Never has refried beans tasted so good!
Refried beans form a can are "alright" but making your own bean soup and pureeing it is much better/healthier.
Cumin is the secret ingredient there.
Checked out the ingredients.... one of them is "spices"
I'd bet a shiny quarter that there's cumin in there.
HA! Touche, my dear!!! I had that exact conversation with myself last night -- "I betcha 'spices' is cumin." I'm from South Texas -- we put cumin in just about everything!!!
YES! Hubs came home to me making a big ol pot of pinto and Anasazi beans last night. He gave me the serious side eye -- until I reminded him that I am "graduating" to pureed foods today, and that's going to be my dinner tonight!! Woo Hoo!!!
Day 2: I have an opened can of refried beans now and a container of cottage cheese. I am instructed to eat 1/2 - 1 ounce of protein every hour. Here is what I ate today. I marked a paper plate like a clock and put refried beans or cottage cheese in front of each hour and put the plate in the fridge. I left the fork on the plate so I didn't have get a new one each time. Every hour I used the cold fork and ate my meal. Tomorrow I am adding a hour of eggbeaters. Can't wait!