Being uncomfortable
hi all, I'm just over 6montgs post op and I've been experiencing a couple different problems. I've noticed that no matter what I eat, it causes me great pain and I become very uncomfortable. It doesn't matter if it's scrambled egg, cottage cheese or chicken. I've also realized that when I do eat, 9 times out of 10 I end up vomiting. Even water sometimes makes me vomit. I haven't seen my dr in about 3 months, and I really don't want to have to go see him, but I'm starting to get a little worried. If I'm lucky, I manage to eat once a day and keep it down. Any suggestions??
Have you just called into the Dr to talk to a nurse first? I know that as I have issues, I call the nurses and they tell me what to do or say it is completely normal.
I had the same issues a month ago, now I am having the opposite where everything runs through me!!! I really think calling into the nurse would be the way to go if you do not want to go see the Dr.
on 6/26/18 6:42 am
I can't express enough that this is not at all normal. Additionally, if you are also having the issue with water, dehydration can also be contributing to your nausea.
I agree with Kim, it has many of the hallmarks of a stricture.
However, no one here can diagnose you --and make no mistake, you need seen asap by a medical professional.

"What you eat in private, you wear in public." --- Kat
I am 4 weeks post-op and just met with my surgeon this morning for the same thing you are describing. I am dehydrated and iron deficient and he said it was probably a stricture. I am having an endoscopy with dilation a week from Friday and he's hoping this will be the end. He did say that some have to have a few more times for your opening to maintain its size.
He said I'll feel better right away, but until the procedure I have to sip as often as possible and cannot move past the puree phase.
Hope this helps, but I would call your doctor immediately.