I am fat
I like to think of the pouch reset a little differently. I was eating portions that were too large. When I tried to eat smaller portion sizes, I didn't feel full and I always wanted to eat more. After I did the reset I found I could feel satisfied with the small amounts of food and I am now able to keep my meals small. Now let me reinforce that I could easily increase my portion size and be back to where I started. This is where the self control comes into play. However I found it to be very helpful in the long run and have done well for almost 6 weeks.

Thanks! It sounded like you were relatively far out. I give a bit more credence to opinions of those who have been there and done that; so much knowledge comes from living this thing day in and day out.
For the record, I'm not opposed to the pouch test if someone chooses to use it. I can see the possible benefit to a person's mindset. And of course we're all adults and whatever works for someone, they should do that. My main mission when threads like these pop up is to make sure folks know that there is no quantifiable physical benefit to eating this way for 5 days or 10 days or even 200 days. And of course I've formed my own opinion based on my personal experience.
18 years is incredible! I hope you stick around and keep posting.
edited: grammar
I have read all the other comments. I agree ,It is the carbs and sweetners you should be detoxing from..protein, fresh squash, stewed or, microwaved , string beans , ..would be my focus. I would/have cut all bread/and many carbs o get weight loss restarted. Like someone else mentioned. The tool still works. Now you have to work with what you have. It will take time and effort. You can do this and you are worth this effort.
Go back to your prescribed protein and carb counts...separate liquids from foods,by at least 30 minutes... take small bites **** cream tasting spoon)and chew every bite 10 times. Measure your food, write it all down...This works.. drinking liquids only will leave you hungry and weak.
When i feel stuck, I find that boosting protein by 2 or 3 servings a day , especially late in the evening helps keep me from awakening very early with hunger/acid etc.My orig goal was 90 grams and less than 50 grams carbs... was 5' 5" and have a frame that borders between small and medium. This is where my baseline is. this is where i go back to for my reset, re vamp of diet..
.You also need to get your bloodwork checked to make sure you are not having undiagnosed anemia's . I take B complex sublingual to help with my carb cravings, Normally i take one cc under tongue. every day/qod.(I have something else i alternate it with). but if I am having carb cravings I increase to 2cc for 3 days.( then back to one cc.).this and cutting carbs to BELOW 50 per day.(20Grams a day is ideal for at least 2 weeks to jump start your loss)..will stop the carb cravings in 3 days.My nutritionist recommended the b complex to stop carb cravings.. I
Weighting.. I posted and sent.. did not realize i did not say I had an early WLS, that is obselete now..23 years ago.. a combination of much of what is done today pls some more. Getting on track is so important. Thank you for having the courage to come and post and make the committment to get healthy. Hang in there you can do this. I had a gain a few years ago. I re gained 45 lbs./much of it from stress.. am down to the last 15.. so don't think you are alone in this struggle.