i just ate a **** ton of chocolate teddy grahams
The chocolate is probably better than the crackers they're covering. Then again I doubt it's very good chocolate.
I usually keep a bit of dark chocolate in the freezer for "emergency use" and I use it sparingly.
Tomorrow's a new day. Get rid of the bad foods and get back on track. Nothing else you can do right?
on 2/23/18 3:01 pm
Question 1: Not everyone dumps, but being that she's not very far out from surgery and the high amount of simple sugars in them, it is possible that she would dump. Not dumping this time doesn't mean she will never dump, however.
Question 2: RH is an abbreviation for Reactive Hypoglycemia.
"What you eat in private, you wear in public." --- Kat
I read a quote on here that I really love and comes in handy so often. It went like "Failing isn't falling down, it's not getting back up" or something along those lines. We are human and not perfect, so we all mess up sometimes, we just have to take a breath and get back on track. I can see from your ticker that you've lost a lot of weight, you have a ton to be proud of! Maybe you can redirect your thoughts to planning out some really great meals over the next couple of days?
Don't let this get you down, you are so much more than one slip up
on 2/23/18 2:58 pm
First, feeling bad about yourself tends to be a vicious circle. You messed up -- let it go and get right back on plan. Berating yourself only brings down your confidence.
Secondly, now is a good time to figure out why you ate them. Was there a precipitating emotion? Was it out of boredom, depression, compulsion, etc? You have to identify the why to be able to change the action in the future.
Third, once you know why you ate them, what can you do differently next time? Having a coping plan in place before you are in the same situation will give you a better chance at changing the behavior.
Last, get rid of the Teddy Grahams. They obviously tempt you, there's nothing good in them, and even your kid doesn't need that crap.
"What you eat in private, you wear in public." --- Kat