What's on your Thursday Menu, RNYers?
Love your description of home!

HW: 248+, SW (RNY: 2/28/17): 244, GW (10/17): 125; LW: 115; 45# regain (19-20); CW: 135.6; new goal: 135; Plastics: Ext mastopexy, Ext abdominoplasty-5/18/2018; diagnosed w/ gastroparesis 11/20.
Good morning :)
It's supposed to be quite warm here today. I'm off to take the puppies for their annual heartworm test and to get their flea, tick, and heartworm meds. Apparently the ticks are going to be bad here this summer so I want to make sure they are protected :) I don't know what else I will get up to... I did buy some bigger pots for my basil plants so I might transplant those.
Yesterday was not a great day. I was supposed to go for blood work in the morning but I jumped in the car and it was dead. I called our auto service and they boosted the battery. I took the car in to get a new battery. Then when I finally went for blood work they had to stick me twice because the first vein wouldn't flow lol.
QOTD: in the past year we hosted Christmas and our wedding at our house. My family stayed with us for about a week around both so that was very busy. Our wedding was very budget friendly. We actually won a gift certificate that covered the cost of our party rentals except for $65. It was such a great day and exactly our style.
Post-op three years and two months.
Breakfast - protein shake
Snack - cheese sandwich
Lunch - leftover rib and burger
Snack - Greek yogurt
Dinner - homemade pizza
Snack - pudding
All water and vits.
Good morning! Congrats on the potential job, that sounds great! I hope it all falls into place for you.
Last night I bought a pony clamp and a bunch of pipe and fittings etc. to make a homemade bike stand. I like my local bike shop (LBS) but it's getting expensive as heck to do anything so I'm going to wrench my own bike for the little stuff. I don't do gears much so the occasional tune-ups will still be by them. My commuter bike is 24 speeds and kinda complicated looking, but I'm studying online and hoping to take a bike repair class or two. Seems it's in my blood to stay. I can use this stand to clean and service, and the other 3 bikes in the household are all cruisers which are super easy to maintain.
After that I changed the oil, cleaned the air filter, put fresh gas in the mower (the old stuff was 2 years old!) and cut/trimmed the grass. It's growing so fast this spring that I'm cutting it 2X a week at minimum. After doing the dishes and tidying the upstairs, putting the kids to bed, I was toast.
Menu: Protein bar/coffee for breakfast, protein shake/cut up apple for both snacks, and lunch is an old favourite. 1/2 cup 1% cottage cheese with 1/2 can tuna and about 10 slices of cucumber cubed up in it. Fantastic. Supper will be a recipe my wife found on Faceclub. Chicken dumplings. I'm not too crazy about the dumplings (being a bread-y carb I tend to avoid) but the chicken is pretty awesome. She nailed this dish (we had it last night). The golf-ball sized dumpling I did eat was tasty but sat like a rock later.
QOTD: We don't host many, but we used to host an annual Christmas party for family/friends as a drop-in type deal. At one point we had 90 people milling about our little wartime 1.5 storey house until folks that had been there a while realized that it was pretty packed. Now that we've moved into a raised ranch almost 3x the size, we've only hosted family Christmas once. It was super special because my late grandpa made the trip, and not only went up the stairs to the main level, but down to the basement, then up to the main again because he had to see my pad. He loved it of course and we had a great time. I was so blown away that he tackled the stairs without help (I was there to catch him if he mis-stepped of course). At the time he was 90. I'll never forget that he did it all with a smile.
Good morning menu folks! I didn't sleep well last night. I just couldn't get comfortable in my chair. The butt bones are tired of being used 23 hours a day! It must be time to move to the chair and the bed or something.
This is a quick stop in since I have my second followup appointment and need to leave in a few minutes. Hopefully I will get 2 more drains out and only have 1 more! Yippee!
I have developed a rash on my right side between the bra and the compression garment and have no idea what it is from. It doesn't really itch, but it looks icky.
For those of you who haven't seen yet, I posted a 5-day update with some pictures on the PS forum last evening. If you are interested in hearing more, stop by.
Menu: My appetite is coming back somewhat. I had ham for breakfast and 6 cashews. If I have energy after the appointment I may ask to go out to eat. I'd like Thai because I can have soup and chicken satay...yum! I'd love to have shrimp again for dinner, but not sure if we will order out or just graze. If I graze, it will probably be a TJ's chicken sausage. I'm adding in small amounts of fruit like blueberries and cantaloupe too and they are heavenly.
And I am drinking lots of water, tea, PowerAde Zero and 2 protein drinks.
Exercise: hoping that I might be released to walk a little more. I feel really housebound in this lovely weather!
HUGS everyone!

