Is it possilbe???
Is it possible for the opening at the bottom of your stomach to need to be closed up some years after RNY? I am hungry 1.5 hrs after eating. I am not able to eat a lot at one time but I get hungry very soon after. I do not drink liquids and even if I only have protein like yogurt I am hungry shortly after. Please let me know what your opinion or your experience has been. Thank you so much
There are surgeons who do that. I have never heard of anyone being successful with that procedure.
My solution is to plan six small meals a day. I do by calories, not volume, to be sure that I do not eat very much. My meals are mainly dense protein, weighed on a food scale, and total about 200 calories a meal for 1200 calories a day. Everything is tracked in My Fitness Pal before I eat it.
There is a point after weight loss, somewhere in the third year, where you have to diet again. That means controlling calorie intake.
The surgery does that for you until the malabsorption goes away. After that your weight is totally dependent on how many calories you take in.
It took me a lot of experimenting and failures to finally accept that is how it is.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends