - I would put in writing exactly what you ate last 2 days. Then anytime you end up in a severe pain - or significant discomfort, I would also record that.

If y have hernia- that may slow down the food transition, and hernia or small narrowing in the intestine - can case pain like that.

I had one surgery that found only a small hernia (unlikely causing food getting stuck) but my surgeon found a portion of my small intestine to be flipped on itself, causing 2 point that food may have hard time to pass through. He fixed that, secured the guts so they would not do that again and closed me up. That was the last time I had so severe pains that would wake me up screaming in a middle of the night. I still end up in pain, but now the RX Hyo. sul. and the electrolytes work to eliminate it in 10 min or less.

Good luck.

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

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