Torment (can a helpme...)

Amy R.
on 3/9/19 6:31 am, edited 3/8/19 10:33 pm

Hello again Chris. I wish you had made some progress. You've posted variations on this same theme several times over. I've personally written at least one and probably more far-too-lengthy-replies to try and help.

So this time, I'm going to be nice and blunt. It's beginning to look like you are someone who doesn't believe in WLS. It's almost as though you are persistently attempting to discourage. I really hope that's not the case.

Here's what I think and of my mutated post op body and the many (yep many!) chronic conditions I am managing at the moment: Had I not had surgery ten years ago you are correct, I'd likely have not a one of these issues. Not a single one.

Because I'd be dead.

The link below is a list of your posts here so others can see how many times and how often we're getting this redundancy. It's offered not in a spirit of meanness. It may help others, it may even jar you enough to realize your wasting so much time out of whatever you have left worrying over this. Stop. Stop and make the decision to go forward now.

good luck to you, as always. My profile is locked down, but if you'd like to PM me we can talk over more often and in more specific detail. It's not that you can't do this because honey you don't have a choice - it's done. So like it or not you WILL do this, and for the rest of your life. Learn everything about the issues you fear the most and let them go love.

Your Posts

Edited: Sorry to again be so wordy but as I scanned your postings I saw you mention the (possible) lengthening of of the heart's Qtc interval caused by some psych meds. Survivor of two episodes here. There is a 5ish% chance of surviving one time because there are no symptoms other than waking up on the wrong end of the green paddles. My first episode, I wa**** with the de-fib 13 times. I was awake for eleven of those. You know something unusual has happened when the ER nurses start coming in to see the patient they had sent up to ICU to die the night before. Four years later it happened again. I bother all of you with this only to make two points:

1) My first episode was in 2006. Two full years BEFORE my WLS. The second was in 2010. My family came from all over to say goodbye because that time I wasn't awake - I was in coma and on life support. There won't be a third chance.

2) But. The cardio doc who saved my life is the head of a large study center over here and just happened to be leaving for the evening when he walked by me in the hospital gurney that very first night. He's been clear, and I've studied it a bit myself, the ablation you speak of in your post will never stop Qtc prolongation. Ablations are miracles that fix many problems. Qtc prolongation refers to the electrical impulses that maintain your heart rate. It's cousin is a-fib; a somewhat similar erratic heart rate in the atrial chamber that is much easier to control (because you can feel it). Ventricle Tachycardia is an arrhythmia in the ventricle heart chamber. When we see world class athletes and healthy teenagers dropping dead of heart failure? That was likely V-Tach. As with a pacemaker, ablation for V-Tach is useless.

So see? WLS has nothing to do with Qtc prolongation and the ablations you speak of them having to perform right at or during your sugery were likely unrelated. Even dehydration can trigger v-tach because your potassium level tanks and it has got to be kept within normal range for survival. (I had "cadaver level" potassium the first time because who knew?) So now you know one reason why we preach so much about not getting dehydrated too.

Sorry for yet another extended answer to this OP but I don't want' mis-statements out there, however well intended. If something has changed in regards to v-tach and it's relationship to WLSI'm happy to look at the studies and correct myself.

yee****alk too much.

on 3/9/19 6:46 am
on 3/9/19 6:48 am, edited 3/8/19 11:12 pm

Eu não quero desencorajar. Eu não entendo, estou desapontado com a sua mensagem.

Por que você agrupou minhas postagens?

Às vezes as pessoas vivem processos mais lentamente como eu.

Eu não menti, pedi ajuda. Eu faço terapia duas vezes por semana, psiquiátrica, ontem iniciei a acupuntura.

Por que você quer me machucar? Estou tão desapontada e triste ...

Nós precisamos de respeito e apoio, sem raiva.

Quais problemas crônicos você vive? Eu fico aqui por apoio e encorajamento. Você vive um momento ruim com a WSL agora? Sharig e nós podemos ajudar você.

