New to the RNY forum
on 8/9/18 1:36 pm
I am 5'8" and technically underweight right now post-hernia & fundoplication surgery (per BMI chart); however, I am not worrying about it or trying to gain weight. Nor are my physicians concerned about my current weight. I feel pretty good while I wait to get my appetite back and can advance my diet. I joke that I'm Hollywood thin, which is true, but I'm healthy by most/all measures. I'm on the edge of normal BMI so this won't be an "issue" for very long.
I've read so many stories of people that do a lot to gain weight and end up gaining too much and developing poor eating habits. I did not have WLS 18 months ago to end up with a poor result long term. I'm confident that when I can eat dense protein and veggies again that my weight will stabilize appropriately.
momtshaver: Your current weight is in the normal BMI range. Are your physicians telling you you're grossly underweight or is that your perception?
Not only was my weight 125 at 5 foot 9 I had other issues from long term malnutrition and dehydration and other health issues. I was nearly passing out chronically, hair breaking off and falling out, bad labs etc.It is more catching up nutritionally. I understand what you are saying
I was 115 lbs a week ago and 119 lbs this morning so my BMI has been 17.x over the last 2 weeks (post-op) as it has been hard to eat anything. Yet my hair and everything else (e.g. labs) are fine; no malnutrition or dehydration. Bile/acid reflux caused unintended weight loss over the last 8 months. I actually feel really good, especially my joints, which used to be so painful due to arthritis.
It is interesting how everyone's body is so different. I was just hoping you weren't getting thin-shamed such that you'd feel pressure to gain too much weight. Good luck healing! :)
The nut butters are an excellent suggestion as they "should" go down fairly well and are loaded with calories, yet still nutritious. If you're able to substitute the actual nut butter for the PB2 even better as you are losing a lot of the fat in PB2, and hence the calories.
As far as pure calorie density goes, if anything you're eating allows you to add oil to it, there is no more calorie dense food than oil. There is 120 calories in just a tbsp of oil, so if you can mix that in anywhere it will pack quite the caloric punch. Not necessarily recommending oil as a great source of nutrition, but you can't beat it for pure calories.

I'm not really sure what your new configuration is, but it sounds like you are consuming a lot of sugar. Do you dump on sugars like some people with RNY? I get really sleepy with too much sugar even if it comes from natural sources (fruit, milk, and yogurt).
Laura in Texas
53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)
RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis
brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco
"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."
on 8/9/18 2:53 pm
I'm not really sure what your new configuration is, but it sounds like you are consuming a lot of sugar. Do you dump on sugars like some people with RNY? I get really sleepy with too much sugar even if it comes from natural sources (fruit, milk, and yogurt).
If I go very slow not so much but I'm very cautious and have had some if I am not very paced
on 8/10/18 2:34 am
Welcome! There was a lovely young woman who, like you, was scheduled for a bypass due to ongoing problems similar to yours at one of my pre-op meetings. I wish you tremendous good luck in becoming more healthy!
Thank you. If that young woman manages to find her way here to Obesity Help I hope she says hi. I feel very alone sometimes because it is hard to make connections with similar cir****tances and in addition to trying to choose what is best in the middle of a hard medical issue it is just lonely. There are good days after but still, hard days. Days wondering if you made the best choice, where maybe you could have done something different, etc. Thank you for responding

on 8/10/18 2:41 am
I'm not really sure what your new configuration is, but it sounds like you are consuming a lot of sugar. Do you dump on sugars like some people with RNY? I get really sleepy with too much sugar even if it comes from natural sources (fruit, milk, and yogurt).
Do you mean anatomy or diet plan? For the diet, I am using the post op bypass diet from the center of excellence posted online (per the local surgeon instructed) as a minimal guide. This helps some with timing of meals if I want to stay on track. However because I don't want to lose weight my original and revisional surgical place had suggested higher calorie options like Boost or Ensure (but I worry it would make me dump looking at the ingredients, so I decided to blend my own and see what my body can tolerate). I have a much smaller bypass, (the goal was to re establish a route for nutrition not give me the malabsorptive aspect but I will have some of that just having a smaller stomach/pouch and even a meter of bypassed intestine), however you are correct about the sugar. Right after surgery I went super slow and started flushing and getting warm on just less than half a popcicle; however, by the next day I could sip a tiny bit of juice (for a test) very slowly. Very slowly. I have experienced the very sleepy feeling with certain things and not others. I am still learning about dumping and sugar vs. fat and finding that balance, and that balance for my body and realize it changes over time and not everyone is as sensitive or has the same symptoms or severity. Last night it too me 2 hours to drink my night protein shake instead of an hour or hour and a half. My heart rate kept going up (I wear a fit bit) and I just didn't feel the best. I definitely want to tweak this but I want to get more food in to the protein smoothies and/or to slowly phase them out. I will definitely be watching the threads where people are posting what they are eating for ideas.

on 8/25/18 4:18 pm
Hey! Yes, things get easier every day. It is weird, despite that, my anxiety is still high. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop or something to go wrong even though I feel so much better than before my revision. I still have some recovery to do to get to a healthier place but from where I was before my revision it is like night and day. I really hope my anxiety goes away. I still get scared and think about "what ifs" with having the bypass. I spent so much time thinking that the gastric sleeve would be my answer to my morbid obesity and related issues and then when the issues came up I think it sort of made me realize there are no guarantees. In my research I came across so many stories that frankly scared the you know what out of me. I am trying to hold those in contrast to all of the very good stories but sometimes I feel like if something is going to go wrong it will be me. Story of my life sort of thing. I try to snap out of that and just appreciate that right now things ARE good but the bottom line is I still get scared. :/ I don't know if that is normal. I know a lot of bariatric patients have a few emotional ups and downs. I appreciate being able to eat and drink again but as much as I am grateful that issue was fixed, sometimes I get depressed that my first surgery wasn't a success despite how much work I did trying to make sure it was a success