Feeling better
So I finally feel motivated again, I've definately gone through a drastic diet change, but it's working, I've lost 11 pounds in 5 days and finally feel like I can do this, I guess I just thought that I sabotaged the surgery and it won't work for me anymore. I decided because I want to get to 199 quickly as possible, I've gone the ketosis route, I followed this diet many years ago and figured this might be the way to get the best results I can quickly as possible (I know it's not good to rush and not very realistic) but I feel like this might be the best for me because I have fallen off so many times. I checked with the ketone sticks and it's showing high levels. I'm eating about 600-700 calories per day, 65-75 protein, under 35 carbs, and about 30 grams of fat, and burning 300 each night cycling. I'm getting excited because I'm now seeing results (just worried about hitting a plateau but then I'll up my protein and cut out more carbs if need be). Still got a ways to go, but knowing I was 356 down to 253 is a great feeling, just wished I would have used the honeymoon phase a bit better, but I still can use the tool I have and just have to work a bit harder, which I think I needed that kick because this isn't just a magic trick, it's a tool I have, and it's permanent for the rest of my life, not just till I get to my goal.