Tues Menu n Exercise
Working in the City again so commercial offerings .
Probably some kind of sandwich like Pret. Packing grapes and diet iced tea as snacks .
Walking jewelry show so easily walking 6-8 miles between 10 am n six pm when show closes.
Early breakfast : chai tea latte
chicken salad on toasted muffin w fat free cheese
sna ck - ready buffet grilled shrimp ( like a cup and a half ) 2 avocado halves and guacamole pomegranate cherry juice spritzer and green juice ( kale and so forth ) from Starbux
candy n nuts ( everyone offers em during the show )
more Pom juice ( I'm addicted to the stuff lol)
low sugar orange juice ( trop 50 ) one glass
can of chili beans w three slices fat free cheese n Chinese chives
red wine spritzers 2