Hi Zaniiaim:
I had RNY on 8/20/18. I have had a lot of different sensations post-op that I thought were hunger pains, but some of them weren't.
I know you said hunger "pains," but my pouch now makes so many loud noises since surgery that I almost dread being in a quiet room! The noises are often accompanied by physical rumblings in my pouch. Often when this happens, I mistakenly assume they mean that I'm hungry. Usually, I'm not. I just have a very active pouch.
I also have episodes where I think I'm hungry because I get feelings like I used to get when I was hungry . . . a little stomach grumbling and a slight feeling of lightheadedness. What I do at these times is to first check what time of day it is. If it is a typical time I used to eat, I don't trust the feelings so much. If they continue, I try and drink something to make sure I'm not thirsty instead of hungry. If they persist even after I drink fluids, especially the lightheadedness and I haven't eaten something recently, then I do get something to eat.
Over time, I have gotten a better handle on what feelings and sensations really mean I need to eat. But, most of the time, I really haven't had hunger pains and that's a whole new experience for me!
I hope you can sort things out for yourself, too. You still are very early in the post-op period. If you had a restricted pre-op diet and a limited post-op diet, you may actually be truly hungry at this time!
I'm a bit farther along post-op than you are. I make my own menu -- usually 3 meals and 1 or 2 snacks daily as long as I eat at least 60 g of protein and drink at least 64 oz of fluid. My diet also is low fat and very low in carbs.
I don't think any Surgeon or Bariatric Program recommends grazing. That usually leads to overeating, lack of weight loss, and future weight regain. I don't believe that would be a good idea following any type of WLS.
Did anyone have hunger pangs after bypass? I don't know what this feeling is but it feels like hunger, is this normal? I'm 5 days out and so far clear liquids and protein shakes only for 9 more days.
it could be acid or it could be dehydration. Sometimes we think we are hungry when we are really thirsty. How much liquid are you getting?
At five days post-op, feelings of pain and exhaustion was it for me but I was older and far from normal health. To tell the difference between head hunger and real hunger-- head hunger can be distracted away, real hunger intensifies with time. Following are things to think about down the road I have found helpful: It has been suggested the words "hungry" and "full" are to be considered dead words for the post-WLS life. Food is for nutrition only and no longer for comfort, entertainment, boredom, etc. Food is to be measured or weighed and eaten on scheduled times. When choosing food, three questions to ask are: 1. is it a dense protein? 2. is it a vegetable? 3. it is an occasional fruit? If the answer is "no," rethink the food choice.