Restaurants RnY friendly
Places that served breakfast were my go-tos if I had to go out early on. I did well with soft cooked eggs, cottage cheese, etc.
Mexican places may have retried beans.
keep in mind that early out, restaurants aren't comfortable places to try new things
HW: 340 SW: 329 Goal: 170
CW: 243
Surgeon: Dr. Kalyana Nandipati (Omaha, NE)
Yeah! 3 weeks! Denny's is pretty good for a good variety of options (Scrambled eggs, oatmeal, omelet with low fat cheese, cottage cheese, split pea, lentil or light cream soups, or tilapia/tuna). They will puree your ground chicken/turkey, vegetables, or anything for you too! One visit to Denny's will give you a pile of leftovers for the fridge, if you have one to use. I had to stay far away from McDonald's or anything like that. Also, you can get small sizes of Greek yogurt or cottage cheese at the grocery store along with unsweetened applesauce. You can even get protein shakes at "Walgreens" if you're desperate. Bring your scale, measuring cups and spoons with you!
Have a good time! Maureen