Edit: thanks for share informations about hidratation. I pray for your health.

Amy R.
on 3/9/19 7:10 am, edited 3/8/19 11:11 pm
On March 9, 2019 at 2:48 PM Pacific Time, Cris1976 wrote:

I do not want to discourage. I do not understand I'm disappointed in your message. Why did you group my posts? Sometimes people live processes more slowly like me. I did not lie, I asked for help. I do therapy twice a week, yesterday I started acupuncture. Why do you want to harm me? I'm so desapointed... We are need respect and suport, no angry.

What cronic problems you live? I stay here for suport and encouragement.

And I also do not wish to discourage. I believe I even mentioned something like that.

What I do want to do is get you in to studying out some of your fears. Stay here and keep posting, but also go out and read. You are the only one who can rescue yourself from your morbid thoughts. Wouldn't you rather be out enjoying your life?

AS far as grouping your posts - I didn't. This forum does it automatically. Here are a bunch of mine. Posts are public here which is why I offered to talk to you privately via PM. Nothing personal; honestly if you are in this much angst though you may benefit from looking at your issues other ways.

Also, on this forum, deleting your posts or similar will earn you a reputation you may not want. I wouldn't advise it. Edit. Don't delete.

here's me editing, instead of deleting. I haven't been disrespectful. I've attempted to give you a hand up. It's a character flaw I have (example: I've now spent almost an hour on this thread, making sure it's legible, understandable and that my hard facts are correct). I'm not one bit angry, but I will refrain from answering anymore of your questions in the future if I trouble you.

But you asked about my own chronic conditions? I'm looking at spinal fusion #2 this year. It cannot be done laproscopically because my first in 2006 was full on open and I have scar tissue all the way down the length of my back. Double knee replacements soon as well. Back in 2008 95% of my stomach was removed due to non-healing ulcers that bled and scarred shut my pyloric valve. After ten years they are back. There is no tissue left to remove. I had a bowel resection back in 2014, which gifted me in 2015 with hernia surgery. I now apparently have another hernia, farther up, and the pain right now is just beyond. My immune system is compromised and my vitamins needed adjusting which I sadly didn't notice until I lost most of my long hair (and my eyebrows too!). I've recently had my blood sugar issues go from manageable and somewhat predictable to the point where 911 had to come and revive me. I've had blood transfusions and iron infusions. I'll always have this trusty chemical port because those will be unending for me. (although the blood transfusions have gone way down).

Do you want the psych stuff? Because I have extreme PTSD, I've also got DID, rapid-cycling bipolar and GAD.

I'll say it again. Good luck to you. So we can part agreeably I hope.

on 3/9/19 7:22 am, edited 3/8/19 11:25 pm

I did not know about posting exclusions. I saw that it was not well written and I wrote again. Just this. English is not my native language. I will not exclude from now on. The people on this forum have helped me and help. I am very grateful to all people. I ask for your patience and empathy. I do not know what difficulty lives in the moment.

Amy R.
on 3/9/19 8:34 am

Gracias Espanol no es mia lingua nativia. Te deseo suerte. ¡Mi teclado ni siquiera permite enyas! El enlace que publicaste confirma la informa****n que te proporcioné y aprecio tu conversa****n. Buena suerte para ti.

please forgive my sloppy translations.

on 3/9/19 7:36 am

About QT and Antidepressants: -antidepressants

The WLS probably safe my life because i had my firt clinical signals of arritmia after.

on 3/9/19 7:54 am

I understanding your posts. Calm your soul. You lives so many dificult adversities. You are so strong. God bless you.

Amy R.
on 3/9/19 8:36 am

Gracias Usted también. Mi vida es hermosa y mucho más fácil que la de muchos. Espero que encuentres tu alegría. ¿Nos separamos como amigos?

on 3/9/19 9:34 am

Yes, like friends.