HW: 248+, SW (RNY: 2/28/17): 244, GW (10/17): 125; LW: 115; 45# regain (19-20); CW: 135.6; new goal: 135; Plastics: Ext mastopexy, Ext abdominoplasty-5/18/2018; diagnosed w/ gastroparesis 11/20.
I did! The last one will hopefully come out in another week! Better safe than sorry!

HW: 248+, SW (RNY: 2/28/17): 244, GW (10/17): 125; LW: 115; 45# regain (19-20); CW: 135.6; new goal: 135; Plastics: Ext mastopexy, Ext abdominoplasty-5/18/2018; diagnosed w/ gastroparesis 11/20.
Good Morning and it's Friday-eve...we are close to what I hope is a long weekend for most of us! JB, you have me on pins and needles-hoping you get all the confirmations you need today!
Accountability: Almond granola cups and a PB&J on a low carb pita were added.
QOTD: Last year when John turned 40 we had a party at a pizza/game place. That was last summer and I can't think of anything since then.
Time since surgery: 3 years 9 months
B: SF latte, eggbeaters, ½ an orange and 2 turkey sausage links
L: Albacore lettuce wraps and baby carrots
S: Pistachios, Buddig ham pack and Carbmaster yogurt
D: Spaghetti squash casserole, spinach salad with Bleu cheese, skinny girl dressing and pecans, and 2 squares dark chocolate
ES: Homemade Greek yogurt with SF syrup and ¼ cup fiber cereal
E: 6 miles ran this morning and 40 mins of elliptical at lunch
V/W: On track
Totals: Cals:1230 Protein:116 Carbs:68 Fat:59
Have a great one!
Good morning everyone!
I am very much looking forward to this weekend...I dont have plans for memorial day but Saturday is Story's dance rehearsal and Sunday is the recital. Its probably going to be the cutest thing ever, watching a bunch of 2-5 year old's in sequin costumes try to remember their dance moves. we are going to get her some flowers and take her out for dinner after.
QOTD: when I was growing up we always had parties at our house, our parents let us have at least one big party every year (they have a large backyard) usually in summer time. we have had a couple NYE parties too...I haven't hosted a party at my own house since Story's birthday last November. it was just my immediate family and their kids since our house is kind of small. the previous year we had about 50 people and it was very claustrophobic. I did help plan a baby shower my our sister-in-law last October but it was at her aunt's house so basically we just made all the decorations and desserts, etc and had it catered. it was very fun though- Nightmare before Christmas theme!
Morning: coffee w/half caramel PP
B: 1/2 c cottage cheese with a handful of blueberries
L: cheesy chicken enchilada soup
S: greek 100 protein yogurt
D: Meatloaf and some kind of veggie
have a wonderful day everyone!

RNY 2/12/18
5'4 1/2" tall, HW : 315 lbs, Surgery Wt: 297lbs.
M1: -17.5lbs M2: -11.5lbs M3: -12lbs M4: -13lbs M5: -13lbs M6: -13.5lbs M7: -12lbs M8: -14lbs M9: -10.5lbs M10: -7.75lbs M11: -5.25lbs M12: -4lbs M13: -3lbs M14: -7lbs M15: -2lbs M16: -1lb **made it to goal!**
CW 148
on 5/24/18 10:48 am
We are going to need lottos photos of the recital. Sounds adorable :)